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Miserable? Dont play this idiocy

in PvP

Posted by: wanderguy.5627


If league play / op classes / loss streak pip treadmills are getting you down, stop playing league. Truthfully, if anything makes you miserable in your life, just walk away. Perhaps throw it away with extreme prejudice.

Personally I’m gonna wait a week or two until the meta build / pro teams rank out of my possible match ups. There’s no point to it.

You Should Apologize for Season 1

in PvP

Posted by: wanderguy.5627


This pvp league season was a complete mess. There were so many problems, ranging from cross division premade teams to immortal bunkers. There was nothing good about it. This forum is filled with pages upon pages complaining about the broken stupidity of league play, and not a single post praising it. This used to be my favorite mmo, but over the course of these months I’ve uninstalled the kitten game 3 times in frustration. And after every time, I come back hoping things will be different I find them worse off than before.

The worst part of this farce was the pip loss system. What kind of fool thought of punishing people for playing this game? This is the root of all the ill will, all the hatred directed at you pvp devs. I can spend days getting the pips to cross divisions, and lose it all in an afternoon with a 20 game loss streak. I wouldn’t give a flying kitten if I lost 65 games in a row if not for pip loss. But you chose to punish players that don’t play in a group, play one of the professionally mandated meta classes, or downright cheat. If the game takes away the work I put into it, then I wasted my time, my life, playing it.

You need to be sorry for your mistake, and you need to tell us that you’re sorry. People should never lose progress. Hours/days/months of time playing this game gone in an hour or less. If we don’t hear from you that this was a mistake that you’re sorry for, we can’t be sure you won’t use it elsewhere. Exp loss for not logging in regularly? Drop rate debuff for not playing enough hours per day? If this idea isn’t stopped now, we could potentially lose years of progress.

I don’t care if this post gets my account banned. If I get kicked out of the game, so be it. I’ve been playing since launch, but you don’t have my confidence anymore.

You were wrong to do this, to put progression loss into this game in any way shape or form. You needed to hear that you made a mistake that might ruin, and then inevitably tank the game. You should be sorry for what you’ve done.

Casuals need fixes for legendary

in PvP

Posted by: wanderguy.5627


Hey there, topic poster here. I’m kinda baffled at the negative responses in the thread. I’m also kind of shocked at the poor information people have regarding the actual achievement.

My problem with the legendary backpack is that the achievement makes it hard for players like me to get the “Hymn of Glory” from part 4 of the meta. But that’s it. That’s the only part of the back that’s difficult for me, and others like me I’d assume. Literally every other ingredient for the legendary back is easy to get as a casual.

I’ll have the precursor the week season 2 starts, as a casual. You get 55 tickets getting to ruby, still have 25 after buying 1st and 2nd skin, last 2 skins cost 70 tickets. 55 tickets at least per season also means I’ll have the 5 certificates of support I need for the back in season 3 at the latest. Been sitting on a perfect mist core and the pve ingredients for a month now. I’ve just finished part 2 of the “year” of the ascension today.

If the devs didn’t want casuals like me to get this thing, they would’ve locked it behind more serious pvp walls. They gated the glorious hero’s armor set, and I had no problem when I didn’t get one. That armor set was presented up front as a challenge for hardcore pvpers, while the backpack was presented as something anyone cold get eventually.

The only issue for casuals like me is the “league elite” achievement. That’s 1/11 of the achievement to get the hymn of glory. The hymn of glory is 1/4 of the gift of the competitor, which itself is 1/4 of the legendary back. Only 1/256 of the backpack has any sort of gating to it, and it’s only gated because of how unbalanced this season is.

In order to get the achievement “league elite” for part 4 of the legendary backpack you have to cross 4 division thresholds in one season. I read that as “beat 4 divisions in one season”. Not one year, one season. But we won’t really know until next season comes out.

I’m personally hopeful that the changes to season 2 alongside the balances incoming will make the next pvp league season better than this one. I’d say this thread is done for now, since the devs made changes for season 2, and we won’t know how it’ll turn out until then.

EDIT: jeez at bad math, it’s actually 1/156 of the legend.

(edited by wanderguy.5627)

Casuals need fixes for legendary

in PvP

Posted by: wanderguy.5627


The way leagues are atm, it’s impossible for a casual player like myself to get the legendary backpack. The problem lies in part IV of the " Year of the Ascension" line. The achievement “league elite” requires you to pass 4 league division thresholds. That would require you to pass ruby tier which is impossible as the league pvp exists right now, for an admitted casual player.

My favored possible solution would be to remove tier loss until legendary, or diamond. That would allow most players to acquire the backpack eventually. And the announcement post for the league seasons and the legendary backpack outright promised that anyone could eventually earn the back piece.

Or you could progressively lower the requirements each new season. As it is right now, a casual cannot pass ruby tier without someone to carry them, or cheating the heavily flawed mmr system.