Showing Posts For uoga.2109:
I love my Silvary Mesmer, but there is one thing that frustrates me while playing it – it’s a lack of simple running speed boon.
The only speed boon I have found, is random and unpredictable, so sometimes, when I need to jump over a bigger distance while making a jumping puzzle, I have to just stand and wait until the speed boon pops up and then to jump in a great rush before it has faded.
The other time I have been doing puzzles with a Norn Guardian – it was awesome that the guardian could bust our running speed with a long lasting boon when ever we needed it.
I also have a Human Ranger, and it has a great speeding up skill too.
Maybe I am missing something? Is there a way for a Mesmer to get a speed boon when ever it is needed?
as a Mesmer I find dodging completely useless as I prefer to stay away from mobs while my clones are doing the job, but well… in order to complete my daily, I just equip a sword and pistol, I get any mob and keep double clicking “move forward” button until I get bored – then I just finish it with my regular attacks. Usually it takes like 4 – 5 mobs to get my daily done.
Maybe this is not as professional as learning timings etc, but works for me.
well, it seems that the caravan has just stuck 20 meters from the final destination. No free ettins around there, just those 5 captured ones merely running in circle.
I assume it is a bug then.
Collect ettin test subjects for Jonga’s experiment
move ettins to pen
It is a second day I am trying to figure out what is this event about.
The NPC is standing surrounded by captured ettins and the only form of interacting with this group – is greeting NPC. Greeting makes NPC to face you and followingly ettins start running around the NPC relocating themselves. How ever that doesn’t move them even a single step closer to the final destination…
My question is – is the event bugged, or am I simply doing something wrong?
Dailies were a fun edition to the game, and getting a little chest at the end of the day was always a pleasant moment… But why oh why had they been changed?
I would not complain about crafting if there would be at least 5 crafting camps in each zone… but now, in order to make my daily, I must go somewhere across the continent… couldn’t you find any more entertaining ways to make me spend my time and money?
And combo kills… why not simple combos? why not simple kills?
If that’s the way to make the game more social – it is a failure.
Give us a global chat, and we will be finding guilds, making parties and doing stuff together. Now we are restricted by this small area chat and if we are guildless – the chat window is always empty… Forcing us to make dailies together is not a solution.
My only answer to this change – it has really made the game less enjoyable, and if I do not enjoy it – why would I play it…
Soo… what changes are coming next?