Showing Posts For zerxis.5640:

Give us some Hope - Mesmer/Thief/Guardian

in PvP

Posted by: zerxis.5640


There are a few different topics here. The one I am most concerned with is not the blah blah blah soandso is overpowered. Yes , all you thieves and mesmers have incredible skills compared to the rest and they are all crybabies (sarcasm)…doesn’t take away from the fact that the spvp experience has become diminished because the spvp games have become overrun with thieves and mesmers so the fights become predictable and stale and frankly boring. And yes Chaos you hit the nail on the head with your first paragraph. For me that fact alone makes the rest of the “skill” arguments a moot point.

Thiefs Discussion Thread [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: zerxis.5640



Thieves and Mesmers, Mesmers and Thieves: The Game.

That’s definitely what I am seeing the last few days and pretty much sums up the direction we are heading.

Give us some Hope - Mesmer/Thief/Guardian

in PvP

Posted by: zerxis.5640


my 2 cents….

I Spvp primarily on a ranger.

thieves and mesmers have their place in pvp and in the first few weeks it was fun to pvp against groups that had them. The last few days it has not been fun pvp’ing against entire groups of thieves and mesmers. Last night I had 3 matches in a row where 90% of my team and the opposing team were mesmers or thieves. I logged out shortly after. I’d like to think we can get back to the type of Spvp that occurred in the first few weeks but I fear that we are headed down a path littered with thieves and mesmers.