Showing Posts For troptop.9781:

Poll Topic: Are Engineers meant to be two professions?

in Engineer

Posted by: troptop.9781


I have tried to provide structured and detailed information concerning engineer-related abilities/features that are ‘generally accepted as being issues’ by the masses on this forum when in fact those players just had no idea how such abilities/features are meant to be used. All of that to get replies with unfounded/unproved theories along with a very nice ‘go f yourself’. This might be a reason my comments are now not as friendly as they could be if the general IQ here was over 38. As far as I know, my first reply was in no way a personal attack but I did not think you needed details to understand what I meant. My apologies. May your thread prosper.

RANT: About the Engineer forum.

in Engineer

Posted by: troptop.9781


Amen. Too many idiots asking for so-called ‘buffs’ when suggesting an overhaul of a feature are actually asking for nerfs. The engineer is very solid at the moment, the only thing that is wrong with it is the amount of bugs.

Poll Topic: Are Engineers meant to be two professions?

in Engineer

Posted by: troptop.9781


Every comment said was deserved and adjusted to the poster’s mental ability. With that said, the engineer is a very versatile class and has the most interesting options available. My position remains, engineering covers a very large field of development and you should be happy that Arenanet took this into consideration when giving you all these options.

Engineer Needs These Things

in Engineer

Posted by: troptop.9781


~ Grenades option for NOT ground target:

Wow are youkitten It is a GTAOE kit, keep your mouth shut before you get out kit even more nerfed than it is currently. wow learn to aim before you spit out brown matter all over this forum

Rifle wants to be your friend.

in Engineer

Posted by: troptop.9781


I wonder what happens if someone adds a ‘dodge’ to their fighting strategy when going against you… oh… what?… all your build goes down the toilet.

omg plz nerf grenade kit

in Engineer

Posted by: troptop.9781


Sorry to hear your thumb was hurt you poor little girl, but no other game ever had ability autocast and most of them you had to MANUALLY ( ouch your poor thumb again ) cast over 25+ abilities.

omg plz nerf grenade kit

in Engineer

Posted by: troptop.9781


Please it is way too hard on my thumb to actually aim and shoot my grenade kit ability 1. Please nerf the grenade kit and make the ability 1 with auto-cast noob mode direct single target hit please!!! I am so noob I really need my grenade ability 1 to be single target cast and automatic cast !!!

(sarcasm above)

No really.. What happened to the people to be spitting this kind of crap? Since when do you have autocast GTAOE in a game?

For the love of god just stop spitting dirt brown matter all over this forum, why would you even want them to do this to the grenade kit? make it even worse?? please, stop. Thanks.

(edited by troptop.9781)

Engineer kit usage issue/bug.

in Engineer

Posted by: troptop.9781


This post was also to present valid points backed by exact numbers, I had not seen other posts presenting it like I did so I thought it would be a good idea to post.

Engineer kit usage issue/bug.

in Engineer

Posted by: troptop.9781


Where: sPvP, Heart of the mists.

What: Equipping a kit on the engineer GREATLY reduces the stats on the character.


By equipping a kit, I have noticed the Attack stat going down by a good amount. Equipping a kit, ie: grenade kit, toolkit, etc. automatically unequips your weapons.

In the case I have analyzed, my Attack stat was exactly 3090 with a weapon equipped. Once I equip the grenade kit, it goes down to 2854. This is a 7.8% attack reduction right there for simply equipping the kit. The other problem is the sigils equipped are automatically discarded. Let’s say I am using two pistols, one with +5% damage and one with +5% crit chance, both of these stats are automatically discarded when equipping the kit. In this case, it is a loss of 7.8% on the attack stat, 5% extra damage and 5% crit. The weapon damage from simply equipping a kit goes down by 20%.

I would really appreciate if someone could explain to me why there is such a huge damage reduction for simply equipping a kit, when in fact it really seems that the damage on kit abilities is not really scaled up to the level of the weapon skills.

I strongly believe that this is not intended and devs have forgotten about that. It puts engineers quite a level below other classes simply by discarding sigils while using a kit and makes it even worse with the direct damage output nerf from simply equipping it on the weapon damage.