Showing Posts For zen.8014:

Vote for the Profession Collaborative Development

in Profession Balance

Posted by: zen.8014


1. Thief
2. Engineer
3. Warrior (needs nerfs – too much damage with too much passive survivability)

Note: I mainly PVE. I also haven’t played Ranger yet so I can’t comment on that, but from guildies feedback it should probably also be on the list.

Is it too hard? Respect the awesome work

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: zen.8014


Hi Josh, just wanted to give you my feedback from W2 so far.

My biggest biggest BIGGEST issue is the rapids with the waterspouts near the start of W2 zone 1 (the one that ends with the blind jump through the waterfall). I think it may have been due to lag (I live in NZ), but I just simply could NOT complete it!
I even bugged out 2 or 3 times and got stuck in a wall , which meant had to reset from the beginning of W2!!! (sorry for the angry bug report btw…) All in all I must have tried for about an hour to get past those kitten waterspouts (and just those waterspouts). But I just couldn’t do it

Now I managed to complete all of the SAB achievement last time, loved the Mad King’s Clock tower and I just finished W1 Zone 1 Tribulation (which was awesome in it’s insanity), so I’m not a total noob jumper. And to be honest I would say the W1Z1 Tribulation was much easier than those rapids. Yeah I died a lot, but by in large I knew it was my fault when I did.

However, I still don’t know how I’m going to get past those kitten rapids – I can see the path & and understand how I’m supposed to do it, but I get randomly knocked around every time I try.

Oh also, just kill me when I fall into the rapids – I raged so much watching helplessly as my character takes 10sec to die. It was getting to the point where I’d try and steer into mobs so I’d die faster. Just make the rapids instant death and let me get back to playing asap.

Anyway, I ended up running it in Infantile mode just to skip the rapids. And I did my best to do the rest of W2Z1 and W2Z1 normally (ignoring the rainbows). The rest of it was tough, kitten tough in places, but it was enjoyable! The environments were amazing, the difficulty was mostly what I expected, and you did a good job overall of ramping up difficulty.

There were some issues (the Assassin’s are a bit over the top – especially if there’s a few of them in a cramped spot and/or around darts), but by in large it was really fun. I even really liked the darts – you had me creeping along looking around corners and every time I died I was laughing at how dumb I was for missing the trap.

So, please fix the rapids (or do something) so that I can play the rest of it the way it was meant to be played!!

QJ daily achievement bugged?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: zen.8014


I just had the same issue – I just completed ‘Crown Pavilion Participant’ and my ’Queen’s Jubilee Completionist’ hasn’t progressed from 14/16.

I’m running out of time, and if this one doesn’t count then I probably can’t get the meta before the end of the event!

(SOS) [NZ/INT] - Senility 18+ Adult Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: zen.8014


Bump!! It’s great seeing the influx of new guild members, both new players and vets

If you’re looking for a casual, friendly guild then message us in game, in my (oh so humble) opinion, you’d be hard stretched to find a better group!