Showing Posts For waarph.7582:

Rallying in WVW is too over the top

in WvW

Posted by: waarph.7582


I disagree. I find it an interesting mechanism that, for once in this game, allows for a diversified role.

I play a full zerker longbow ranger with range of 1500 and my main goal is to finish as quickly and swiftly as possible downed people so that guys of our team can get back up. In zerg wars you will always have multiple downed people, especially if you have an organized group vs a large group.

[WvW] Engi in outnumbered situations? NP!

in Engineer

Posted by: waarph.7582


Also tried a build based on yours this morning. Great fun in a small group vs small group situation (10-15 each side I would say) as you can really blast that water field to get your group back up after the initial shock. Went on 1 on 1 against a fellow engineer using mask build and it was a loooooong draw. We just left each other alone after that. That being said I have a lot of room to improve using the build

Getting Wrecked by Thieves/Mesmers

in Engineer

Posted by: waarph.7582


Grizledorf.5290, since you seem to be using a lot of conditions, would you think that apothicary armor (cond damage) is better than cleric (power)?