EE leader
Showing Posts For twog.8106:
EE leader
ALS will also be pulling in our heavy hitters that we sent to train with NS, Rekz, and EE. They’ll be running our hammer train and dodge training sessions.
Can’t wait to be home!
LOL this was a good touch.
EE leader
LOOOOL HAHAHAHA this is great.
Two Gallants, Hroflr Kumar, Kodiak, Mysticloner, and of course me. Each of our teams is highly experienced and is ready to not only assist each map but also train others. Expect to hear me giving commands and coordinating with out commanders as we actively work together to create full map coverage during Na. Do not question their decisions, as they are never wrong.
i put so much kitten time into anvil rock.. a return would be hilarious. Dovgan, as far as anvil rock goes i feel the same. Theres some people there i’d miss, plenty i wouldn’t so it goes both ways.
anyways, hit me up georgy.
EE leader
i wanna play on a map of possible 200+ enemies but i only wanna fight 1 of them. Help anet or i’ll qq all over your forums.
EE leader
Follow me in wvw by joining EE.
EE leader
we’ll make new threads every hour or 2 depending on who’s feelings get hurt the fastest.
EDIT: this time it was anet’s feelings i believe.
EE leader
(edited by twog.8106)
oh come on … JQ really has no right to complain …
when you bought MERC …. you pvded like every night until season started lmao
As Merc transfered over your server had his timeout week. So you are right you got destroyed, but that had nothing to do with Merc transfering over, but you not showing up – as your own people stated.
You got EE and PLX in exchange for Merc. I think we got the better deal, because Merc and it’s commanders is worth a lot more than EE and PLX, because they haven’t skilled deep into ragequitting and complaining traits.
PLX were fully in BG already when MERC left.
&coming into leagues BG was the underdog as stated by both SoR and JQ before Week 1.
lol yeah, great deal dude. Thanks for the bags
EE leader
Thanks for the fights mag and sos guilds, its been real.
EE leader
That bad after i left eh?
I believe TwoGallants? if so welcome back to the game
Your Anvil fellows done pretty well for 3 or 4 months, but the more they climb the tiers, more guilds and single players were seduce by other worlds and the shattered point was when [ALS] guild departure to I guess Dragonband or Maguuma, while some fixed in Ehmry Bay after fought them by 12 weeks (matchups) in a row.
Still good news to AR natives, they got a brand new Forum:
back as of 4 days ago, to see this thread on the forums.
I won’t be joining any of the enemy servers we played, i’ll be following most of ALS to dragonbrand seeing as ive never had an opinion on the server, and from what i’ve been told theres not much left to command on anvil rock these days.
Its been real anvil rock, i’ll miss you guys, and if any of you want to say whats up just whisper this account name.
EE leader
That bad after i left eh?
EE leader