Showing Posts For tribally.3508:

Let the final event repeat for 24 hours?

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: tribally.3508


I wish mine had crashed..I done the event right from the start and on the last ramp I died to an avalanche of facehuggers. I was hoping the zerg would have to come down the ramp again and rez me, but they took a lava chute instead. So I ended up dead on the ramp while everyone was linking stuffs like dusk in chat. I did get rezzed and down to the zerg, but the chest had disappeared. FML!!!

But it was a good experience and I’m not bitter, I’d do it again

[FOUND] Looking for a PvE guild

in Guilds

Posted by: tribally.3508


I also am looking for a mature active guild on SR for levelling, dungeons and PVP if needed. Main is a 35 Mesmer

Proposition: sovereignty pvp servers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tribally.3508


If you think the zerg is bad now…