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Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: xqzmehh.4630


130103-000288 Final answer sent today
So you are also denying to help my friend?

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: xqzmehh.4630


I would friendly request someone here to look into this case 130103-000288
My friend is contacting the support for 2 weeks now but they denie to give him any information about why he got banned. They keep denying to actualy read his ticket and in first weeks did not reply at all only gave posts back with messages every of the 200 banned got.

Gaily had it under review since last week but he got unpatient after another week and updated his ticket with the question what actualy was under review. I realy wish he would read it and contact him cause how support handles him is pure madness…

He is requesting simple information like why he got punnished the same as players who abused the mithril version. Or if he would have been punnished the same if there only was an unproffitable orichalcum version and no proffitable mithril version. And they denie to give it to him.
What madness is it if you ban a player and don’t give him information with why he exactly got banned and what he is blamed for.

If you only look at his case and forget about the other real exploiters it basicly is that he got permabanned for testing what a new recipe can offer without getting any suspision that he was “exploiting”. Because to be fair who thinks of exploiting when he is making loss on testing something and doesn’t see sudden price changes in the required mats. He just kept doing it over a 100 times to check the gained glob per exotic(1.2)

At least give him information why the devolopment team decided to also ban the orichalcum version. They did it with mithril(huge profit + destroying mithril/t5 snowflake market on porpuse).
So something like we thought that persons who do something over a 100 times must have been making profit.

He probaly even is the only person who made the orichalcum version over a 100 times cause who the kittens make a recipe over a 100 times when they are obviously making a loss. So why not give him a personal treatment in stead of threating him like the 199 others who kittened up the market and made 300 G proffit in a few hours.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: xqzmehh.4630


About 130103-000288 again.
You changed the status to under review , my friend was wondering what actualy is under review?
The by arenanet proposed possible refund?
All the “snowflake” bans
Or to actualy see his ban as an individual matter as he proposed.

QAnswer appreciated.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: xqzmehh.4630


Posting for a friend since the ticket is about account suspension

Ticket nr : 130103-000288
Guild wars 2 name : ReMarkable.6570

Ticket is up since allmost a week now (in a few hours) , only had 2 replies and those everybody got who got banned for the same accusion.

However his story is a different and hopes an arenanet employee this time really reads his story.

The Tale of Two Jewellry Recipes...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xqzmehh.4630


How you guys feel about the Orichalcum recipe? It didn’t gave any proffit maybe with good luck just like the cheapest lvl 80 are and non stop salvaging that. My friend found the recipe himself after wanting to craft it for his engi. He made around 150 to see if it was an way to earn money or not. If he made 200 G he would probaly thought this can’t be right and either did it another 500 times to get 1000 G or report it.

But he had bad luck first 50 he made 2 G(well could be same with 50 rares) and 2nd time 50 he lost 3 G so he stopped cause it was not proffitable at all. It didn’t even look like an exploit to him he just thought this another recipe like those lvl 80 rare things u can only with luck make proffit of.

Why those guys also got banned? Cause they tried 150 to eliminate luck and not 10?