Showing Posts For theridiid.8746:
sword-warhorn / longbow
is condition sword / horn / bow warrior viable in PVP? I try it but find myself overpowered very often.
I want to know if its just me being bad, or if condition sword warrior isnt as good as it used to be. I used to wreck stuff as warrior a year back – now i just can’t find a condition build that works.
Any tips from experts?
Xyrell Naida – Necromancer (sylvari) – my main champ, hybrid condition damage with high crit. I do PVE and PVP, sometimes WVW if I feel like the other two things are lacking in interest for me.
Jal Serrata – Warrior (Charr) – my secondary main. Same as Xyrell, hybrid between condition and crit. I usually just troll about in PVE with him, but rarely play him nowadays since I’ve found necromancer to fit my playstyle a lot more. Plus my girlfriend has a character with surname of Naida so we’re like a little team. :P So that’s a plus.
My other alts are all just random ones that i sometimes play for fun.
I may usually be on my Charr warrior, but i find myself frequently at the Asura trading post in the rata sum – the administrative areas where all the crafting is so close to the trading posts but still.
“Oh Jubilation!”
“What would happen during a golem uprising?”
“Well… this repetitive discussion would probably be put to the sword as one of us is crushed by a golem fist…”
Well it doesn’t go like that but still, the golem uprising discussion / kid running around with golem scene are both well remembered!!