Showing Posts For unbrokenlegend.1278:

Thanks for destroying the revenants

in Revenant

Posted by: unbrokenlegend.1278


The nerfs to Rev I’m fine with, but the biggest issue is that they didn’t just nerf Rev, they buffed the class that was our greatest counter (Necro) to be even more of a counter. Do one or the other, why both? My only issue with the current Rev is the lack of condi removal. One of the few ways we have to counter condi’s is a boon that is even easier to corrupt now. Condi Rev are in a worse spot now because they have worry about condi’s being sent back as well as all of the boon corrupts that were added.

Necro is to Rev as DS Ele is to Necro

in Revenant

Posted by: unbrokenlegend.1278


But they are nerfing diamond skin ele. With all the Rev nerfs can we get a little condi removal in this balance patch that’s not based on a boon that is easily stripped? Especially with Necro’s corrupt boon having a 15 second cool down and the scepter auto having it as well.

we want old WvW..!!

in WvW

Posted by: unbrokenlegend.1278


I hope Anet doesn’t cave in and just bring back old maps. That would be boring. They need to modify new maps according to player feedback, not just revert back to 0 progress.

I agree. I actually like the new maps, they just need to be modified a bit based on player feedback.

Also, this may not be possible with the map layout, but adding gliding to the map would be amazing

(edited by unbrokenlegend.1278)