Showing Posts For yoshifreak.7526:

Lots of Art by Jyl :)

in Community Creations

Posted by: yoshifreak.7526


Woooow, these are all fantastic! Really nice work!

GW2 comic I worked on for almost 2 years

in Community Creations

Posted by: yoshifreak.7526


Awesome work on this! I especially love Bikki charging into battle on Bacon.

Also, congratulations on finishing your comic! Drawing so many panels is a huge amount of work. X_x d

[Fan Art] The Crystal Desert is Calling

in Community Creations

Posted by: yoshifreak.7526


That’s very cool! I really like how the things fade out as they go into the distance. And the spider webs are a nice touch.
Maybe the sand could be a bit more textured the same way the trees leaves or clouds are textured?
Nice lighting on your asura, too.

Choya plushie

in Community Creations

Posted by: yoshifreak.7526


Wow, nicely done! That’s very cute.

Being a Choya

in Community Creations

Posted by: yoshifreak.7526


I agree – that asura is adorable. Nice job!

GW2 All 3 Logos Merged

in Community Creations

Posted by: yoshifreak.7526


I like the way the colours all work well together. Very cool!

Comic - Tequalt

in Community Creations

Posted by: yoshifreak.7526


Haha, nice. I for one found that amusing.

[ART]BlindGravity and Angelsdevils Portaits

in Community Creations

Posted by: yoshifreak.7526


My word that’s awesome. And huge. :o I really like all the detail on each of the characters!

I finally beat Liadri -- My thoughts on QG

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: yoshifreak.7526


I quite like the idea behind the gauntlet, and I think the fight with Liadri would be quite fun were it not for the constant frustration of being one hit KO’d and having to queue up to start all over again.

Also, I must say that I quite enjoyed the gauntlet as a whole. Going up against all those different bosses each with their own unique strategies was very well done. I kind of wish there was a bit more incentive to repeat some of those fights, perhaps in the way of gold, karma, or crafting material rewards. Because those fights were a lot more interesting than farming with the loot train in the main pavilion area.

Comic: Wayward Bonds

in Community Creations

Posted by: yoshifreak.7526


So I may or may not have decided to start coming up with fanfic after playing the game so much. But, because I’m one of those people who have the unfortunate condition of not considering reading to be a leisure activity, my fandom is manifesting in comic form.

Chapter 1
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

As you can see, I haven’t exactly gotten very far yet, and it has become apparent just how time consuming this kind of endeavour is, so I’m kinda debating on just how far it’d be worth taking this. But we’ll see what you guys reckon first, I suppose.

Fanart Dump

in Community Creations

Posted by: yoshifreak.7526


Wow, such colours. Those are pretty kitten good. :o

Stealth Haters

in Thief

Posted by: yoshifreak.7526


I find that my biggest frustration in dealing with stealth thieves is that there’s no effective counter for their ability, apart from buying traps in WvW which are rather situation.

I’d reckon a better way to deal with stealth is to have some professions apply the revealed debuff with some of their skills. One that comes to mind is having ranger pets apply the debuff for about a 1 – 2 seconds with their basic attack. It’d make pets more valuable in WvW/PvP, won’t break PvE because very few enemies have pets, and the thief can still counter this to some extent by taking down the pet first.

AR is HARD (Thank you Anet!)

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: yoshifreak.7526


I quite like the new dungeon for its new and interesting mechanics. But I do agree with people who say that it’s a bit on the hard side, and I think there’s two main reasons for that.

One is that the dungeon is quite unforgiving, especially when facing Frizz or Mai. If anyone in your party has a lapse in concentration, chances are they’ll get knocked down in one hit with little to no chance to recover. Often, at least in the pugs that I’ve been in, that also means your entire party ends up wiping too because now the fight is off balance.

The other is that there is little introduction to these new mechanics before you’re put into a massive fight, so the only way you get to learn about these mechanics is when you’re already under a lot of duress, and that usually means you usually fail several times before you start to grasp it.

Fanart: Elementalist & Ranger

in Community Creations

Posted by: yoshifreak.7526


It’s been a while since I’ve had a try at GW fan art. Actually, it’s been a while since I’ve tried doing fan art since I’ve been spending way too much time playing the game. X_x

Anyway, here’s my latest efforts: