Showing Posts For tornadosmight.7189:

Seeking an active late night RP guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: tornadosmight.7189


Am looking for an active late night RP guild on the Tarnished Coast Server. I have a Lvl 80 Human Ranger and a level 54 Human Thief that I RP with most. I prefer a guild with a website and a clear vision of who they are and where they are going. I work 2nd shift at a local fast food place so am normally online between (1am-7am CST, aka 10pm-4am Game Time)

Account: Tornadosmight.7189
Character Names: Angel C. Hunter/Twistersmight
Please feel free to message or pm

Show your rangers here!!

in Ranger

Posted by: tornadosmight.7189


This is Angel C. Hunter member of [OTSB] aka Order of the Silent Blade.


Active WvW on Tarnished Coast Server

in Guilds

Posted by: tornadosmight.7189


Order of the Silent Blade is an active WvW, guild mission, and dungeon guild. We are seeking active members whom enjoy these events. Our guild WvW days are Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday; and small groups night is on Friday. Tuesday and Saturday is our guild mission night. That doesnt means those are the only days available to find a group but those are just special days that have been set aside for the entire guild to RULE THE WORLD!!!!!!

For WvW we have three main teams: Stealth Team, Hammer Line, and Treb Line

We currently have a guild site, facebook group page , and a Twitter account, We use Ventrilo as our voice program for all guild events.

We have also completed Guild Bounty Mission Levels 1-3.

For more info and /or request to join the guild pls pm either Volt.6437, Kisada.2316, Tyesis.5897 or Tornadosmight.7189 in game. You are welcome to check out our guild site at: anytime

(edited by tornadosmight.7189)