Asura vs. Human: Tell Us Your SAY!!!

Asura vs. Human: Tell Us Your SAY!!!

in Asura

Posted by: mehh.1470


The time for war has began. You are making the toughest decision of your life. Make it count!

Yeah, that’s what i’m thinking trying to decide between playing either asura or human. so i bought the battle right into the forums as the asurans vs the humans in an epic showdown. Tell us in every way possible which race is better and why? (animations, personal story, capital cities, voice acting, AWESOMENESS!!!)

I’ve posted this on both the asura and human forum so have your say and make it count. Which is BETTER!!!

Asura vs. Human: Tell Us Your SAY!!!

in Asura

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


Asura, cause humans are boring. Female voice fits so well, capital looks good, personal story is interesting and the animations aren’t bad.

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

Asura vs. Human: Tell Us Your SAY!!!

in Asura

Posted by: Rottaran Owain.6789

Rottaran Owain.6789

Asuran is straight up gangsta yo.

Asura vs. Human: Tell Us Your SAY!!!

in Asura

Posted by: Rellow.7364


Humans are boring and thus have a boring personal story, boring missions, godawful voice acting for female humans, and so on.

Asura actually have a remotely engaging personal story (at least until the stories start to merge), have good voice acting, and have awesome animations.

Gate of Madness (US)
Chocodile – Asuran Engineer
Chocodial – Asuran Thief

Asura vs. Human: Tell Us Your SAY!!!

in Asura

Posted by: Ryuujin.8236


The humans are very much the “comfort zone” of GW2. They have nothing outwardly unusual or special going for them, their homeland is incredibly average and dull being generic ye olden day farmland, routinely raided by generic bandits and populated by average characters.

Basiclly arenanet seems to have correctly assumed that people rolling human are looking for something familiar. In contrast, the Asura are deliberately over the top, as one of the Arenanet devs had to say (paraphrased) “Anyone who’s ok playing a 2ft tall genius with a napoleon complex is probably on-board with us trying outlandish things already”.

So, if you want to play a snarky genius with massive architeture, magitech computers, giant mecha suits and laser guns. Asura is for you… if you want to hide in your comfort zone with swords, farms, cow tipping and thees and thous, human is for you.

The Ashwalker – Ranger
Garnished Toast

(edited by Ryuujin.8236)

Asura vs. Human: Tell Us Your SAY!!!

in Asura

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Why not both? I have one character of each race, and I love them all equally.

Asura vs. Human: Tell Us Your SAY!!!

in Asura

Posted by: Bertrand.3057


I think you already know which race is for you, and you’ve identified this in your post.

Humans are too focused on their tribulations and suffering to give any argument as to why their race would be better than the Asura. An Asura, however, is ready at all times to list off their many fine attributes that promise them world domination.

This epic showdown you ask for? It’s humans cowering in fear as the Asura cackle in delight while deploying the might of their technology to enslave that lesser race.

Talleyrand, Captain and Commander of the Bloody Pirates
Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
Administrator of

Asura vs. Human: Tell Us Your SAY!!!

in Asura

Posted by: mehh.1470


I actually don’t know which race to choose. i want to play as both of them but just don’t have the time. so which is more fun, asura or human. i want to hear this coming from someone who played both races. please try to convince me to be either race the decision is just too hard

Asura vs. Human: Tell Us Your SAY!!!

in Asura

Posted by: Bertrand.3057


I thought we had you in the bag, but I’ll make up a nice questionnaire to help you figure it out. I have, by the way, played both races and loved the Asura so much so that after maxing out the first I made a second character of that type who is now already level 50.

What most interests you?
1 point – Logan Thackeray. He’s a strong, hunky male and I need to spend all the time with him that I can.
2 points – Orphans. Someone has to look out for them!
3 points – Unraveling the mysteries of the eternal alchemy, with surprising and publishable results!
4 points – Utilizing inscrutable jargon to obfuscate attempts at cognition by my intellectually enfeebled rivals.

How would you describe the way you run?
1 point – A monotonous stride.
2 points – A shuffle.
3 points – A hypnotizing waddle, it’s rather embarrassing.
4 points – Asura gates and golems are made for a reason. Let the long legs do their exhausting jogging about.

Where do you sleep at night?
1 point – My life has been one tragedy after another and this left me in a gutter.
2 points – I was born rich, so some feather bed in a big city.
3 points – I might catch a couple minutes of shut-eye in the lab hammock after a long night of solving problems.
4 points – I’ve solved the problem of sleep! This new tonic of mine makes it no longer necessary! Side effects unknown.

