Showing Posts For warrenspe.8096:
ANet – you did it. I was actually excited today; why? Because two years ago you released the best minigame / in-game content I have ever had the pleasure of playing. So today, when it struck me that there was even the SLIGHTEST of chances that SAB would be coming back, I logged on with the same gleam in my eye as a kid on Christmas morning. Y’know why? I was excited. I was excited to check; excited about the potentiality that maybe SAB would be back. EXCITED (not-the-correct-usage-of-that-image-but-its-the-only-thing-that-expresses-these-emotions) about guild wars content for the first time in months. For my INFINITE CONTINUE COIN to finally be relevant. I’m no longer excited. I’m saddened Won’t you please bring back SAB? I promise to be kind to Moto..
It pains me every day, whenever I see a SAB mini, or someone with a SAB boombox, or I see my infinite continue coin. I don’t want a refund for my coin. If offered I would wholeheartedly decline – all I want, IS SAB – so much. please, just a little taste. It was, not one of the, but decisively the best mini game of any game I’ve ever played. It tickled my nostalgia chords. You hooked me Anet, and then you took away the bait! At this point in my end-of-game gw2 career I have but fractals to keep me entertained. However I can assure you I would be coming back week after week for months .. years on end if SAB were reintroduced.
Anet – have a heart, notice the 17 pages of people who desire more Super Adventure Box. We don’t need new levels, we won’t complain if you come out with new ones, we just want one of the best features of gw2 back!
Ps. The music in SAB is so unarguably awesome – for those who are unaware you can listen to it all again and again and again and again … and again @
It’d be great if they gave us any information at all as to how to use them with an alienware system.
I have one minor annoyance with the new hero menu. When you initially press ‘h’ to open it (the first time after you log in), it gives no options; instead forcing you to click on either equipment, wardrobe or dyes. While I understand the motivation for this, grouping each into their own section, I feel that the first time after you log in it should default to the equipment panel (as this is probably what is going to be used 95% of the time anyways, and how it was before), with the ability to toggle to the other 2 options in the upper right corner, similar to how it is now. It isn’t major, but will result in quite a few extra clicks.
I propose that a tag be added to items that are unsalvageable, (such as Karma gear or WvW gear), so that players know that if they put upgrades into them there is no possibility of getting them back (without spending $20 on upgrade extractors).
Personally, I threw 6 superior runes of the traveller into 6 pieces of WvW gear not knowing that I would be unable to retrieve the 60g worth of runes once I was done testing the build. At the very least, it’d be nice to be able to salvage the item and, if not return any other loot, give us back our upgrades..
Hey all,
I was wondering if anyone knew what caused the Raving Asura’s 4 golems to gain a buff called ‘Feline Protection’ after killing them one by one. The buff makes them take 66% less damage. They appear to get it somewhere around killing the 2nd or 3rd golem (after they have all respawned).
Any insight would be greatly appreciated!
I’d like the ability to see some sort of after-dungeon statistics.
By this I mean, once you have completed a dungeon with your party, you’d have the ability to view some sort of a popup that listed some relevant stats, such as – damage done, healing done, deaths, etc.
I believe this would aid parties that dungeon together often in determining and building on their strengths (And of course offer some bragging rights to those who perform well in the dungeon!)
As for actually implementing this – I envision it being an option when the “Congratulations” screen pops up after completion of a dungeon, perhaps next to the button that allows one to collect their rewards
I am having the same issue, the tanks kick you out, and if your turning the turret when your kicked out it just keeps on going so the next time you try to use it the turret is facing sideways, so you start moving it the other way .. and repeat. Would Love to see this fixed as it is very frustrating to keep getting kicked out of the tank…