Screenshot of your Asura Toon
Finally got my Moot.
Let the dancing begin.
As an asura, I do this all the time.”
Here’s Chocolie, my crazy little engineer!
I couldn’t choose what picture I liked best so I posted them all! O.O
But they’re all rather small so I hope its oki!
(edited by Roseberry.8912)
Quite happy with my glyphic/T1 combo though I couldn’t match dyes for few days. I’m hiding shoulders and helmet for a bit more “lightweight” look, switching them on for demanding fights.
Also it’s so difficult to take good screenshots at 1600×900 (which is the max I can play with), where did the tiledshot option that I heard about go?
Since I updated my outfit and changed my hairstyle complete strangers keep stopping in the street and commenting about how cute my Asura looks, one even going so far as to ask permissions to take screenshots xD
Outfit is a real mixed bag:
- Exalted head, chest
- CoE pants
- Tier 2 gloves
- Exotic Acolyte boots
- Masterwork Acolyte shoulders
Garnished Toast
(edited by Ryuujin.8236)
My Asura trio, with my guardian in the lead. She’s my pride and joy.
Here’s my mesmer.
Had to level an alt for the vigil chest and gloves, who is now my official “vigil armour requisition officer”, and only exists to provide this character with armour! :p
This is my mesmer.
Head: Feathered
Shoulders: Arah
Chest: Khilbron
Gloves: Molten Facility
Boots: Crafted Exotic
Here’s my mesmer.
Had to level an alt for the vigil chest and gloves, who is now my official “vigil armour requisition officer”, and only exists to provide this character with armour! :p
love it, works really well, i shall post mine very soon (when im home from work) i have a priory officer strictly for well…..getting me priory pieces (swords!
Yeah! I finally made it! I love my Bolt!
(I have the T3 but I prefer the T1 on my mesmer, I really like the gloves and the bare arm)
My ele and engi I also have a lvl 80 mesmer, but she’s ugly
Just not a fan of my tier3 asura it’s missing something.
(edited by Benjamin.7893)
Ready for combat!
but a harsh word stirs up anger.” -Jewish Proverb
1. Like this look. Makes her look very confident with herself.
2. This one makes her look like a Japanese Empress with a kimono looking armor.
3. The librarian.
So far I’ve only shared settings for the settings to everything of this Asura to a guildie of mine. It’s a bit anime-ish and at the same time look like some little blonde girl you just want to squeeze to death because of how she looks.
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE
My little Asura. My only one, but I wish I made one from the start.
How can you resist the flailing arms when they jump?
[Mist Angels] – Piken Square
I love this guy! He is going to be my first 80 that i DID not craft some levels for and he will be wielding the juggernaut one day. I don’t care if he’s just an asura!
Crusader Zakk: An asura unlike his brethren. Born with a love of hammers!
Proud player of Crusader, Arcanist,
Beastmaster, Shadowraider, and Shieldbearer Zakk!
My necromancer, Excoriator Saamid, who looked like a boss right from the opening cutscene.
Still looking like a boss months later.
For the Inquest!
Normally I don’t like bright hair, but it’s true that they go with most of colors. I gave my asura a total makeover, changed some proportions, maybe I should’ve make the eyes smaller (tip: it seems that in smaller eyes all the specular and environmental effects look a bit better), but I got used to them like this, too much change would be off-putting.
I also made another asura, a ranger this time!
my mesmer
- first picture is quite old
- second picture is newer (new dye scheme and weapons); whilst playing around with animations (sta kitten idle animation with a sword)
t1 helm
cof shoulders (like they’re visible)
t3 chest (stupid that we cant dye the glowing bit seperately)
cof gloves (still need to find a rep for these)
t2 legs
t1 shoes (only shoes that hide the side toes)
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]
(edited by Linguistically Inept.6583)
Did an update on Mazziri I’m quite in love!
At only lvl 55 I got awhile but her armor is awesome.
Plixxa with juggs.
Neenu Waffler-Warrior for what once was the Toast-
(edited by Flintbrow.7985)
I like the wings!
Me too! With the dragon-themed primeval armor and dragonbash helm, I’m deluded into believin’ that I’m one tough lil’ dragon XD.
Neenu Waffler-Warrior for what once was the Toast-
My little Princess
Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.
This is my Asura Necromancer with T3 cultural helm and chest. Still debating whether i should get T3 legs
I posted mine a while ago but she has reached level 80 by now. C: And I have made a brand new Asura too, who went and photobombed my sis with her barrel. xD
My Asura ranger in the new Aetherblade medium skin. I wanted a steampunk look but guess I’ll have to settle with this dye scheme in the meantime and figure that out later…
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE
My Asura ranger in the new Aetherblade medium skin. I wanted a steampunk look but guess I’ll have to settle with this dye scheme in the meantime and figure that out later…
That is awesome.
This is “I Came To Play Dee” the asuran guardian with a pink helm :]
The Aetherblade is my roaming small group armor, the HoM set with the Dragon Helm is my altruistic support and the t3 cultural helm set is my offensive AH armor, although idk if that build is viable anymore. Anyways, enjoy the shininess!
r4420k+ blazetrain