What is your greatest fear?
1 point – That some monarch who doesn’t care about me might be harmed. We must protect the queen!
2 points – Being something other than average (height).
3 points – Inventing something awesome and not getting credit for it.
4 points – Menial activities. These weren’t meant for me, they’re meant for the bookahs!

You’ve killed your first monster in the game. How do you feel?
1 point – I’m relieved that the cattle are safe.
2 points – I’m concerned about its family. How will they cope with the its death?
3 points – I’m delighted that I proved my superiority over it.
4 points – I’m curious about its characteristics and intend to study this sample so as to extend my knowledge for future challenges!

Done? Add it up:
5-8 points – Human; Life sure has weighed heavy on you, but one day you’ll catch Logan’s eye.
9-12 points – Human; I’m here to give back what Kryta has given to me.
13-16 points – Asura; No challenge shall stand up to the intense scrutiny of my intellect.

For more Asura-related inspiration, I suggest reading around this forum. This thread is a good place to start:

Talleyrand, Captain and Commander of the Bloody Pirates
Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
Administrator of

Asura vs. Human: Tell Us Your SAY!!!

in Asura

Posted by: mehh.1470


I thought we had you in the bag, but I’ll make up a nice questionnaire to help you figure it out. I have, by the way, played both races and loved the Asura so much so that after maxing out the first I made a second character of that type who is now already level 50.

What most interests you?
1 point – Logan Thackeray. He’s a strong, hunky male and I need to spend all the time with him that I can.
2 points – Orphans. Someone has to look out for them!
3 points – Unraveling the mysteries of the eternal alchemy, with surprising and publishable results!
4 points – Utilizing inscrutable jargon to obfuscate attempts at cognition by my intellectually enfeebled rivals.

How would you describe the way you run?
1 point – A monotonous stride.
2 points – A shuffle.
3 points – A hypnotizing waddle, it’s rather embarrassing.
4 points – Asura gates and golems are made for a reason. Let the long legs do their exhausting jogging about.

Where do you sleep at night?
1 point – My life has been one tragedy after another and this left me in a gutter.
2 points – I was born rich, so some feather bed in a big city.
3 points – I might catch a couple minutes of shut-eye in the lab hammock after a long night of solving problems.
4 points – I’ve solved the problem of sleep! This new tonic of mine makes it no longer necessary! Side effects unknown.

What is your greatest fear?
1 point – That some monarch who doesn’t care about me might be harmed. We must protect the queen!
2 points – Being something other than average (height).
3 points – Inventing something awesome and not getting credit for it.
4 points – Menial activities. These weren’t meant for me, they’re meant for the bookahs!

You’ve killed your first monster in the game. How do you feel?
1 point – I’m relieved that the cattle are safe.
2 points – I’m concerned about its family. How will they cope with the its death?
3 points – I’m delighted that I proved my superiority over it.
4 points – I’m curious about its characteristics and intend to study this sample so as to extend my knowledge for future challenges!

Done? Add it up:
5-8 points – Human; Life sure has weighed heavy on you, but one day you’ll catch Logan’s eye.
9-12 points – Human; I’m here to give back what Kryta has given to me.
13-16 points – Asura; No challenge shall stand up to the intense scrutiny of my intellect.

For more Asura-related inspiration, I suggest reading around this forum. This thread is a good place to start:

do you know how much i want to thankyou!!! i knew all along like you said that i wanted to be an asuran. after watching the gw2 races and manifesto videos i was hooked to the asurans. the awesome running style is the coolest animation i have seen in my life. it hypnotizes with that fast yet addictive movement. but the human race held me back, the guilt and shame if i didn’t choose it. that’s why i made this forum not to see who would win but for someone like you hook me to this race. so thank again and can’t wait to get into the game!!!

100% ausran 0%human: Ausran tick of approval

Asura vs. Human: Tell Us Your SAY!!!

in Asura

Posted by: SoulSucker.6937


Toughest Decision of my life is a complete overstatement. The humans are boring and a simple minded species therefore their story is boring and simple-minded. The asura not only have the best story (IMO) They have the best Female voice actor (IMO). There lore is very interesting and their snarky and their prideful Statements make it all the better.

So It is obvious that asura rule and the humans DONT. (Besides one of these days The asura will take over and rule tyria while the humans are just struggling to survive.

Asura vs. Human: Tell Us Your SAY!!!

in Asura

Posted by: Svarty.8019



Who’s Brian?

