The Flute
The start up delay is mostly a problem when you’ve got a pause in the song. It messes up the timing, because the response delay is so long. It would be better if they could speed up that animation by 50%.
Yeah I don’t know how Anet mess this up but the unbreakable choir bell has the same delay issue. Strange enough the choir bell in the choir events have no problem at all….
I noticed a delay when playing the first note just he character moving the flute to the mouth. it really doesn’t affect song playing though. As for skipping over notes and speeds, I think that’s just you I don’t have the problem in fact I play several songs that have a rapid note transition and never missed a note unless I messed it up personally and clicked the wrong key.
Edit: I take it back I havn’t played it after the patch the flute is broke. It used tow ork perfectly but you can’t transition notes rapidly anymore. REALLY angry about this cause I can’t play any of the song I used to without them sounding super choppy!
Here is a tip to help you play the flute better use your number key pad. Set the secondary skill to number pad 1-9 respectfully. It’s helped making play songs SUPER smooth
(edited by Jayw.1045)