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I like it! Plus it has double consonants like so many Asura names.
Warrior: Zeglin
I might make a thief named Stablonius.
Very interesting. I was wondering from a role-playing perspective and also curiosity. So it seems the Asura are by our human terminology very “religious”, but they do not treat it in the same sense we do. Rather, all science-based.
In addition, if all energy is connected in the Eternal Alchemy, in a sense, all beings which ever lived are sort of “still alive” or in existence through some small cog or means.
Of course religion is actually what many Asura devote themselves to (i.e., researching the Eternal Alchemy). However, I cannot find anywhere lore which explains the Eternal Alchemy system in detail. Do Asura have funerals, burials, religious buildings, entities, etc.?
And if the humans do indeed have The Six, what do Asura think of the Human Gods? I cannot really find any writing on the matter and where Asuran beliefs fit in to the rest of Tyrian beliefs.