Female Armor Skins
Ironically there are outfits that as a result – namely the gladiator-ish heavy armour, and one of the high level cloth crafted sets that don’t cover the chest area.
This reveals a rather bizarre quirk of Asuran physiology…
…male Asura have nipples, but females don’t Ó_o;
Garnished Toast
(edited by Ryuujin.8236)
cultural armor way made for the race.
You want armor that goes with the class? 30 gold for Zojja’s top with the gauntlet sprite
Saints row 2/3 had the best solution to this. Don’t pick a default armor and just let them wear any skin they want on either side. Will it look hilarious and awkward? You bet. It gives the option into the hands of the player and lets us do what we want rather than having some moral value dictated.. “oh he can’t have wings” “oh she can’t wear a coat that covers her chest”.
Let us decide. Hilarity might even ensue.
Anyhoo, it kind of balances out by having an awesome storyline, awesome cultural armors, awesome animations… awesome flips… awesome ability to do jumping puzzles because you don’t block your camera (though a char/norn butt might be blocking it anyway if its populated). Awesome home city.. awesome inventions and lore… awesome… ok I give up now. There are just too many reasons to be asura. Only thing is that the ninja/knight helms look somewhat hilarious like a big tin can on a big head and tiny body.. but is that a bad thing?
goes off to subtitle cutscenes with dialogue such as “my head is too big for my body” and “I can’t reach the cookie jar, charr can halp haz cookies?”
the light! And if we dance, until the heart explodes,
It’ll make this place ignite!
(edited by Sahfur.5612)
(snip) It makes no sense (snip)
It doesn’t?
Exactly the opposite. For a race having hardly any discernable sexual dimorphism, how would it not make sense to use the same armour for both genders? How would they even develop the need to two types of armours, if they are by nature one-shape-fits-all(-genders)?
(snip) It makes no sense (snip)
It doesn’t?
Exactly the opposite. For a race having hardly any discernable sexual dimorphism, how would it not make sense to use the same armour for both genders? How would they even develop the need to two types of armours, if they are by nature one-shape-fits-all(-genders)?
Why is this relevant at all? Sylvari and even charr are very similar in that respect and they have distinguishing armors. What is the point of choosing between a male or female asura character if you can’t even tell the difference between them once you have them wearing armor?
There are some gorgeous female armor sets out there but you are apparently forced to pick a completely different race if you would like to wear these, or be stuck wearing male armor the whole time.
Ironically there are outfits that as a result – namely the gladiator-ish heavy armour, and one of the high level cloth crafted sets that don’t cover the chest area.
This reveals a rather bizarre quirk of Asuran physiology…
…male Asura have nipples, but females don’t Ó_o;
That is probably because if we saw the nipples, people would freak out thinking there was nudity in the game, so they just removed them all together. That armor looks interesting though… a little surprised they allowed the females to wear them.
I don’t know the exact reason the males and females wear the same clothing, but I can only hope it is only because they didn’t have enough time to model them, which would mean we can see some actually good armor for them in the future. But knowing ANet…. this will never happen.
To be honest, I see the armor much as more a cultural thing. Asura want functionality and things that work. Anything else is excess – so they remove it. shrugs though plenty of my guildmates have cute asura I guess. Ironically the big ears = boobs thing means that all of my guild mates are well endowed apparently.
I would prefer to have female asuran armor – even if it means just letting them have the armor (scaled down, of course) that was created for humans/norn/sylvari.
John 1: 1-5, 9-14, 16-18
Much of this could be avoided if they simply added a small strip of cloth wear the breasts should be on the females. Giving it a slightly different look from the males, covering any idea of nudity and even going you something else to color. If you go with the whole idea of Asura wanting function over fashion then having the leather or cloth adds a slight bit of protection. Open skin is not very functional (getting way to deep into things)
It’s just odd to see a female character running around with one breast exposed; even if they don’t have them to begin with. I play casters so this hardly effects me…still.
