So umm, why do you play an Asura?
Honestly? Like a lot of other people have said – I like the culture, animations, general over-the-top attitude that the asura have!
They’re cute and adorable. Especially their emotes (dance!) and their voices. I have five of them. :p
I didn’t really like them at all until I was doing one of the later story quests on my Sylvari mesmer (I think) and I rescued an Asura. She was so sarcastic and hilarious, so I decided to try one out. I was able to customize one that did not look like a scary alien, and the animations are great. :P
° Stormbluff Isle
Technobabble and inventing things! As a roleplayer, playing an Asura is the most fun intellectual outlet I’ve ever had. There’s so much vague-outside-referencing you can do, and even MORE to do just with what’s provided.
Weaponized harmonic resonance, for instance! C&C: Tiberian Sun fans will appreciate that one (re: GDI Disruptor tanks, anyone?). Tune it to a bass frequency and you have a frakkin’ BASS CANNON! (Caps necessary)
There’s just so much fun to be had. The racial abilities are nifty. The culture is -awesome- to learn about. The immersion factor is criminally fun once you hit your stride with it.
I don’t know. I only have one Asura and a plethora of Humans, but with all this fun, Asura is pretty close to reaching Favorite Race.
Only started played less than a week ago. Created an asura elementalist. She is a treat to watch in combat, always moving, spinning, jumping about. Then I created a guardian, watching her carry a giant hammer around is hilarious.
Not to mention the sense of humour they possess is awesome.
Hah, stood my wee elementalist next to my friend’s norn… the norn is three times her height. Hahahah!
I love the Asura because they are so freaking funny and a breath of fresh air. I have one of each of the races, but I feel the most drawn to my Asura. All the races respect physical strength and heroism, but the Asura values intelligence and curiosity. I feel in love with them in EotN and when I heard about gw2 having the option to play as another race I knew I was either going to be an Asuran or Sylvari. I had my cake and ate it too, but the Asura is funnier. The Sylvari are too hippish for my liking. Now that I think about it, I wonder how Eric Cartman would react if he found himself stuck in Sylvari territory.
Being an Asura gave me an added bonus of an excellent excuse to be a smartass. Should I ever bother to buy another slot, it is totally going to be an Asuran. We are the master race and have giant Golems to do our bidding.
(edited by thunderstone.2861)
Basically, any or all of the following:
- Cute
- Witty dialogue
- Friggin’ geniuses
- Blatantly superior to all other races
And why do you have so many humans?
They are so main stream :[
Simple, the lower to the ground you are the perception of speed is greater and for me that makes it more fun. For example it seems the Norn’s move at a snails pace, they lumber.
have you EVER seen an asura warrior…i have one and she is funny as heck. Especialy with a Great sword and the thousand cuts skill…jumping and slashing all over the place….not to mention they are the ONLY race t swing a GS with one arm..then toss it over their shoulder to run off. I do look like a golem in my armor but its funny..most think she is male until i remove her helm…also Zojja is awesome xD
have you EVER seen an asura warrior…i have one and she is funny as heck. Especialy with a Great sword and the thousand cuts skill…jumping and slashing all over the place….not to mention they are the ONLY race t swing a GS with one arm..then toss it over their shoulder to run off. I do look like a golem in my armor but its funny..most think she is male until i remove her helm…also Zojja is awesome xD
Hehe. All of the two-handed animations for all Asura professions are awesome. It is quite fun to switch back and forth between hammer and greatsword on my Asura guardian.
have you EVER seen an asura warrior…i have one and she is funny as heck. Especialy with a Great sword and the thousand cuts skill…jumping and slashing all over the place….not to mention they are the ONLY race t swing a GS with one arm..then toss it over their shoulder to run off. I do look like a golem in my armor but its funny..most think she is male until i remove her helm…also Zojja is awesome xD
Axe warrior is immensely better as an asura than any of the other races as well. The attack animations are so much more lively.
Saladtha (Lv 80 salad sidekick to bears) | Dunelle (Lv 80 eviscerating muppet)
Karmell (Lv 80 human might dispenser) | Vast says hi~.
