Showing Posts For veradin.6039:

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: veradin.6039


STILL waiting for them to make the Elixirs on the Elixir gun (acid and super) support the elixir traits. So far they still ignore every one of them on my character, which is a shame since the Engineer could really use one sustained aoe damage skill (super elixir + acidic elixirs) for kiting and netting opponents.

Also, incendiary ammo still seems to be a bit broken for many of the kit skills, with all the rounds triggering on the first hit rather than individually for things like grenades or elixirs UNLESS you time it just right and use it after the grenades/shots have been spawned (but not hit). You shouldn’t have to sit and try timing something like that when the utility belt skill is supposed to prime your shots automatically.

(edited by veradin.6039)