The sexiest idea can go both ways too, yes females should be able to wear male armor and no have their bodies exposed but at the same time they should also be allowed to look girly or at least female if they so chose without dying their armor hot pink.
Lvl 50+ | Norther Shiverpeaks | Cook/Artif
…male Asura have nipples, but females don’t Ó_o;
This is probably due to the fact that female Asura chests are not meant to be seen, which is a problem when they just C/P all the male armor on girls. It’s no different than the female models for any other race; human female models do not have nipples either. The difference is simply that you correctly do not ever see a bare human female breast whereas armors do let you see Asura chest.
Yeha u need to repost this in “cutest Asura contest” thread coz she is adorable! and look the eyes match the armor colour!
Anyway as to what you are arguing: You are absolutely right. Anyone who is arguing otherwise for whatever reason needs to understand that it’s just plain slack, the developers need to give us options!! There should be a middle ground, some of the heavy and medium gears, sure if it suits a “thiefy” look keep them the same but poor lady Asurans should get to look pretty sometimes too, not all of us have a one track mind that is focused on Alchemagical engineering 24/7. Especially cloth gear, these games have always put a lot of effort into armor design making us feel pretty fantastic. Heros need to look the part as well as act it, Some of the human ladies get to look just simply astonishing in some of the caster/cloth gear, typical that you males thinking this is alright fail to understand…
(edited by Bassario.3465)
I rolled an Asura because of the female armour choices for cloth types. I’m not keen on the human type cloth armour. It seems I’m in a minority ;-)
…typical that you males thinking this is alright fail to understand…
Uhh, I don’t think there’s any need to be sexist, when people of both genders have said they’re fine with it. =/
Sorry I was to busy having fun and playing the game to worry about how the armor does or does not work.
It is not like only the femal Asura have this problem. Ever saw an Asura in in any of the dungon sets? they look stupied on them ALL.
Either they don’t fit them, are very unproportional or clip so much if you and your weapon thay you don’t want them. A-net still didn’t give out any kind of statment about it which mackes me very sad T.T.
I happen to really like the way the dungeon armour sets render on the Asura, especially the light armour sets. In fact, it was the main reason I created a little Elementalist!
I guess part of it is preference, but what sets have excessive clipping or strange proportions?
Arah pretty much everything that thing is hugh,
Crucible of Eternity all the one 1h weapons some don’t even show throug the pants and end of 2h while moving,
Honor of the Waves same as CoE,
Citadel of Flame most 2h stuff while moving that helment bro and some 1h swords,
Sorrow’s Embrace everything I saw so far clips with the pants,
Twilight Arbor same as Arah,
Caudecus’s Manor you can’t see most 1h stuff becaus the pants are over them
and Ascalonian Catacombs are the only one without issus but it is ugly.
edit: talking about light armour btw.
(edited by LaronX.8079)
Personally, I really like that the Asura have male armours. I get sick of playing every game, with few exceptions, where because I want to play a female character I’ll get forced to wear armour that’s skimpy to the point of impossibility. Even some armour sets in GW2 suffers from it, but playing an Asura has given a real breath of fresh air. It just feels so much fairer – I don’t have to put up with the game constantly reminding me that a character being female means it’s a sex object to oogle at.
That being said, I wouldn’t be against giving people the choice of having more girly-looking gear. In an ideal world, I’d have all the female armour available for male characters and all the male armour available for female characters, which would at least double the number of armours available. And it would be true equality between the genders, too. Why shouldn’t a woman be allowed to be clad from head to toe? Why shouldn’t a man be allowed to run around in a miniskirt? Like I said, GW2 is definitely better than most for making nice looking gear for both genders, but there’s still a few areas where it could be worked on.
Also, as for the Asura females showing their chests – chests aren’t bad. We’ve just all been conditioned to view them as being unacceptable… at least, when it’s a woman. Asura don’t have that distinction, so there’s no reason for them to have become similarly conditioned. And just personally, and not to sound arrogant but I find the notion of forcing them to cover their chests when it makes zero difference offencive; it’s kind of reinforcing that no matter how illogical it is, no matter how little difference it makes, society’s views must be adhered to. ‘Cause it’s a woman.
I’m in no way saying that I’d like all female characters to go topless; it’d bother me as much as the next player. But there’s little point in forcing our own gender biases onto a fictional species for which it makes absolutely no sense, and so serves only to reinforce messages we’re already getting drilled into our heads on a day to day basis in our normal lives.
So overall: more girly armours, yes! Armour free of gender requirements, yes! Switching out/changing armours to be more girly, hell no!
Personally, I really like that the Asura have male armours. I get sick of playing every game, with few exceptions, where because I want to play a female character I’ll get forced to wear armour that’s skimpy to the point of impossibility. Even some armour sets in GW2 suffers from it, but playing an Asura has given a real breath of fresh air. It just feels so much fairer – I don’t have to put up with the game constantly reminding me that a character being female means it’s a sex object to oogle at.
That being said, I wouldn’t be against giving people the choice of having more girly-looking gear. In an ideal world, I’d have all the female armour available for male characters and all the male armour available for female characters, which would at least double the number of armours available. And it would be true equality between the genders, too. Why shouldn’t a woman be allowed to be clad from head to toe? Why shouldn’t a man be allowed to run around in a miniskirt? Like I said, GW2 is definitely better than most for making nice looking gear for both genders, but there’s still a few areas where it could be worked on.
Also, as for the Asura females showing their chests – chests aren’t bad. We’ve just all been conditioned to view them as being unacceptable… at least, when it’s a woman. Asura don’t have that distinction, so there’s no reason for them to have become similarly conditioned. And just personally, and not to sound arrogant but I find the notion of forcing them to cover their chests when it makes zero difference offencive; it’s kind of reinforcing that no matter how illogical it is, no matter how little difference it makes, society’s views must be adhered to. ‘Cause it’s a woman.
I’m in no way saying that I’d like all female characters to go topless; it’d bother me as much as the next player. But there’s little point in forcing our own gender biases onto a fictional species for which it makes absolutely no sense, and so serves only to reinforce messages we’re already getting drilled into our heads on a day to day basis in our normal lives.
So overall: more girly armours, yes! Armour free of gender requirements, yes! Switching out/changing armours to be more girly, hell no!
I am quoting this entire post because I agree with all of it.
More variety would be nice, but not at the expense of what we already have. And I, for one, am VERY happy that female Asura aren’t held to the same (absurd) standards that other races’ females are. The heavy armors that expose her chest are my favorite pieces by far specifically for that reason.
Personally, I really like that the Asura have male armours. I get sick of playing every game, with few exceptions, where because I want to play a female character I’ll get forced to wear armour that’s skimpy to the point of impossibility. Even some armour sets in GW2 suffers from it, but playing an Asura has given a real breath of fresh air. It just feels so much fairer – I don’t have to put up with the game constantly reminding me that a character being female means it’s a sex object to oogle at.
That being said, I wouldn’t be against giving people the choice of having more girly-looking gear. In an ideal world, I’d have all the female armour available for male characters and all the male armour available for female characters, which would at least double the number of armours available. And it would be true equality between the genders, too. Why shouldn’t a woman be allowed to be clad from head to toe? Why shouldn’t a man be allowed to run around in a miniskirt? Like I said, GW2 is definitely better than most for making nice looking gear for both genders, but there’s still a few areas where it could be worked on.
Also, as for the Asura females showing their chests – chests aren’t bad. We’ve just all been conditioned to view them as being unacceptable… at least, when it’s a woman. Asura don’t have that distinction, so there’s no reason for them to have become similarly conditioned. And just personally, and not to sound arrogant but I find the notion of forcing them to cover their chests when it makes zero difference offencive; it’s kind of reinforcing that no matter how illogical it is, no matter how little difference it makes, society’s views must be adhered to. ‘Cause it’s a woman.
I’m in no way saying that I’d like all female characters to go topless; it’d bother me as much as the next player. But there’s little point in forcing our own gender biases onto a fictional species for which it makes absolutely no sense, and so serves only to reinforce messages we’re already getting drilled into our heads on a day to day basis in our normal lives.
So overall: more girly armours, yes! Armour free of gender requirements, yes! Switching out/changing armours to be more girly, hell no!
Clear, concise, perfect.
I totes agree with this entire post. Everyone happy!
Just because asurans don’t have fur or feathers doesn’t mean that its not ok. I think the way it is currently done is very tasteful but they should provide more options.
the light! And if we dance, until the heart explodes,
It’ll make this place ignite!
I like the armor choices in general for females (of every race). They are unique to most games I’ve played. Yeah, some are skimpy and sexy but many are very modest. Most of my Norn Ranger’s outfits to date have not only been neck to toe coverage, but so have my Asura.
I love that the outfits are ranging from sexy to modest and even the modest ones look good. I hated the female armors in EQ2 because the characters all looked like they were going into a convent tomorrow.
You have to think about a few things. In human psychology, outward appearence is the first thing we notice. This is before intelligence or anything else. You think someeone is attractive physically before you get to know them mentally.
This is just how humans breed. So it makes quite a lot of sense that in games and so forth, females are often depicted more… ideally. But hten gain so are males. Armors and so forth on male models are made to push the ideal of males. Broad shoulders, chest, back, etc. We dont care about showing the assets, just the over all shape and power associated with males.
This concept of physical attractiveness is not only inherent to humans. It displays itself in a variety of animals in a variety of ways. But usually a physical trait predominates things. Of course i say that with the loosest of ways. I know that there are many other factors and so on, and the differences among species occurs. So dont get to hung up on it. Im trying to make a standard point haha.
Anwyays, The question then has to be asked is why, or rather, why wouldnt it apply to asura? They would obviously have to see physical traits before mental traits to determine physical attractiveness. And thats the fun of it actually.
No, you do not need to sexualize Asura the same way humans are done. The ideals for humans, be it a nice figure and assets on women, or broad muscular body on men, do not necessarily apply to asura. What they find physically attractive could vary greatly from what humans or norn or etc find attractive. Which is honestly where Anet could have had so much fun with it.
As someone mentioned, big ears = big boobs. Sure I could fly with that. Maybe thats an attractive trait in asura. Who knows. But that being said, couldnt armors then be designed for male/female to reflect those certain traits? Perhaps big eyes are attractive in male asura, big ears in females. I dont know. Im just saying that they could have gone all over with male/female asura armors, isntead of short changing it where they all have male model types.
Yeah the weird thing is not that the armours are identical for males and females (no sexual dimorphism means there’s no need the race would have developed for this, so it seems sound that they might not have copied the concept from other races), but rather that the armours are 1-to-1 copies of other male skins.
A unique, genderless, armour design would make perfect sense for Asuras. But not simply using the male versions (although using the female ones would be just as wrong).
Neither Asura nor Charr are hatched. The both (at least to me) appear to be mammals, so it would make sense that they would have boobs.
However – the Sylvari are grown – they don’t procreate, so I can see a more unisex outfit for them, but they have the full range of female clothing. (Personally, I can see the Sylvari not having a gender, but that’s just me)
John 1: 1-5, 9-14, 16-18
Yes, please. I don’t want it skimpy, or with noticeable cups on the tops, there’s no need for that, and it would look SILLY. But the armor should have something feminine to it. You can’t say lady Asura don’t do feminine, the have bows in their hair, for Alchemy’s sake.
However – the Sylvari are grown – they don’t procreate, so I can see a more unisex outfit for them, but they have the full range of female clothing. (Personally, I can see the Sylvari not having a gender, but that’s just me
For the Sylvari this is genuinely explained though because the Pale Tree designed them to be like the Humans it encountered. They had two different physiques, so she reflected both.
They don’t actually have a gender in the sense that they feel male or female though. They have the physique, but for them it ends there (there’s some NPC discussions in the newbie zone especially, plus they develop love gender-neutral as a result).
Neither Asura nor Charr are hatched. The both (at least to me) appear to be mammals, so it would make sense that they would have boobs.
However – the Sylvari are grown – they don’t procreate, so I can see a more unisex outfit for them, but they have the full range of female clothing. (Personally, I can see the Sylvari not having a gender, but that’s just me
That makes a lotta sence! Charr females can look a lil too rough, maybe need some ‘catwoman’ style ideas to sex em up a bit
Charr females are meant to be tough and rough. If you want “sexy”, bestial races, WoW has those. And, before someone gets their panties in a bunch, I’m not trying to be rude. Different strokes for different folks, and WoW really does have that if you’re interested.
As for the Asura not being hatched, they may very well not be, but do we have any hard evidence on that? I’m not saying you’re wrong, but the Asura always struck me as more reptilian than mammalian — even if they don’t hatch from eggs.
As someone previously mentioned, the wiki for GW2 states that asura reproduce in the same manner as humans.
If you define them as mammals and therefor similar to humans, you have the standard mammal, then marsupials, then monotremes. The only instance where mammals lay eggs are monotremes (platypus as example).
So yeah its possible they are monotremes, but they exactly dont fit the docket for them, as monotremes while they lay eggs, require mothers attention while in external incubation period among other things, like one pipe for all the plumbing :\.
Its better to reason that they are of typical mammal build. With their more reptilian look, you could argue that it is just an evolutionary trait. Harder, tougher skin for protection, which gives a more reptilian look.
All that being said, as I mentioned, armors should I feel be differnet between male and female, but what they play up is different then what is played up between human male and females.
THE MORE YOU KNOW! /flyingstar
Neither Asura nor Charr are hatched. The both (at least to me) appear to be mammals, so it would make sense that they would have boobs.
I disagree for two reasons. Firstly, this is a fantasy world so I think there’s a bit of freedom with design. Not everything has to be perfect according to true logic – if it was, let’s take away the Charr’s second pair of ears. And their horns. And let’s change their cub models; they can’t be that muscular that young. Oh and all the Sylvari are dead now. The list could go on, but the point is if you have all this illogical oddness in the name of design/fantasy all over the place, little design choices like a lack of breasts is really inconsequential.
Secondly, even if they did (which Charr do) they don’t have to actually be breasts in the sense I think you’re suggesting.
The fact that I love that Asura have no visible breasts does not impact my judgement at all. No bias here. Nope.
All that being said, as I mentioned, armors should I feel be differnet between male and female, but what they play up is different then what is played up between human male and females.
I think the gender neutrality is great. All races should have the same thing – masculine or feminine clothing options should be a personal choice, and nothing should be forced on a character due to gender.
That makes a lotta sence! Charr females can look a lil too rough, maybe need some ‘catwoman’ style ideas to sex em up a bit
…No. Just… no.
We can speculate a lot, but the wiki which is supported by anet who made the game dictates that they bear children in the same manner of humans, which denotes the likely hood of being a mammal. Even games have some logic. The difference between good and bad fantasy is how to make it believable enough to sell it.
Gender neutrality is great, but then you should have individual armors for the race if you are cutting out the middle man, not just stick male armors on the females and call it gender neutral.
Also my point was that since there are two different sexes in the species, then there are likely difference in appearences. I personally dont agree with playing up the sexy angle on asura like one would do with humans and so forth (and Im pretty sure almost everyone agrees with that), BUT I do believe on making there be gender differences. They are a different race, so what they find physically attractive in male and female may (and probably does) differ from human standards. Humans, we like nice assets and figures. Asura? Who knows. Thats where anet could have gotten creative and came up iwth a unique defining look to what Asurans like to show off to prospective partners
(edited by Iron Wolf.5973)
My quote button’s missing.
“We can speculate a lot, but the wiki which is supported by anet who made the game dictates that they bear children in the same manner of humans, which denotes the likely hood of being a mammal. Even games have some logic. The difference between good and bad fantasy is how to make it believable enough to sell it.”
That’s true, but the question: is the design decision of having a creature that gives birth live but doesn’t breasts unbelievable? That is, does it take more suspension of disbelief than plant people running around? How about undead? Crystal dragons?
I won’t harp on because I’m sure I’ve made my point, but if we’re going to talk about how believable the game is I think there are plenty bigger things worth tackling first.
There are slight differences in appearances, as can be seen in character creation, but I think for a race with such little sexual dimorphism it’s really not necessary; maybe I just take issue with the large chance of one gender looking distinctly crappier than the other. It’s already happened with 3/5 races in this game. And I disagree with you on the sexual angles always being used for humans on the basis that it’s often sorely overdone – can we have average looking people, for once? GW2 suffers from this problem. Humans and Norn look so perfect they look absolutely terrible. It’s pretty much the only reason I don’t have one.
We really don’t need to shoehorn in that there should be gender differences. From a lore standpoint yeah, maybe there could be traditional clothes for different genders – maybe add them in as cultural options. But nothing should be forced on the player because of their gender. Or why don’t we start picking other character choices and making them wear certain armour skins because of them – how about light skinned and dark skinned characters. Yeah, they could have different armour sets. Why not, it could be a cultural thing. Etc. etc.
I won’t argue that having a true gender-neutral option would be best (or having the choice, at least) there’s just far too much risk that people’ll get forced to dress a certain way for the most insignificant of visual differences.
Mybe I missed something but first of all. Breasts don’t need to be visible to function. In fact only the Human use the femal breast as a sexual trait for all other mammals they just have the function to feed the childrin till they are old enought to eat themself.
So anykind of talking about female asura having the same armour as female human is just stupied.
I want femal amour for my Asura and by that I mean armour like the race amour MADE for the race. The T3 amour pretty much highlights what the Asura see as there main feature their heads and ears. The cloth tend to be wide and comfy. Now add some bows, skirts and maybe some nice shoes and helmets that look feminin and I am happy. NO need to give my Asura boobs or to show them of. just make them look feminin.
female asura armor is HIGHLY disappointing. most of it is a straight copy from the male set, there’s no way to tell that my character is female. From an Asura mythology point of view, if I was an real Asura female, and the devs gave me these clothes, I would be highly offended and throw the clothes right back at them. Just because the human and Norns are bigger than us, it doesn’t make our race all children. Asuras have just as much a right to their culture and physiology as any other race. Female asuras, as any race, should have distinguishing characteristics to woo the opposite race. It would be highly offensive to a real female asura that she should be regarded as asexual and be made to wear male clothing. Ew >> Now, there are several ways to implement this, female asuras dont’ need to have boobs. They can maybe have skirts or glittering crystal or metallic jewelry made from their advanced technology. They can have more feminine patterns on their armor, or female ones tend to be more colorful. The designs of the skirts don’t have to be sexy, it can be cute. If you need more ideas, look at Non-western cultures. In other cultures there are plenty of examples to being cute w/o showing any body parts or having certain body portions. Sheesh.
I just hate that every chest piece of medium armor for an azura is a trench coat. Why do we have to all wear trench coats?
Well I could go into the argument seeing that dogs do not have visible ‘breasts’ either until the time they are nurturing their young. Or that some mammals do not have breasts all together. Etc etc.
But this isnt a biology lesson. No the point I was aiming for is that since they are similar to humans physiologically speaking, it would likely be true that psychologically they would have similar set up as well. That is to say, that they too would value certain physical traits in their partners. And that clothing and etc would then be tailored to support those traits to some extent. What they find attractive would be what ANET could have had a ball with.
