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I read about the last update and nothing relating to what I’m talking about.
Explosive Traints Bug: Not working.
> III – Forceful Explosives – Bombs and mines have a larger explosion radius.
A: I dont see any difference or not traints With That … AOE is ever the same area.
> VIII – Short Fuse – Reduces recharge for bombs and grenades by 20%.
A: On PvE only skills Reduce cooldown is 1,2,3. 4 and 5 but no more!?
And on PVP skill That simply does not work in any of the five grenades.
> VII – Explosive Powder – Improves damage from explosions by 10%.
A: This skill does not affect the damage of additional power by traints
There must be something wrong that should be corrected. Before I remember to change the slots of traint grands did a refresh and now it no longer occorre.
I expect the team to focus on solving this, it is horrible when a person loses playing time to spoil fully pve build grenade ..
I went through these types of situations in Diablo3, where each update nerfavam and desmotivava players to continue wasting your time …
Sincere requests for a player from Brazil
Fabio Ricardo.