Showing Posts For viridi.5970:

Suggestion on weapon appearence

in Suggestions

Posted by: viridi.5970


I would personally love some plain weapon… A purely white blade with slight glowing effect and a purely black black with slight black aura would be awesome.

(edited by viridi.5970)

Liadri Mini for all characters

in Suggestions

Posted by: viridi.5970


Hey guys, viridi here… I might be weird but I personally think Liadri mini of all things should be given like the skin items from Achievement Chests and should be claimable for all characters… It’s probably 1 of the hardest minis to get in this game simply because that fight takes forever to get and it’s worthy running around with that mini and I think players deserve more than just 1 single mini for whole account for that fight… So how about a mini that can be used by all characters same time at least?
I might be weird I know for wanting more than what I got for that fight… but that’s just my opinion.

(edited by viridi.5970)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: viridi.5970


The commander badge should be available for all characters not only the 1 you bought it on. It’s just as hard to get as some achievements and titles, but titles stay on all characters while badge is only for 1.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: viridi.5970


Hello, i’m a lvl 80 mesmer who started playing at the games launch and then took a long break… since my return which is about 3 weeks, I’ve learned a lot about the games changes that were made… When i played, i didn’t manage to 100% complete world map, and since my return, only the past few days I’ve been trying to 100% the world map. Don’t get me wrong please, i’m just not a PVP player, not on my mesmer at least. So I kind of wanted to complain / rant a little about how much I hate that server gusting doesn’t apply to World VS World anymore. Honestly, as a person who doesn’t do much PvP on a medium population server that has people focusing on PvE instead of PvP (whitesides Ridge) It’s really I repeat REALLY hard for me and people like me to get 100% world map completion. I understand the whole World vs World is a big aspect of the game, but it’s unfair don’t you guys think? those on big and pvp focusing servers can easily complete World vs World maps for 100% world map completion, and people like me get destroyed into pieces for DAYS untill we manage to somehow complete 1 of the 4 World vs World maps… I would really love if there would be a different way to complete it, a mode for non-PvP action in WvW? or anything that would guarantee EQUALITY? this game has very balanced classes and gameplay, but the WvW has no equality. Having to wait for weeks until enemy servers change… what are the chances of enemy servers being weaker next time to assure that people have a chance to get all the missing way points and vistas and Points of Interest? there is no guarantee. I think I’m not the only 1 who thinks like that but would really appreciate a little more chances to get 100% world map completion.
All I suggest is doing something with the WvW maps to make them either easier to discover 100% or removing them from world map 100% completion and making a new achievement for completing WvW maps 100%

(edited by viridi.5970)