Instead, what we are given is the half hammered idea that they dress asexually, so everyone dresses in MALE clothing. Hell I cant even remember if ANET specifically said that was the case, or if thats just a loose theory floating around to explain why female asura do not have their own female clothing (other than the obvious reason that many of hte human female clothing would look strange.)
Eve up their is also pretty much saying somethign a long the lines Im saying as well. Humans like curvy women wiht nice assets, big muscular men. Its how we are when we start choosing our mates. Since asura are similar to humans, it would stand to reason that they too would value some sort of physical trait in their potential mates, and that clothing would then play up those traits. Hence the rise of female armor on asura.
EDIT: Got to make this clear so everyone understands me. Im not arguing for giving asura breasts, or giving htem the female human armor. Im arguing for the need of female armor that is fairly unique to asura.
(edited by Iron Wolf.5973)
EDIT: Got to make this clear so everyone understands me. I’m not arguing for giving Asura breasts, or giving them the female human armor. I’m arguing for the need of female armor that is fairly unique to Asura.
Yes! I think the discussion on how they reproduce or if they have visible mammaries or not (while kinda fascinating) completely bypasses the discussion about having armor that is feminine for Asuran women.
The only kind of person who wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between a male ‘n’ female Asuran is the kind thinking only with their privates. There is more to being female then kitten, kittenty, armor and kitten I seriously feel sorry for anyone dating you if you need those to see that.
The female Asura design like the Charr female design is a refreshing breath of well fresh air in a very stale environment called videogames. Where designers often always take the easy way out and cater to the sex sells perverted demographic. They alienate far easier and more reliable money doing this.
I applaud the designers of the female Asura for actually using their heads to create something creative, fun, amazing, and unique. They designed a whole cultural with it’s own slang ‘n’ everything just for the game. Instead of copy pasting another one like gnomes or going chainmail bikini puke garbage.
The female Asura are an amazing design as is the whole race. I’m glad the designer did them this way. It isn’t feminism just to ask for something cool of your own you can be proud of.
(edited by KorKor.9452)
I dunno. I feel like Houjuu’s armor is somewhat feminine, though still mostly functional. Maybe. I dunno. Not really.
EDIT: And for the record, I think the Asuran design is cool.
Tarnished Coast
(edited by Sigil.9054)
Haha no one is arguing over how great the asura race and culture is. I enjoy it much the same as anyone else.
No one here is arguing for needing sexualized aspects. Were arguing that they need ‘female’ armor that would be considered female to asura. As a few of us do agree that giving females male armor and coming up with that half hammered idea of no gender difference is kind of bleh and shotty.
The bio stuff was just getting off topic, which happens when people express ideas and reasoning sometimes.
@Iron Wolf – That is what people are asking for though. When you start to try to overlay human cultural values over another. Especially the bad ones such as stereotyping a gender to need to wear X clothing to be what it is? That is exactly what you are asking for.
The Asura are designed with the practical in mind. That meaning if it has no functionality then it has no purpose in their world. So trying to play something up as the ears as a sexual object? That just makes no sense as they are just ears. When an Asura says -My ears- it is probably more akin one being upset in a civil manner or even a greeting. That in no way implies they are a glorified object that is seen as sexual to them.
Heck, when you break humans down? Our bones really are more or less the same with minor differences. Except for the reproductive many of our systems are exactly the same regardless of gender. You toss out the super obvious stuff like breasts? And you start to see the subtle curves, the softer skin, small hands, etc. All these things that also say female. That is what the Asura are built around in that manner and it as clear as day for anyone who looks for it.
And those saying at a distance you can’t tell what gender X is? You can say that about humans as well in real life. Unless they are wearing something that just screams one or the other. Which human society is built around that kinda bs. You can’t tell anymore in real life at distance without some aid.