I originally made it because I played WoW for 7 years with a gnome mage named Weelad being my go-to-alt most of that time. (mainly tanked or healed with my paly) It became kind of a running gag with guildies, my girlfriend making a female gnome Weelass, a friend making Weechild, etc…
so when I came here, I made an elementalist and named him Weelad to honor the name, I also love how they fall over when you move side to side or back up lol
Mad Science and killer emotes. And yea, the combat animations rock … just made an Asura Warrior yesterday, she jumps all over the friggin place on folks.
I swear, these wacky Asura … battling with Sylvari for Favorite Race status.
Other 80s: Any but Warrior
One of my first “experiences” with GW2 was watching a livestream of someone working on clearing the map for Rata Sum. (Octopimp’s, if you are wondering he usually does comic dubs and is most known for his work in the Homestuck fandom, but he does a lot of game streams as well) . They were just so cute I couldn’t handle it. Though when I finally got the game I almost made a Charr first (it was a tough decision)! Its very typical of me to make my first character whatever race is the anthropomorphic one, but after reading their descriptions I figured quirky, ambitious, intelligent little guys fit me best so I went with Asura. Too bad I forgot to look up example of common Asura names, I kinda just went with my usual name I use on websites and things, and now I feel silly (I even blogged about it and tried to come up with some silly in-character reasoning)! Well, some kinda name-changing item will come out eventually. I like going one character at a time so I don’t think I’ll roll another character until I get her to 80, and I am planning on having at least one of every race. But, sometimes I can’t help but feel that I spoiled myself starting off with Asura, and that I might not find the other races nearly as fun. Booo!
I mostly do PvE solo, but feel free to ask me to join your party!
I see pattern to my MMO game playing:
1) In FFXI I usually play Tarutaru
2) In LOTRO Hobbits are my choice when they can play the class I want to level
3) In GW2 it’s the Asura which appeal to me
4) In WOW goblins and gnomes generally do it for me
In all these cases it’s the ‘small people’ who are given the humour, the amusing animations, and often the more pointed dialog (as per the ‘oral orrifice’ line quoted earlier).
Sadly, Rift has no amusing small race .. dwarves don’t count.
I am the opposite, not being much of a fan of small races – I had a gnome in WoW which I only kept because I got her to a reasonable level in tailoring. Apart from that my gaming history is littered with humans and a few elfy types. But I maxed out my Asura and would probably play another if I had the slots free.
The animations are the best of all the races, particularly the ears sticking up when weapons are drawn, the kicking feet when swimming and the way they right themselves when they stop running. The personal story was one of the better ones. When an Asura comes over as pompous in a cutscene, you know it’s intentional for humour’s sake rather than bad acting.
(edited by quickthorn.4918)
Adorableness, Cleverness, and blatant superiority.
3 simple reasons for a simple and small race
Who else wouldn’t like a small guy/girl beating up and become the ULTIMATE RULER OF ALL AWESOMENESS!????!!!
I think seeing the initial art of Zojja made me want to get the game in the first place. I started on FFXI with a Taru, and maxed two gnome mages in WoW. I’ve pretty much been a fan of small races since. Asura probably most of all because they seemed the most original (of a sort). My intial asura was male and looked fairly ‘normal,’ but I always wanted to make a cute female as well. Right now they number 3 of my characters, with a fourth waiting for me to get a ninth slot and try out some of the other races/classes.
Charr rank second, and sylvari third. Humans are boring, and norn are slow.
Shimar, Donata Ironmind, Aerianwen
Their dance is the winner, “busting out some sweet sweet dance moves” is an understatement.
To be honest i liked there lore and coming out from living inside the world, fantastic opportunities i would LOVE to see an area added exploring the underneath of Tyria that has huge potential if you ask me both for world events and a new living story.
other than that the attitude is great! big headed, kitteny, tough as nails for there size, positive, great outlook on life (Tyria) etc, there great i was a bit disappointed with the personal story to be fair but it was a nice start and introduction to the race.
now my question – how old are Asura’s? seriously they’ve lived under Tyria for all this time how old are they? do we know? could turn Tyria’s history on its head
downside: cant see gear that well, however animations are sweet and easily the best in the game, most fluid too.
Love the acrobatic jumps when dodging, the different effects on skills (for example mesmer sword 2 skill…jumping in the air while preforming it) and ofc the dance wich is imo THE BEST Dance in this game
Sylvari – male characters look to girly and I don’t like their armor. Nothing about this race appeals to me at all.
