Showing Posts For zatoishwan.7832:

Launcher login error

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zatoishwan.7832


Lets see, what is more interesting? watching paint dry or people saying “me too” for 16 pages of comments, hmmm…

Personal Story Difficulty Unacceptable

in Personal Story

Posted by: zatoishwan.7832


A lot of heated opinions here.

I have a suggestion to the people saying story missions should be possible to complete solo.
Thats fine, I just want to suggest to you to try team up with others. Please try it.

Recently I was standing at a waypoint after having given up on one of my story missions. Just then a guy comes running asking if I can help him.
Of course I agree. He wants help with a story mission he failed. I end up helping him with three of his story mission in a row, then he helps me with my story mission and we end up upsetting the neighbours quite a lot (trolls mainly)
And we both had a great time.
(Afterwards I realized why that story mission was so hard for me was because i had only a lvl 1 underwater weapon…