Showing Posts For xEternia.9564:

Perma-Banned for exploit [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: xEternia.9564


Just my 2 cents:

- “Bug” reported and announced but player choose to do it => Guilty.
- “Bug” kept secret and not announced and player continue doing it => Oblivious.

You can’t possibly have a player to know what he can or cannot do without proper information.

Perma-Banned for exploit [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: xEternia.9564


Hope they can get back asap. Anyone knows their working hours? That would be helpful.

Perma-Banned for exploit [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: xEternia.9564


Anyone getting any updates on their accounts?

Perma-Banned for exploit [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: xEternia.9564


Btw, is the support 24/7 or otherwise? Just curious..

Perma-Banned for exploit [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: xEternia.9564


Anyone has any idea what this “exploit” is?
To be banned without any information feels silly.
And is there any note about this supposed “exploit” and any prominent warning about using it?

Have sent a ticket, please expedite =>
Incident: 130418-000891