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

Asura vs. Human: Tell Us Your SAY!!!

in Asura

Posted by: Ryuujin.8236



Who’s Brian?

I’d tell you but it’s beyond your minuscule grasp

The Ashwalker – Ranger
Garnished Toast

Asura vs. Human: Tell Us Your SAY!!!

in Asura

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Alas, the Asura will all be destroyed by the Great Golem Uprising of 1997 AE, leaving Rata Sum in ruins, so enjoy your empire while it lasts, my dimunitive friends!

Asura vs. Human: Tell Us Your SAY!!!

in Asura

Posted by: Rottaran Owain.6789

Rottaran Owain.6789

Alas, the Asura will all be destroyed by the Great Golem Uprising of 1997 AE, leaving Rata Sum in ruins, so enjoy your empire while it lasts, my dimunitive friends!

Until we lead the Golems through the Asuran gates into Divinity’s Reach of course.

Asura vs. Human: Tell Us Your SAY!!!

in Asura

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Oh, the Rise of the Golems results in the destruction of all organic races, after the Golems achieve Magi-technological Singularity and form a new Golem Elder Dragon. At least in the Mists we’ll be able to guilt the Asura over that for the rest of all time.

Asura vs. Human: Tell Us Your SAY!!!

in Asura

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


Alas, the Asura will all be destroyed by the Great Golem Uprising of 1997 AE, leaving Rata Sum in ruins, so enjoy your empire while it lasts, my dimunitive friends!

Until we lead the Golems through the Asuran gates into Divinity’s Reach of course.

Please do. Us Charr are wiling to help you out, if you give us the Claw of Khan-Ur, and kill the monarch with us. BFFs?

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

Asura vs. Human: Tell Us Your SAY!!!

in Asura

Posted by: DreamOfACure.4382


Asura make better necros.

Go go, Radiation Field!

“Bleeding, Poison, Confusion, Torment, they all look delightful on you.”

Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~

Asura vs. Human: Tell Us Your SAY!!!

in Asura

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Alas, the Asura will all be destroyed by the Great Golem Uprising of 1997 AE, leaving Rata Sum in ruins, so enjoy your empire while it lasts, my dimunitive friends!

Until we lead the Golems through the Asuran gates into Divinity’s Reach of course.

Please do. Us Charr are wiling to help you out, if you give us the Claw of Khan-Ur, and kill the monarch with us. BFFs?

… You guys already HAVE the Claw of Khan-Ur. Queen Jennah gave it to Smodur the Unflinching as part of the peace treaty.

Asura vs. Human: Tell Us Your SAY!!!

in Asura

Posted by: Rellow.7364


Alas, the Asura will all be destroyed by the Great Golem Uprising of 1997 AE, leaving Rata Sum in ruins, so enjoy your empire while it lasts, my dimunitive friends!

Don’t be silly bookah, there’s an off switch in the back.

Gate of Madness (US)
Chocodile – Asuran Engineer
Chocodial – Asuran Thief

Asura vs. Human: Tell Us Your SAY!!!

in Asura

Posted by: TWMagimay.9057


Create asura. Log in. Do the following:
1. type /laugh
2. type /cry
3. type /cheer
4. type /cower
5. dodge
6. get a speed buff and go swimming
If you still have any doubts after that….nah, that’d be impossible xD

Asura vs. Human: Tell Us Your SAY!!!

in Asura

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


Alas, the Asura will all be destroyed by the Great Golem Uprising of 1997 AE, leaving Rata Sum in ruins, so enjoy your empire while it lasts, my dimunitive friends!

Until we lead the Golems through the Asuran gates into Divinity’s Reach of course.

Please do. Us Charr are wiling to help you out, if you give us the Claw of Khan-Ur, and kill the monarch with us. BFFs?

… You guys already HAVE the Claw of Khan-Ur. Queen Jennah gave it to Smodur the Unflinching as part of the peace treaty.

She hasn’t yet. She says she will, but she hasn’t done so yet. Why do you think we’re still fighting the Flame Legion and haven’t got a clear leader yet? If we had it, the only real problems we’d have were the ghosts, because we would have crushed the Flame legion with the full support of all the other High Legions, and chances are, though slim, that the Flame Legion could come back from exile if someone got the Claw.

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

Asura vs. Human: Tell Us Your SAY!!!

in Asura

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Alas, the Asura will all be destroyed by the Great Golem Uprising of 1997 AE, leaving Rata Sum in ruins, so enjoy your empire while it lasts, my dimunitive friends!

Until we lead the Golems through the Asuran gates into Divinity’s Reach of course.

