Showing Posts For vonbek.4810:

[Suggestion] Charr Horn accessories.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vonbek.4810


Allow Charr to have horn accessories like battle trophies like maybe a big fang or claw maybe even a gear for Iron Legion, Tiny dagger for Blood, And bottle of poison for Ash.

Have some hanging from the horn and others can be tied to the horn.

soo no forger or druid teaser today?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: vonbek.4810


Well considering they need to reveal the last two elite specs for the last beta. You need two weeks for the specs and a weekend for the beta. If you reveal on the 14th & the 21st and if it’s true that the beta will be on the first Friday of October that only leaves 18 days to sort through and implement the changes for the two specs and any other classes still lacking. that’s not very long.

Disconnects, Rollbacks, & porting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vonbek.4810


Not sure this has been addressed but the server is DCing people and porting them all to the same place (differant for each map) and rolling back the server. Are the Devs aware of this? Have not seen a dev address it.

Biggest, Bulkiest mace in the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vonbek.4810


Title says it all what is the biggest & bulkiest mace? So far i have the glyphic mace that seems to be the winner. Checked the wiki and the dragons jade cudgel seems large but can’t seem to find it in game anymore. Any one else know of a B&B mace?

Pistol mastery

in Thief

Posted by: vonbek.4810


Ok thanks for the answer, Really good idea merging it with ricochet btw!

Pistol mastery

in Thief

Posted by: vonbek.4810


Sorry if this has been asked before but is the trait Pistol Mastery: +10% Damage With Pistols broken?

I am not seeing the damage change at all on the tooltip I thought it only took effect in combat but there is no change to the damage on the tooltip there either.

So what next when luck is maxed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vonbek.4810


You start selling stuff again thats what.

Does anyone feel there is too much *stuff*?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vonbek.4810


I only agree with one thing on your list and that is particle effects there is still far too much of it, Need a slider.

Dailies are burning people out

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vonbek.4810


So it is somehow the games fault because these “Hardcore” players are choosing of their own free will to do all the dailies. Even though you only need five, thats rich! People need to stop throwing blame around I swear.

Crash on Launch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: vonbek.4810


Getting the same thing got booted now can not log in with any character.

NERF Fort Engineer Video

in Engineer

Posted by: vonbek.4810


Some times it’s not about damage but having fun (GASP) omg! i just said that?
But on a side note all engineers looks like a blast!….Zing!

Dropping chests to teach players.

in Suggestions

Posted by: vonbek.4810


Ok here’s my idea what if when you are fighting a champion like say the cave troll in queensdale that when you use a certain number of skill combos on him he will drop a chest. Of course keep the number of combos you have to do hidden so players won’t just stop at the magic number.

Do this for all champions and perhaps it will get players used to doing the combo mechanic because there is incentive.

New Loot chests should open In My Opinion.

in Suggestions

Posted by: vonbek.4810


The new chests that drop on higher loot should have an animation of them opening when you loot them.

Disconnects 7:11:3:189:101 since patch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: vonbek.4810


Thought I was getting disconnected due to being in the areas where the flame and frost event is going on. But I went to Queensdale and about 25 min got DC again.


Is Engineer At a disadvantage With no access to Signets?

in Engineer

Posted by: vonbek.4810


Dante: Well I think not having some thing like regen is missing out on effectiveness. Makes a big difference on my ranger.

CriSPeH: You sure Signets are magic? Warriors don’t seem to use magic either none of there other utility skills are magic based.

Is Engineer At a disadvantage With no access to Signets?

in Engineer

Posted by: vonbek.4810


Other classes have access to signets that regen, Reduce damage,

Increase speed, Summon pets, Improve crit chance, Cure conditions,

Improve power/precision, And various other things. So is the engineer

at a Disadvantage because they have no access to signets?

Just some thing that I thought of while running around on my engineer.

(edited by vonbek.4810)

Underwater, Preview Pane, And Dragons

in Suggestions

Posted by: vonbek.4810


Three suggestions here
1. Have either an arrow or symbol above what you’re targeting underwater to make it easier to judge distance.
2. Would be nice to have a light source switch like character creation in the preview pane to check out weapons & Armor that change during the time of day.
3. No NPC chatter during dragon events holding are hand telling us when some thing is going to happen. You don’t seem to hold our hands anywhere else in the game, Why on the dragons?