Showing Posts For xgbtts.8015:

Bad latency and disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: xgbtts.8015


Well you should check the " Network Lag [Merged]" thread on the tech support forum IMO. Just to let you know seems to be you are not the only one with these kind of problems, on the other hand I had this problem last monday, but yesterday it was fine, so give it a try later.

Well, good luck with that!

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: xgbtts.8015


Well yesterday I played just fine, no lag at all, I did the some events and played for 3 hours without problems, I´m totally sure the problem I had last Monday wasn’t on my end because I haven’t change anything at all on my pc neither on my router or anything!

I just hope it stays the way it worked yesterday ^^


Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: xgbtts.8015


I’m starting to think I made a mistake purchasing this game, yesterday it was impossible to play due to the lag I had, although I played just fine last week, yesterday was totally different, I just kept getting dc from server every 2-3 minutes and now I found this thread where everyone is saying they have a horrible lag all the time =/

I hope I can get to play today as I did last week without any problems, too bad I didn’t bought WoW instead ._. and don’t get me wrong, the game is great, I love it, but if the lag persists then it doesn’t matter how good the game is, nobody can enjoy a game that kicks you out of the server every 2-3 minutes and spikes every 15 secs.