Please do. Us Charr are wiling to help you out, if you give us the Claw of Khan-Ur, and kill the monarch with us. BFFs?

… You guys already HAVE the Claw of Khan-Ur. Queen Jennah gave it to Smodur the Unflinching as part of the peace treaty.

She hasn’t yet. She says she will, but she hasn’t done so yet. Why do you think we’re still fighting the Flame Legion and haven’t got a clear leader yet? If we had it, the only real problems we’d have were the ghosts, because we would have crushed the Flame legion with the full support of all the other High Legions, and chances are, though slim, that the Flame Legion could come back from exile if someone got the Claw.

Well, that contradicts what is said on the Wiki, which is that it now “hangs within the Imperator’s Core within the Black Citadel.” Can somebody who’s read Ghosts of Ascalon confirm whether this is actually the case?

My understanding was that Smodur does have the Claw, but he hasn’t attempted to claim the title of Khan-Ur for himself because he knows the Imperators of the Blood and Ash Legions would immediately contest him for it if he did. That runs the risk of plunging the Charr back into another civil war, which is why he’s holding off.

Asura vs. Human: Tell Us Your SAY!!!

in Asura

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


Alas, the Asura will all be destroyed by the Great Golem Uprising of 1997 AE, leaving Rata Sum in ruins, so enjoy your empire while it lasts, my dimunitive friends!

Until we lead the Golems through the Asuran gates into Divinity’s Reach of course.

Please do. Us Charr are wiling to help you out, if you give us the Claw of Khan-Ur, and kill the monarch with us. BFFs?

… You guys already HAVE the Claw of Khan-Ur. Queen Jennah gave it to Smodur the Unflinching as part of the peace treaty.

She hasn’t yet. She says she will, but she hasn’t done so yet. Why do you think we’re still fighting the Flame Legion and haven’t got a clear leader yet? If we had it, the only real problems we’d have were the ghosts, because we would have crushed the Flame legion with the full support of all the other High Legions, and chances are, though slim, that the Flame Legion could come back from exile if someone got the Claw.

Well, that contradicts what is said on the Wiki, which is that it now “hangs within the Imperator’s Core within the Black Citadel.” Can somebody who’s read Ghosts of Ascalon confirm whether this is actually the case?

My understanding was that Smodur does have the Claw, but he hasn’t attempted to claim the title of Khan-Ur for himself because he knows the Imperators of the Blood and Ash Legions would immediately contest him for it if he did. That runs the risk of plunging the Charr back into another civil war, which is why he’s holding off.

Perhaps. We are currently in a civil war with Flame, if all the High Legions were fighting, us Charr would be a thousand times worse off than we all ready are.

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

Asura vs. Human: Tell Us Your SAY!!!

in Asura

Posted by: ZeftheWicked.3076


Asura will never wage a war on any other race as only a skritt-brained imbecile would go about killing all the useful slav…reasearch speci…erm…our two – legged, quasi semi-intelligent wild life forms known as humans, norn and the slightly less mentally debilitated sylvari and char.

The asura are here to bring peace and order to the whole world and push it to new heights through study of eternal alchemy with help of human speci…friends!

Asura vs. Human: Tell Us Your SAY!!!

in Asura

Posted by: Zenguy.6421


Humans messed up the world, Asurans are making it better … in oh so many (and wonderfully unpredictable) ways.

A Human looks at an Asura and all they see is short.
An Asura looks at a Human and they see pure potential. – Sure, that potential may be primarily as a test subject, but the potential there really is enormous.

Humanities greatest achievement – those ruins in Orr.
The Asura’s greatest achievement – Where do we start? Why, just last week I . . .

For Humans curiosity is all about digging through ancient ruins hoping to learn from past achievements.
For Asura, curiosity is in everything , every moment of their lives. You only have to watch an Asura move to see that even something as small as every individual step is an experiment.

Want to be just another anonymous ape descendant in the crowd? Then by all means be Human.
Want to triumph over, not just the adversities of Tyria, but the very essence of reality and do it with attitude? Then join the true giants of Tyria: the Asura!
(And if you don’t see Asura for the giants they are, then you probably will feel more at home with a dimensionally limited race like the Humans).

Asura vs. Human: Tell Us Your SAY!!!

in Asura

Posted by: Rilke Cadmus.6829

Rilke Cadmus.6829

Really the only reason I have humans taking up two of my character slots is because I wanted to have a tribute to my characters from GW1, now that I have my core 8 characters, all the rest will be asura ( I have 2 Asura, 2 Human, 2 Charr, 1 Norn, and one Cabbagehead). That is really all humans are good for anymore, tributes to past exploits, Asura and Charr are the future; but mostly the Asura!

