Showing Posts For zombeaver.1650:
u can gift me so i can finally finish my nevermore
Hi guys, i have question about SW bags.
Is it possible to get precursor from bandit bags when i open them on 50lvl character?
If it is, can u prove it?
I really need to know ^^
Hi guys,
I do cursed shore/fgs champ trains, sometimes silverwastes or hot metas, but im not sure which brings most gold.
Can u tell me what is the best place to farm gold?
Are hot event trains(+meta) comparable to sw or tyria trains in making gold?
Help me guys, i want my nevermore ;_;
didnt read all but… there r few adventures that u can make gold or at least silver on the 1st/2nd try without a problems.
TD-drone race, spark race(?)(when u run as air elemental or whatever it is in ogre lane)
VB-gliding adventure, tendril adventure, beetle collecting or whatever it is near SV
AB- glinding adventure in tarir, lava adventure, mushroom race
easy golds. there r few more with easy silvers
shortbow and dagger
didnt read all but..
im new to pvp, started playing this season.
climbed to division 3 with only 1 lose.
im playing soloq with having top score most of time and i dont feel im(thief) weak.
the biggest problem to me was another d/p thief, cuz i dont know how to play vs it (im new thief overall, and played staff only yet), few engis or stupid condi classes, still can beat some 1v1.
ps. sorry for my low english
(edited by zombeaver.1650)
[EU] im trying to get my 1st legendary-Nevermore(will take few hardworking months propably ;s)
When i checked mats i need… i almost resigned.
If any1 have something like Spiritwood Planks or Beryl Orbs to spare and want to support me a bit, would be great. im not hoping for anything, but its always worth to try ^^
Bless U guys.
(edited by zombeaver.1650)
~~joining random dungeon group~~
<me> hi guys
<randoms> can u solo p X?
<me> no i started playing after hot release, so i dont have any experience with dungs -paths or any speedclear tactics
im EU, daredevil
wannabe your hoe, just take me
UA + traited elite(burn on activation) is rly strong imo and shiro is boring AF
thx for your anwser guys, but is it possible to change stats on exotic gear? if it is, can u tell me what i need for this and where i can do this?
hi, i just changed my build/gear to condi.
i used dire stats and undead runes, but..
i got my 1st mist eq part and it has no dire stats to choose.
there r only rabid stats to chose with condi dmg. is it goood?
im going to play pve only and i like mallyx more over shiro.
tell me if there is a sense to use rabid stats when u play condi.
precision goes well with condi?
and what runes (cheap ones, cuz im new and poor af) should i go?
That’s the reason the Claw Island mission was riddiculous.
u said dat u lvled in mad king labirynth, maybe u had low lvl gear and u went to high lvl zones?
wat, u joking right?
revenant is my 1st character in gw2 (i started when hot released) and everything was EZ AF (execpt 1 of the parts in last normal story missing [champion dragons, but its not about the class i guess]). i lvled shiro/mallyx all the time. for solo mobs use
shiro->heal(+dps)->odds->autos=gg. for aoe- jump in and try to stun as much as possible enemies with shiros ult->mallyx-> 1st utility skill (i have changed binds, dont remember default bind), then elite mallyx + autos and watch everything burn.
i used berserkers/assasin runes all the time i could.
PS. sorry for bad english
(edited by zombeaver.1650)