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Kodash/Aurora Glade/Gunnar's Hold - 20.IX

in Match-ups

Posted by: thisismitch.6214


Sorry kiddo. But we won’t be returning any time soon.

Casual Bloodshed

19/7 - Gunnars/Arborstone/Fort Ranik

in Match-ups

Posted by: thisismitch.6214


Some furious highlights from the 24th.

Casual Bloodshed

28/6: GH vs AG vs Dzag

in Match-ups

Posted by: thisismitch.6214


I understand this, but I am not particularly worried about how other perceive FURY (Yeah, I’m going to keep capitalising it), as I said, we’re just a bunch of morons.

Also, I find it somewhat difficult to unleash FURY from the tiny virtual keys on my phone :P

Casual Bloodshed

28/6: GH vs AG vs Dzag

in Match-ups

Posted by: thisismitch.6214


Well exo may have gone a little over and above the board there. And when I look back, he started it as well, and went a little crazy. I guess I should apologise for his behaviour on the behalf of FURY but I won’t, I quite like the guy and find his actions more amusing than anything else.

Also we’re just a bunch of morons who play wvw together, not a FTSE 100 company, so FURY’s reputation doesn’t particularly bother me.

Can we go back to the mighty tales of battle now?

Also, thanks very much to all who have participated in this weeks wvw, it has been one of the most enjoyable weeks in a while. In particular thanks to TUP for the fights and challenge you provide, also thanks to Mr. Knox for the impromptu GvG/GvT/GvP or whatever it was.

Ps. The views and opinions expressed in this post are mine alone and no not reflect upon the views and opinions of FURY Ltd.

Casual Bloodshed

(edited by thisismitch.6214)

28/6: GH vs AG vs Dzag

in Match-ups

Posted by: thisismitch.6214


Oh no, we have lost the respect of a random person on the internet! However will we sleep at night? (But seriously, why do people throw around the ‘lost respect’ card so much these days.)

Mr. Shino, I am glad your hunt for FURY members has kept you entertained over the weekend. Although I am sorry to inform you that we are not in fact gods of WvW, quite a few of our members struggle with even the most basic of tasks! (Such as ‘Stack at the East exit’.) So although I applaud your ability to count above 10, the fact that you can gank members of FURY does not impress me (they were likely trying to figure out which direction East was.)

One second, allow me to scroll up so I can find more points to respond to.

Ah yes, the team debacle, I apologise for Los falling for your troll so badly (I even told him it was a troll! twice!) One thing that FURY members do have is a ridiculous amount of pride, so if someone says something derogatory about the mother-FURY then they come out of the woodwork to defend her. So that explains that.

Personally I have nothing against small roaming groups, and we do make an effort not to kill them, unless they attack a FURY member, in which case their lives are forfeit (or our dignity, as 20 of us swing at a thief in stealth).

Right, I’m getting bored now…

Ah trip, have fun in Oz, I will miss your passive aggressive remarks.

And to close, the FURY leaving AG thing. We left because we were no longer having fun, we play this game to have fun. That was a problem, the solution was to leave AG, some of us were sad to leave, some of us were indifferent and some were raring to go. We started enjoying the game a lot more after we moved to GH and that is all that matters really. Server pride is a myth.

I hope everyone enjoys the fights in the upcoming week and all of that malarkey.

Greetz Crabtree, one of the 53 cookies.

Ps. Warning, this post contains 74% sarcasm.

Casual Bloodshed