Idealistic Custom Music Feature
Maybe a loading screen?
Let me say the FIRST issue with custom music
2 issues:
1) it override any playlist
2) Battles are often so short that you hear few seconds of them.
Possible Solution:
Use just nighttime playlist and bossbattle or make the song from battle finish instead of cutting it every time you go ooc.
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
I fully agree with the OP but I’d like to add an item I think we’re missing.
Regular combat.
Ambient music has to be peaceful and relaxing, while battle music has to be kind of stressful. But I’m missing the middle ground of regular combat (like when you just attack a moa or something). A music that kicks in just for being in combat and having struck or received a blow. And that fades out when you leave combat for say… 5 seconds.
I think the adventurous but not so stressful music of regular combat is a must. And I think that it should be different for each of the 7 zones (maguuma, tarnished coast, bloodtide coast, shiverpeaks, ascalon, kryta and orr)
Now, I’m not asking for more music from Jeremy Soule. I’m not even asking for the default scheme of the music to change. I’m just asking for the game to let us customize it to that extent.
Do you people agree?
(edited by Ludovicus.7980)
Fully agree we should have more control over customization. I want my Nightfall playlist to play in Orr!
So summarizing, the lists and triggers we want are the following:
Triggers when in a city:
- RataSum
- TheGrove
- DivinitysReach
- LionsArch
- Hoelbrak
- BlackCitadel
- CityDefault
Triggers when leaving combat, during the day:
- AmbientMaguuma
- AmbientTarnishedCoast
- AmbientKryta
- AmbientShiverpeaks
- AmbientAscalon
- AmbientBloodTide
- AmbientOrr
- AmbientDefault
Triggers when submerging:
- UnderWaterMaguuma
- UnderWaterCoast
- UnderWaterKryta
- UnderWaterShiverpeaks
- UnderWaterAscalon
- UnderWaterBloodTide
- UnderWaterOrr
- UnderWaterDefault
Triggers when leaving combat, during the night:
- NightTimeMaguuma
- NightTimeTarnishedCoast
- NightTimeKryta
- NightTimeShiverpeaks
- NightTimeAscalon
- NightTimeBloodTide
- NightTimeOrr
- NightTimeDefault
Triggers when entering combat
- CombatMaguuma
- CombatTarnishedCoast
- CombatKryta
- CombatShiverpeaks
- CombatAscalon
- CombatBloodTide
- CombatOrr
- CombatDefault
Triggers when entering a sizable battle area
- BattleMaguuma
- BattleTarnishedCoast
- BattleKryta
- BattleShiverpeaks
- BattleAscalon
- BattleBloodTide
- BattleOrr
- BattleDefault
Triggers when entering a boss fight
- BossBattle
Triggers when entering a dungeon
- AscalonianCatacombs
- CaudecusMannor
- TwilightArbor
- SorrowsEmbrace
- CitadelOfFlame
- HonorOfTheWaves
- CrucibleOfEternity
- TheRuinedCityOfArah
- DungeonDefault
Triggers when defeated:
- Defeated
Triggers when in the main menu:
- MainMenu
Triggers when in HotM:
- HeartOfTheMysts
Triggers when out of combat in wvw:
- AmbientBorderland
- AmbientEternalBattlegrounds
- AmbientObsidianSanctum
Triggers when in combat in wvw:
- CombatBorderland
- CombatEternalBattlegrounds
- CombatObsidianSanctum
Triggers when out of combat in pvp:
- PvPRoaming
Triggers when in combat in pvp:
- PvPCombat
A feature I failed to mention was that once you enter combat, the music it was being played just pauses, does not stop. So when you get out of combat it resumes from where it was.
(edited by Ludovicus.7980)
Now, I’m not asking for more music from Jeremy Soule. I’m not even asking for the default scheme of the music to change. I’m just asking for the game to let us customize it to that extent.
Do you people agree?
I agree 100%, this is exacly what i’d like to have in gw2, not aking for more music, just more customization.
Don’t let this thread die. This would be a mayor improvement to the game.
Guild Wars 2 is a game that doesn’t catter much for customization for balance reasons, but this is one thing that doesn’t affect balance at all and whould let people customize their game.
bump bump bump bump
I’d just like it, if Anet would implement the tiny feature, of muting the background music, without muting the rest of effect sounds.
That would be especially great for when you are playing with a music instrument, so that you will hear only your instrument play and not also all the time the background music of the map.
I agree. The custom soundtrack function should be revised and improved. I understand they want to give major importance to their own soundtrack, but nowadays customization is an important feature users very much always appreciate.
I’d just like it, if Anet would implement the tiny feature, of muting the background music, without muting the rest of effect sounds.
That would be especially great for when you are playing with a music instrument, so that you will hear only your instrument play and not also all the time the background music of the map.
There is a music slider for that in audio options, you know.
Yes, it would be nice to customize zone specific music, city specific music, etc whilst keeping gw2 music there was well.