Showing Posts For xXLuckyStarsXx.3519:
So… Daily: Necromancer Winner, thus consequently I was matched up with an enemy team of 4 necros 1 tank ele. Against a team that was actually quite okay. I ask that you listen, for what I had experience is pure mental break down. After hours, I won 2 close games, which nearly drove me nuts because I was on a losing streak before. Now I am in this current match of 4 necros.
MINIONS!!! This is unofficially a Zerg rush, screen filled with more REDz than the soviet union flag. Of course we lost, I accepted that, but losing TWO PTS?? FROM 1 GAME???? ———— YOU!!! I spent HOURS sitting waiting and playing matches, then winning just TWO PTS, so I could to lose that TWO PTS that I worked so hard for! Why!!! This game is a mental break down! I get team up with many players who doesn’t know how to focus on target, or blindly rush LORD when we’re at 213 pts, while the enemy is at OUR lord with 400 pts.
It’s not about personal skill anymore, its about RNG. You get team up with a bad team? Dont worry your enemy team is worse. So you’ll win. Vice versa.
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: xXLuckyStarsXx.3519
I really think and advice everyone whining to stop, because they’re just overloading the servers and it doesn’t help anyone with it.
Complaining about the price won’t make it go lower, eventhough I have to admit I’m part of European countries where the average monthly salary doesn’t fit in the common rank of the European salaries, it is -quarter- of it, therefore the game would be rather overly expensive, however, stop crying and if you aren’t entirely dedicated to the game, don’t -pay- for the expansion.
And yet you’re crying because we’re fighting for fair pricing of the game. You call yourself dedicated player but yet, you can’t even see the BS that is happening….
Some loyalist fan boys/gals does not have any problem with the pricing. FINE! I will be happy too IF Anet…
- Show us HoT explorable worlds, How big? How many new areas?
- Show us HoT game-play content, New items? more details of Specialization? New Dungeons? New Achievements? Any ‘GOOD’ changes within the game? Or is just the same as GW2 + some new paint-job?
- Seriously improve Strong hold! And Open HoT WvW beta. At its current status, it’s not even close to justify the price of HoT.
Approximately how many new hours of game-play are there? Lastly I live in Australia, and this sh** cost $60 AUD 60!!! For standard edition! Know how many chickens nuggets I can buy??? AND NO I DON’T WANT ANOTHER COPY OF GW2.
This remind me of XBOX ONE with Kinect incident…
I understand it is not yet balanced properly, but then again. There’s no perfectly balanced game. With that question aside.
For the new trait system, what is the main consensus of it? Love it or Hate it?!
So far I am hearing more negatives than good. Many PvE builds are now useless, and one of my friend even said “I may even quit GW2”. His Elementalist, Mesmer, Guardian builds are almost useless. The traits are not the only problem, since the system doesn’t give bonus stats (Power, Precision etcs) we are now relying on armours (Some of us, crafted Ascended) SO IT IS AN EXPENSIVE INVESTMENT. But now, these armours are unfit for battle because, characters are not getting any boost from the trait system making it weaker or less effective. There’s a way to change the stats, you say? Well, we don’t want to grind for it, we grind enough just to get the armours. This mechanic add more work for to the players and rather restrictive.
Anyone having same/similar problems?
(edited by Moderator)
Anyone know what did this guy/girl use to create that flaming aurora around the Balthazar armour? PLEASE I NEED THIS!!!!!
It’s 1:40AM I’m tired but I want to write this down while it is fresh. I was misguided by the game and it cost me a small fortune. (Or I just didn’t know) To make this story short, I bought Zojja Tassets recipe and use it on my Charr (no 500 Armour smith) then I switch to my Asura (with 500 Armour smith) to craft it. But it wasn’t on the crafting list!!I then discovered that recipes are only per character or ‘soul bind’. Before anyone says otherwise “You should’ve known that”, I don’t blame the game. But it could have more warnings! So basically I spent 10 laurels 6 GOLD for just the recipe. Not once did the item says “Once you use this, it will stuck in this current character forever!”. In fact, all it said was consumable and account bound. Having played this game for 3 years when I see ‘Account Bound’ I assume it is account wide and since Ascended items are ‘Account bound’ I assume the recipe is account wide access too.
Possible solution?
- Add a warning, like how you equip Exotic weapons it will say “This will be soul bound to this character”. <— That would’ve warned me if the ascended recipe have it.
Note on the attachment, if you’re wondering why the recipe in this image is not ‘Zojja Tasset’ it is because I bought a new recipe just to show that it ONLY says ‘Account bound’ and no warning is given.
Thank you,,,, im sleepy now.