(edited by dancingmonkey.4902)
Addressing Necro Issues [Merged]
At this point I dont care if giving necro mobility is not what Anet wants, its what we need as a class and there are ways to do it so it doesnt make the class OP.
I really wish they would decrease cooldowns on our other stunbreaks after spectral armor. If they decreased the cooldown on spectral walk and flesh wurm (amongst the other stunbreaks) it would improve sustain through life force and offer more teleports.
Those changes alone could address sustain and improve our own mobility and make this a better patch.
If you haven’t already voted in the poll please do so, it currently stands that 25% of people are thinking of leaving the game a pretty interesting statistic in its self.
Yeah thats true. I’m glad this was merged though, so that when/if the devs do read it for feedback, it will be in one convenient yet cluttered place, and no thread is lost in the dust.
I’m fine with not having a response, I just hope they’d consider some of the feedback posted here, such as my giant rant on page 2
There was a big reaction to mesmer scepter changes and they took action against the real issue which was PU. So that worked. I don’t really care if we get a response either, but if only these changes to through its sad.
I wish we didn’t only have a week to pray that they make improvements.
An acknowledgement from them will be enough imo. Just a simple: we’re aware of necromancer current situation, and we would like to address it for the next feature patch. I don’t want to wait another 6 months just to end up hearing: “wait another 6 months cuz believe! trollface”.
I’m already at my limit, I can’t believe I still didn’t uninstall gw2.
(edited by Poplolita.2638)
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that Signet of Vampirism is still left in it’s useless state. And that they didn’t do anything to improve the problems with conditions, or our sustain. Looks like an even further extended break from GW2 for me.
Oh well, on the bright side, it only took them about 6 years to fix the mesmer for PVE in GW1, so it looks like a whole lot of other games will be getting some love.
I want to comment on two things, Unholy Sanctuary and Signet of Vamprisim. So, they didn’t give necro an invulnerability skill. I was kind of hoping they would but they decided to get a bit more creative. There’s…some merit to that process I think. Something that I did notice was that when Unholy Sanctuary activates death shroud, the damage doesn’t bleed into the life force pool. My first thought when I read the description was that the total damage received would be absorbed in accordance with the fall damage change. They sort of reversed that nerf if you think about it. So, at the moment, it does function as a block under very specific circumstances. It’s definitely useful and clearly appears to be a second wind skill sort of like the engineers AED. But yeah, in PVP at least, the value in its usefulness comes from whether or not you can hold off your opponent long enough in DS to either build up enough HP to disengage properly/finish them, or access your main heal. It doesn’t appear that building enough HP to disengage or continue fighting will be an option in team fights with the current heal values. Still, it’s definitely not a terrible change and requires some experimentation to see where it can improve.
As for Signet of Vampirism, I really want to like that heal skill. Has anyone ever heard a sort of statement of intent from the devs on its design? I know that it’s lackluster in part because of the ICD on the passive and active, as well as the fact that it only heals when getting hit. That last part is a big deal primarily because the siphon heal doesn’t seem to scale in any way compared to the damage taken. You have to compare this to other heal over time skills that give you room to heal above the amount of incoming damage received whereas you don’t seem to be able to do that at all with the current design of SOV. What are some of the better suggestions we’ve heard for it? I’ve seen a few so far but I’m wondering if someone wouldn’t mind compiling it for this thread. It should definitely be useful outside of Life siphoning builds and improved when running one. Should the siphon damage scale with the damage of the attack? Or would the internal cooldown be acceptable if it added a third ICD for siphon on attack as part of the passive? Sort of like giving a lite version of a bloodmagic life siphon build, but limited by another internal cooldown. This way it’s more useful but still maintains group utility with the active. It…needs to be better and, despite opinions to the contrary, the good news is they can only go up from here. Keep the constructive criticism rolling people, cause that’s all they are going to pay attention to.
(edited by nightwulf.1986)
I want to comment on two things, Unholy Sanctuary and Signet of Vamprisim. So, they didn’t give necro an invulnerability skill. I was kind of hoping they would but they decided to get a bit more creative. There’s…some merit to that process I think. Something that I did notice was that when Unholy Sanctuary activates death shroud, the damage doesn’t bleed into the life force pool. My first thought when I read the description was that the total damage received would be absorbed in accordance with the fall damage change. They sort of reversed that nerf if you think about it. So, at the moment, it does function as a block under very specific circumstances. It’s definitely useful and clearly appears to be a second wind skill sort of like the engineers AED. But yeah, in PVP at least, the value in its usefulness comes from whether or not you can hold off your opponent long enough in DS to either build up enough HP to disengage properly/finish them, or access your main heal. It doesn’t appear that building enough HP to disengage or continue fighting will be an option in team fights with the current heal values. Still, it’s definitely not a terrible change and requires some experimentation to see where it can improve.
