aka I Die The Most aka Chaulk Outline
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aka I Die The Most aka Chaulk Outline
Just a voice from Old Kaineng (I was here during the weeks of bottom tier). I’ve enjoyed every match of WvW, whether we were behind or ahead in score. Either way, I find the battle lines and have fun.
As far as I’m concerned, whether you were here from the beginning or a more recent immigrant makes no difference, for we fight together. I hope Kaineng is always a welcoming place for all, regardless of time zone or skill or lack of skill.
This week, I’ve enjoyed the battles against Mag and DB. Some we won; some we lost; but the best took time one way or the other. I am glad both enemies continue to show up in force regardless of the final score. When you take me down, consider my fallen toon a /salute to you, just as much as the /salute I try to give the brave ones we manage to fell before you respawn.
Enough said, time to join the troops.
aka I Die The Most aka Chaulk Outline
Been lurking for a long time, but thought I’d chime in about the matches. My main was born on HoD near the beginning of GW2 release, and I moved to Kaineng after fighting queues for a few days.
Back in the day, W3 on Kaineng was brutal, and I loved it the whole time we were at the rock bottom of tiers. We ignored the score and played for the challenge.
I remember how we danced and cheered each time we took just 1 tower on our borderland for a little while. I remember being lucky enough to run with a couple of great leaders turning pugs into small elite strike forces that left the enemy scratching their heads about who or what we were. Most of Kaineng didn’t even know they existed. You just had to be there when they formed the party.
So times have really changed. What keeps me in this world, where queues have become commonplace, and maps are filled with immigrants (all of whome we welcome), and where one player makes little difference in the grand scheme of things? Maybe it’s that die-hard character of old Kaineng that lives on. Maybe it’s the loyalty one gets from sticking it through the times of desperation. Maybe it’s pride developed from countless little victories I always consider worth more than a number on a score, or the blood bond shared with the troops each time we were wiped to spawn. I believe these same things are felt by my enemies and their worlds.
And so my fate follows this world through rise or fall. It doesn’t matter. Either way I will find the battle lines. I will salute the brave ones who crash into us and fall, as I will push myself across the edge and fall a thousand times, only to return for more.
aka I Die The Most aka Chaulk Outline