Showing Posts For yoguil.7320:
Had the same issues a few days ago, I guess: “unable to initialize Direct3D” message when trying to start the game client after AMD driver update to 17.5.2. Solution: Turn on “GPU scaling” in Radeon settings, tab “Display”.
Had the same problem a few minutes ago – Shatterer just went down, collected my loot, opened daily box, a few seconds later dc. Don’t know, though, how many people crashed as well out of the crowd.
Same happened yesterday under completely different circumstances: Just finished my third daily task gathering wood on a not really crowded map, and a few seconds after opening the box my client disconnected. After re-login my daily counter was back at 66% as it is now. Hmm, what a coincidence…
You don’t need to defend the developers, I think they are very well capable of doing that themselves
I’m sure they could defend themselves. IMHO they have more important things to do, though, e.g. fix this bug, don’t you think? :-)
As well as I see now, that the posts are 20 days old and there is still no reaction from anet
Oh come on, give them at least some credit. They did react, didn’t they?
Oh, they do a proper version control developement for sure. Whether they are as sloppy as I am with documentation, I don’t know :-) But again: You really think there’s somewhere in their documentation a piece saying “release abc for module xyz containing the break of Norn personal storyline”?
Some time, probably four weeks, ago they rolled out some piece of code (among a lot of others) with some specific purpose, improving this or fixing that. Unfortunately this piece of code had side effects for the Norn personal storyline. First task now is to find out what code module back than did cause our issue in question. That’s most of the time the really tricky part. Only then you would have the option for a partial roll-back instead of a proper bugfix. Rolling back all changes made back then would be a complete roll-back of the game code which is out of the question as said.
Now, even if you’ve identified the somehow faulty piece of code, a roll-back still might be out of question. What if it contains a fix for some other, much bigger problem in the game? What if dozens or maybe hundreds of modules modified since then depend on that piece of code?
Complex software rarely can be fixed with simple solutions, I fear.
why haven’t they rolled back to a previous version that did not have this problem?
Roll back what part of the software? To quote Jeffrey’s post a week ago: the story step hasn’t changed in months. That’s indicating some unwanted and unexpected interdependency with some other part of the game code, but which one? And a complete rollback of the game is out of the question. Or do you want to explain to all the rangers out there they’re stuck again for a while with their bugged pets which have been fixed just yesterday? Not to mention all the other minor fixes and improvements we’ve been presented with during the last four weeks.
After all we talk about a minor inconvenience, don’t we? No problem to ignore the personal storyline till it’s fixed and play other content in the meantime. Or to play another (non-Norn) character’s personal story till then. My Norn twink struck by this issue just hit the level cap; my first lvl80 character that hasn’t joined one of Tyria’s orders, something of a premiere for me :-)
From my – admittedly very personal and therefore limited – experience GW2 and ANet are very fast in fixing bugs compared to other games and companies.
The issue in question was first reported here four weeks ago, true. But let’s not forget they already tried to fix it it last week, sadly unsucessful. From my daily work I know all too well how difficult it is communicating progress in finding and fixing a bug in a complex piece of software like this. Fixing isn’t the big problem most of the time, often a matter of minutes (plus testing plus roll-out, of course). But finding what’s causing the trouble can give you a real headache, especially if it’s not really a bug but simply an unwanted and unexpected interdependency of code lines used in multiple parts of your software.
So, people, please relax. They’re working on it.
(edited by yoguil.7320)
One of my twinks is struck with the same issue in that part of his personal storyline. So I’m watching this thread closely.
punkassbamboo might have a point with the Sons of Svanir’s AI being connected to this as they tend to behave strangely recently: Try to engage one of them with a ranged weapon on maximum distance (tested it with a ranger’s longbow at ~1200) and watch how he reacts – no hostlity at all, eventually even moving away instead of closing in, very weird… It doesn’t turn green, though, so the only connection I see is the coincidence of a broken chapter in the personal storyline and this strange behaviour of certain foes.