Showing Posts For thijmenownd.9470:

Nederlandstalige guild zoekt Pvpers

in Looking for...

Posted by: thijmenownd.9470


we zijn opzoek naar mensen die ervaring hebben om in een pvp team te speelen

Creating small active [NL/BE] team/ guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: thijmenownd.9470


The small guild with active players means 5 till 20 people max that want to learn fast having fun on a hardcore base know eatch othere Well , whants to get gear fast learn fast whants to do cool stuff fast , again with lots of fun , somtimes we make exceptions with people from othere places around the world and learn from expirienced pvpers

Bored of doing things all alone ? Oure guild/team does iT Together


Join our team now
7 spots left

NECROMANCER searching for Hardcore Pvp Team

in Looking for...

Posted by: thijmenownd.9470


NECROMANCER searching for Hardcore Pvp Team

Pm in game or sent mail

creating new hardcore pvp team

in Looking for...

Posted by: thijmenownd.9470


were creating a new hardcore pvp Team Pm me in game or reply here if intrested
will get try out more info will follow later

LF Dutch PVE Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: thijmenownd.9470


Lf dutch pve guild,

behulpsamen team members

op zoek naar nederlandse guild !

in Looking for...

Posted by: thijmenownd.9470


op zoek naar nederlandse guild ! behulpzaam guild, die een serieus member wilt

en behulpsaam terug is, graag dungeons explore en ander gerelateerde dingen doet en actiev is

Condi Necro Looking for a team

in Looking for...

Posted by: thijmenownd.9470


we need condi necro in team

Creating Team

in Looking for...

Posted by: thijmenownd.9470


i like kittens ;P

Creating Team

in Looking for...

Posted by: thijmenownd.9470


Hi, im Thijmen, have been pvp team leader for some years in other games with succes
and been leading 5v5 team in gw2 with succes

im bussy creating a team for the sirious player.
Teamspeak rec

are having try outs doesn’t matter what rank cause rank say nothing in this game

seartching for


Mesmer Looking for good team

in Looking for...

Posted by: thijmenownd.9470


im looking for a serious team
that play enough and know how to play as a team
i have been Leader of 5v5 team
have a lot of xp in 5v5 team play


in Looking for...

Posted by: thijmenownd.9470


yourstill searching for mesmer ?

Mesmer Searching good Pvp Team

in PvP

Posted by: thijmenownd.9470


European based

Dutch / English Speaking

252 Tourney played
90% won

Name in game
Ryan Ownd

(edited by thijmenownd.9470)