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Druid in Fractals / Druid in raids. Help!

in Ranger

Posted by: yelle.7165


As someone regular playing druid I can say that there are actually 3 main builds played for druids into raids.
-The Condi Druid (Viper).
-The power Druid ( berserker, maybe a few zealot pieces if you need some higher heals ) -Healing druid wich would be Magi/Cleric ( be sure to reduce you toughness on vg/gorseval if your tank has less toughness then you).

If your not experienced and are pugging raids I suggest using the healing druid, the other builds are good but they require you to have a bit more indepth knowledge of the encounter so that your heals are onpoint. Also my experience with pugs is that most pug groups need more healing then the zerker or condi druid.

And yes it is possible to use exotic gear, main problem is that most pug groups require you to be in full ascended.

Upcoming Fractal Changes

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: yelle.7165


I don’t think that’s it their fault, that you do only swamp and molten boss fractals. You have a choice now, you just choose todo these. When I’m doing my daily fractals I tend to choose different fractals on all tiers unless I want todo them real quick.

Honorary Rata Novan Achivement bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: yelle.7165


I do have the same problem, completed the second event of the event chain of the Rata Novus output several times. Doesn’t get checked off the list.