Humans – they seem to be either too handsome, too boyish or too grizzly. Where are the normal looking people? Lol
Charr – their armor and their whole body is too complicated looking for me. There’s just too much going on and I don’t like looking at it. Lol
Norn – Too buff and their posture looks super uncomfortable. Every time I try a norn, I end up just staring at his neck muscles like “wtf.”
Asura – everything that has already been posted. Good animations, funny, not super serious and heroic, interesting lore that isnt too generic, tc etc.
my friend said that it was easier to do jumping puzzles on a small character, plus i really dig their arcane technology stuff. its very unique and intriguing. my next character will probably be a max height charr because i only work in extremes =P
Best animations
Best voice acting
Best script
Best art
Best culture
Also, because the point of view is set where it is, people playing asura run around in their own world seeing and interacting with each other fully while the rest of you are nothing but easily ignored big feet.
I never thought I’d play one and went through the opening sequence with one just to see it and was hooked. Now I have eight.
“All will serve Asura, in time”
That clinched it for me
I picked asura because i liked their culture and how they use intelligence and science to solve their problems rather than just be tough like the charr. Their inventions intrigued me, the fact that i could create an infinity ball was awesome. I love my asura
-Superior intelligence
-Dialogue and personal stories
-Can make them look like rabbits/hares
Because we rock
~Sincerely, Scissors
My asura was born that way.
Ziffy Snidehide, Zadie Hawkkin, Zannie Oakley, Zuulja
[ODIN],[NaCl] – Tarnished Coast
I wanted an Engineer and felt that the kit backpacks looked best on the Asura. That was the main reason. Also, they have great racial skills and I liked the idea of a lumbering golem accompanying my Engineer.
Now I am so glad I rolled Asura. She’s my coolest looking character and tons of fun to play. I wish my Guardian were Asura cuz they look pretty awesome in heavy armor and have the best animations. Watch an Asura lift that greatsword off his shoulder and start leaping in the air whipping it around and you will fall in love.
Only downside: small weapons. Greatswords look like swords and swords look like daggers and daggers look like toothpicks. I wish my rifle was as large a a human’s in relation to its body.
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
Out of the 5 races, only 4 Voices appealed to me. Of those 4, 3 looked visually appealing to me. Of those 3, 2 were non human and of those 2 only 1 completed the FF7 nostalgia….and that race is Asura.
Sure an Asura is a few feet shorter than Cloud Strife but the way they carry an unsheathed greatsword reminds me of FF7 so much that its worth it.
Because Golemancy is kinda like the Computer Science of Tyria.
I’m kinda regretting it though, I love the Sylvari but I figured I’d give the asura a try. I haven’t finished the story yet and have only chosen an order on one char (the vigil), and for this one I chose the Priory… Sieran reminded me of how much I love the sylvari T.T
The Infinity Ball arc was awesome though. Only could’ve been supreme ruler of Tyria, n.b.d.
Also, cool animations + seem faster
Best animations in game. Superior race.
Well I didn’t know a whole lot about the GW world when I started, but I wanted to play an engineer. When I read each species/culture biography, the asuran sounded like the best match personalitywise.
After that, I’ve made a human (kind of boring), sylvari (meh), norn (meh), and charr (likewise awesome). Just for the story and character uniqueness, asurans and charr win hands down in my opinion. I love the animations, I love the attitude, I love the quotes. I love running and nearly tipping over. I love jumping puzzles with them. I love the capitol.
My respect for charr is just as great and they’re definitely up there, but my favorite are the asurans.
Honestly, they’re sassy and their size just makes them stellar.
I just made one simply because I like their animations and the amusing sounds they make.
they are too cute not to play one? and they are too cute to stay mad at if one kills you in pvp?
3 Asura, 2 Sylvari, 2 Charr, 1 Human. Pretty much only played my 3 Asuras lol. Asura defines Tyria.
Bookah Protector – Asura Guardian | Trapped Spirit – Asura Necromancer
It fits with my personality. A large ego, intelligent. And always want to be better/the best. And my Elyssa is cute as well ^^, its like a fluffy cat killing you with a rifle.
Asura have cool racial skills
And asura thief is awesome
Elementalist Mesmer Ranger
Sea of Sorrows
I always use the smallest model available in whatever game I play and Asura are just too cute. I also love their attitude
Primary: Gizzmologist Saikka – Asura Engineer