Tnekk/ Fyrni/ Rina Selania/ Doroga Icemaul
“And also… I can kill you with my brain.”
~River Tam~

Asura vs. Human: Tell Us Your SAY!!!

in Asura

Posted by: GreyWraith.8394


I’ve played both, and deleted the human. They look ok standing still but I hated the moving animations. Asuran animations are hilariously cool and I get a kick out of them every time I play.

End of the Dream by Evanescence
unofficial theme song of the Nightmare Court

Asura vs. Human: Tell Us Your SAY!!!

in Asura

Posted by: InfamousBrad.5879


Asura. Because while everybody else is playing D&D, we’re playing Shadowrun.

And your personal-story mentor is voiced by Felicia Day. Did I mention that your personal-story mentor is voiced by Felicia Day? Yeah, Felicia Day.

Asura vs. Human: Tell Us Your SAY!!!

in Asura

Posted by: TheBlackLeech.9360


Asura are hands down the worst race in the game.

They are un-funny and annoying on purpose.
Being annoying on purpose is something a 12 year old does.

I will never make one.

Asura vs. Human: Tell Us Your SAY!!!

in Asura

Posted by: Aura.5198


Asura are hands down the worst race in the game.

They are un-funny and annoying on purpose.
Being annoying on purpose is something a 12 year old does.

I will never make one.

I like apples .

Asura vs. Human: Tell Us Your SAY!!!

in Asura

Posted by: DrixTrix.7168


aaah its Felicia Day, you know i thought it sounded like her (watched the guild and love supernatural i loved it when she appeared in that just so easy to watch and injects fun too)

oh, Asura, just love everything about them.

Asura vs. Human: Tell Us Your SAY!!!

in Asura

Posted by: RedSpectrum.1975


How a thread that has to do with asura vs humans, in an asura forum, is not going to get biased responses is beyond me :p

Shawtell, Zen Verani, Rayshia Howen, Iyado, Colace Nzoir, Arteel Fyrien [Teef]

Asura vs. Human: Tell Us Your SAY!!!

in Asura

Posted by: nakoda.4213



Who’s Brian?

You mean “whose” brain….

Boundaries are for the effortless.
Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.

Asura vs. Human: Tell Us Your SAY!!!

in Asura

Posted by: Seras.5702


Asura: more interesting stories. much better racial abilities.

Human: females look better in armor. much better looking weapons (bigger).

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

Asura vs. Human: Tell Us Your SAY!!!

in Asura

Posted by: LtTiger.4568


I’ll have Asura over Human any day! Human is to ordinary..

Asura vs. Human: Tell Us Your SAY!!!

in Asura

Posted by: Dried Donkey.8504

Dried Donkey.8504

Asuras any day of the week! of the month! of the year! on the planet! in the solar system! in the galaxy! in the universe! of any dimension! in the mist!

but humans are cool their /dance is the best imo

Asura vs. Human: Tell Us Your SAY!!!

in Asura

Posted by: Kodiak.3281


I had an Asuran Elementalist. Finally got it proportionally to where I wanted it.

Eventually I had to go to a human however because of the absurdity of the animations on Asura. Everything is an event for the Asura. You don’t just breathe Fire, you jump up into the sky and then breathe fire. You don’t just run forward, you dip your oversized noggin around like you’re about to fall over and then run forward. You leap, you hop, you bound as if you’re an unchained spring. If you’re down with that, that’s cool but after a few months it just got absurdly old to me.

Kodiak X – Blackgate

Asura vs. Human: Tell Us Your SAY!!!

in Asura

Posted by: jportell.2197


I had an Asuran Elementalist. Finally got it proportionally to where I wanted it.

Eventually I had to go to a human however because of the absurdity of the animations on Asura. Everything is an event for the Asura. You don’t just breathe Fire, you jump up into the sky and then breathe fire. You don’t just run forward, you dip your oversized noggin around like you’re about to fall over and then run forward. You leap, you hop, you bound as if you’re an unchained spring. If you’re down with that, that’s cool but after a few months it just got absurdly old to me.

^THIS IS WHY PEOPLE LOVE ASURA! Look at the /threaten emote on asura! It’s friggin hilarious… They act like little boxers… And the shrug… With the gimongo ears… EPIC! Srsly… that is why asuras are amazing… I think after asura come norn… Why because CARLTON DANCE! That’s why.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer