Showing Posts For werebeagle.8537:

Please - Enough is enough

in Living World

Posted by: werebeagle.8537


I don’t agree on the temporary content thing, but I can see people not liking it…but Scarlet, which I notice 2 out of three pages pointing things out were about, yes. Very yes.

The big problem with LS's.

in Living World

Posted by: werebeagle.8537


I have no problem with wacky super smart villainess…but she is neither smart, wacky, or super. she says she is, but, doesn’t act like it. She acts quite dumb, really, but for some reason all of her plans work anyway.

The big problem with LS's.

in Living World

Posted by: werebeagle.8537


I’ve bene enjoying the living storys since halloween. that was fun in lore and story, was ‘new lore’, but it made snese when compared to the old lore about the Mad King.

Heck, even the current Toxic allaince stuff I liked, and I hated the krait before.

Then Scarlet appeared. then I cried. Then she flaunted that how awesome she was.

Then I realized most of the LS’s were caused by Scarlet in some way or the other that made no sense.

Serisouly, what the hell Anet. Your writing isn’t bad, but Scarlet is a whole new level of low. Whoever is writing for her, fire him/her/obbesed fan of their own character.

I rarely post on fourms, but this has kitten’d me off enough.

(edited by werebeagle.8537)

Retcon Scarlet

in Suggestions

Posted by: werebeagle.8537


I’ll just say I agree. I’ve enjoyed the LS’s…up until Scarlet. She’s one of the worst villains I’ve seen.