@Sigil — There is nothing functional about a skirt or a dress. There never has been nor will there ever be. A suit also falls into that area as both of these are something we force on ourselves as a society. Not something that is truly functional to everyday life in any fashion. That look the Asura is sporting is like a woman dolled up in like the 1890’s.
The Asura are fine people. Stop trying to ruin a good thing! If you desperately that bad need to show off something to make yourself feel like a normal human gender type? There are races for you to push yourself back into stereotypes. Heck, the humans, norn, and sylvari even fit that bloody bill. They are chock full of bad armor ‘n’ gender stereotypes. So if it really means that much to you to wear makeup, flex your pecs, or some other stereotype that have races just for you.
@Sigil — There is nothing functional about a skirt or a dress. There never has been nor will there ever be.
That’s not entirely accurate. Namely in the part where you think she’s wearing a dress/skirt. She’s not. She’s wearing a long coat. The benefit to a long coat is that it provides decent enough protection against hazardous materials, and can be removed quickly in the event of contamination.
EDIT: Oh, and it looks kitten good.
Tarnished Coast
(edited by Sigil.9054)
@Sigil — The giant chicken in her hands doesn’t exactly help one to see it all. Nor does a sideshot at best. Also.. I hear you like kittens…
@KorKor - I f’ing love kittens.
EDIT: And here’s a chicken-less screenshot.
Tarnished Coast
(edited by Moderator)
Were talking agian about making sense? And Practicality? I think the best way I can sum it all up is gender distinction with plausible reasoning.
The idea that asura are practical and there for all asura wear MALE clothing is bs. What they define as feminine can very. For the sake of argument, you could say that the male clothing in the game is feminine for asura, but then you would have to say that the males would need their own armor type. And we all know the true reasoning is applying a lot of the Human Female armor to asura would look awkward and very creeper.
The argument also that you cant tell male and female apart from the reproductive organs is pretty bad. I can tell male and female apart by their gait and hip movements alone, not to mention other features. We may have the same bones, but we are not constructed quite equally.
Now when you do mention softer curves adn subtler things, what you are really saying is you arent giving the viewer enough information at the get go to determine something quickly. That to determine male and female you have to pause and inspect because you cant see these things on the fly. BUT clothing/armor actually covers this aspect really well. And would make more sense from an artistic stand point to have differentiating clothing between the genders.
You are still hung up on the idea that feminine = dresses and ribbons and things. What asura find feminine and masculine is where I and others have argued that Anet could have had fun with it. Even if you go with things, you can still have feminine qualities in armors and still be practical. And IF we are really going to argue armor practicallity, MOST of hte armor in the game is VERY impractical – Male or Female.
Lastly, Id have to ask why you would be opposed to having ‘female’ armors for asura. It would honestly just be more awesome armors for us to screw around with. More content always makes me happy.
The moment I hit your third paragraph Iron I stopped reading. As it was quite clear you didn’t read mine at all but instead just skimmed. The typed up quite a large reply based on rebuking me when all you was skim. I covered all you are talking about and even highlighted other things that go with being a women. All of which you ignored.
You do not want to debate like Sigil you just want argue. I’m not going type up a second large paragraph to rebuttal someone that isn’t even going to read it.
You can say what you will. I did read what you posted, and posted how I interpretted it. If I interpretted you wrong, you are, or were, more then justified to correct me, instead of dismissing me.
EDIT: You know what, Ill meet you half way in your argument. They dont need female armor, IF anet decides to make armor that is unique in appearance to asura.
(edited by Iron Wolf.5973)
Wait wasn’t what we raging about? A suras and mostly the female getting there own armour sets. At least I did. It looks stupiedbto where a tie on a female As uta with Ribbons in her hair.
Yeah this thread got off topic, partly cause of me. Yeah the initial issue was no female armor for asura and how we as the community felt about it, whether arguing for there being a female type armor for asura, or whether it is fine as is.