The Flute

The Flute

in Audio

Posted by: Deamhan.9538


I recently bought the flute simply because I figured they wouldn’t release a tin whistle…

There are a few issues though and I think this is probably shared with all the instruments.

The starting delay. This is one of the more minor ones. What’s the point? If it’s to sync up with other people then I can see its purpose.

The response time. I find that I’m limited on how fast I can switch notes. There are some great songs that can cycle through notes rather quickly but if you try it in the game, notes tend to get skipped over. I’m sure it’s limited due to lag but it seems like the issue isn’t lag at this point. It just seems a little sluggish.

Note length. This one is a bigger one. Many songs have pauses, stops and/or “rests” that are part of the song. There are also full notes, half notes, quarter notes, etc. and sometimes these are not cut short by another note. So why can’t the notes just play for as long as you hold the button down and then stop when released?

Notes, or rather lack there of. “Do Re Mi…” really? That is for vocalization. Instruments play notes. C, D, A, B, etc. What key is the flute in? At least if I now what key it is then I can assign the appropriate notes. Eg. In the key of C, Do equals C.

The Flute

in Audio

Posted by: Herald.9412


The flute is in the key of E.

The Flute

in Audio

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

The start up delay is mostly a problem when you’ve got a pause in the song. It messes up the timing, because the response delay is so long. It would be better if they could speed up that animation by 50%.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

The Flute

in Audio

Posted by: Xolosheep.1649


Yeah I don’t know how Anet mess this up but the unbreakable choir bell has the same delay issue. Strange enough the choir bell in the choir events have no problem at all….

The Flute

in Audio

Posted by: Jayw.1045


I noticed a delay when playing the first note just he character moving the flute to the mouth. it really doesn’t affect song playing though. As for skipping over notes and speeds, I think that’s just you I don’t have the problem in fact I play several songs that have a rapid note transition and never missed a note unless I messed it up personally and clicked the wrong key.

Edit: I take it back I havn’t played it after the patch the flute is broke. It used tow ork perfectly but you can’t transition notes rapidly anymore. REALLY angry about this cause I can’t play any of the song I used to without them sounding super choppy!

Here is a tip to help you play the flute better use your number key pad. Set the secondary skill to number pad 1-9 respectfully. It’s helped making play songs SUPER smooth

(edited by Jayw.1045)