Showing Posts For thorv.6309:

Underworld!!! and HM

in Suggestions

Posted by: thorv.6309


i would love love lovee to see a UW or FoW implemented into the game at somepoint along with a switch for HM like in GW1 the hm could be implemented like when you map travel and get put into overflow it could work like that have its seperate area where you can play with others in HM and get increased rares/exotics drop rates etc. and have lvl 80+ mobs at all map areas. one reason i would love to see a hm is cause honestly i have been playing for over a year and have gotten 3 exotic weapon drops…v.v i have horrible luck with things like that and before the MF update i used full magic find armor not trying to complain or anything just trying to help the cause for a HM

Running slower while in combat removed.

in Suggestions

Posted by: thorv.6309


the worst is when your trying to go through a jumping area and get hit in midair and the slowed movement makes you miss they need to change this

Reused GW2 armors vs GW1 armors

in Suggestions

Posted by: thorv.6309


I would personally love to see these make a return:

All ‘Tormented’ Weapon skins
White dyed ‘Voltaic Spear’
Black dyed ‘Voltaic Spear’
‘Chaos gloves’
‘Obsidian’ Ritualist Armour
White dyed ‘Bone Dragon Staff’
Black dyed ‘Bone Dragon Staff’
‘Emerald Blade’
‘Eternal Blade’
‘Greater Arced Blade’
‘Icy Dragon Sword’
‘Vampiric Dragon Sword’
‘Obsidian Edge’
‘Shadow Blade’
‘Ancient Moss Staff’
‘Celestial Staff’
’Fendi’s Staff’
’Havok’s Shield’ – would look AMAZING on a sylvari tbh
‘Shield of the Hierophant’
‘Stygian Aegis’
‘Destructive Shield’ – as shown in the picture with the huge fist – would look epic on a warrior
‘Destroyer Shield’ – would look amazing on someone going for a lava theme
’Magma’s Shield’ – same as above
‘Tormented Shield’ – come on, who WOULDN’T want this?
‘Emerald Blade’ – this sword just looks amazing. I personally would want one for my guardian because it’s so ghostly and epic looking

I could be here all day posting more I’d like in the game, so I’ll just leave it at that, along with a few pictures of just a fraction of the epic GW1 skins that would be stunning in GW2. I hope it happens one day – you have my full support.

IDS and fendi’s staff skins are already in the bone staff skin is used on an exotic and the ids is i believe a legendary? not positive on this it could also be an exotic but the skins are there.
btw i would love to see these skins introduced to the game especially the bds

Reused GW2 armors vs GW1 armors

in Suggestions

Posted by: thorv.6309


im totally in agreement with all of this except the part of them being in the gem store not everyone is able to use the gem store. if they introduce more gw1 skins they shouldnt be 1 use covers from the gem store but their own armors that come as drops with their own stats or as skins with multiple uses as an award from something in game.