I really didn’t understand all the complaining about HOT until I played it.
I mean really, most times when people say things are “hard” (at least in my case) I can faceroll through it. I"m fairly good at games.
When I hit HOT with my other half in game, it didn’t even feel like the same game. Heres a few reasons why.
-Casual? Not anymore. Expect to die. ALOT.
-Exploration/hearts: Gone! As far as we’ve seen so far. Now you just usually get your face eaten by some rampaging champion plant dinasour.
-You can’t even take a minute to take in the scenery and enjoy the game without dying most of the time.
I am not saying HOT is bad. But is certainly doesn’t feel like the game I’ve enjoyed for years.
I hope the next expansion is nothing like HOT.