An idea that popped into my head from your statement would be a way to take your life force, and just use it to restore your health, not go into death shroud. You’re right in saying that the heal provided by Unholy Sanctuary is just abysmal at best. It’s not really like you’re getting a second chance….course this idea would need to be ironed out and given details, like ICD, trait tier, trait line, is the heal affected by healing power?
As for Signet of Vampirism, I really want to like that heal skill. Has anyone ever heard a sort of statement of intent from the devs on its design? I know that it’s lackluster in part because of the ICD on the passive and active, as well as the fact that it only heals when getting hit. That last part is a big deal primarily because the siphon heal doesn’t seem to scale in any way compared to the damage taken. You have to compare this to other heal over time skills that give you room to heal above the amount of incoming damage received whereas you don’t seem to be able to do that at all with the current design of SOV. What are some of the better suggestions we’ve heard for it? I’ve seen a few so far but I’m wondering if someone wouldn’t mind compiling it for this thread. It should definitely be useful outside of Life siphoning builds and improved when running one. Should the siphon damage scale with the damage of the attack? Or would the internal cooldown be acceptable if it added a third ICD for siphon on attack as part of the passive? Sort of like giving a lite version of a bloodmagic life siphon build, but limited by another internal cooldown. This way it’s more useful but still maintains group utility with the active. It…needs to be better and, despite opinions to the contrary, the good news is they can only go up from here. Keep the constructive criticism rolling people, cause that’s all they are going to pay attention to.
Honestly, for the passive I think it’d be nice if we could heal for a percentage of the damage dealt to us (no healing power scaling of course, and condition damage would not apply). The active could be for the next few seconds, damage dealt to a target will heal you and allies for a percentage of that damage (again, no healing power scaling and condition damage would not apply.)
Honestly I think my idea is unbalanced and needs to have more thought put into it, but this is what I came up with on the spot.
here is another link to the subforum..
A nice place to visit if we are not kittening about the lack of stuff.
255 votes cast so far.
Is it too much to expect someone from arena net to at least acknowledge the communities feedback?
Im not very positive now.
The fluid chanels on axe#2, Dagger#2 and more, were such a hype, but theres no way they can actualy make them now in 5 days
Same for the siphon, spite13 trait, healing mechanic.
So the only thing we could squeeze out of them is a small number tweak. And i cant think of a useful one,
Beside new spite13 GM- 5% to 8% – like thief.
Im not very positive now.
The fluid chanels on axe#2, Dagger#2 and more, were such a hype, but theres no way they can actualy make them now in 5 daysSame for the siphon, spite13 trait, healing mechanic.
So the only thing we could squeeze out of them is a small number tweak. And i cant think of a useful one,
Beside new spite13 GM- 5% to 8% – like thief.
I really don’t want to wait for next patch but they were so quick about mesmer they should be able to put it in if they are really open to feeback which is priority right now. Necro needs actual sustain if they have push the patch date farter I’m fine with it just make it work.
The Dhuumfire thread
Im not very positive now.
The fluid chanels on axe#2, Dagger#2 and more, were such a hype, but theres no way they can actualy make them now in 5 daysSame for the siphon, spite13 trait, healing mechanic.
So the only thing we could squeeze out of them is a small number tweak. And i cant think of a useful one,
Beside new spite13 GM- 5% to 8% – like thief.I really don’t want to wait for next patch but they were so quick about mesmer they should be able to put it in if they are really open to feeback which is priority right now. Necro needs actual sustain if they have push the patch date farter I’m fine with it just make it work.
Making any significant additional changes kind of messes with one of the upcoming World Tournament Series though, does it not? Did signups happen already? I thought the main reason they moved the guardian and necro balance patch preview ahead a week was so that team signups could get a better idea on whether or not necro (guardian less so) was going to be worth adding to their roster? Anet’s in a tough spot to make necros better or worse as any changes they make will have either a positive or negative impact on those who opted to/not to run a necro on their team comp. I’m not saying they shouldn’t address what they feel is worth changing on short notice but it seems like the timing of this is pretty bad for the tourney at least. I’m hoping they will learn from this in the future. Perhaps by not scheduling the balance patch so close to events that hinge on said balance, they will have more freedom to “Act with Wisdom.”
The tourny signups close this friday. Grouch already axplained that things are going at a fast pace, which i find great from arenanet.
They changed numbers and added a random from 5 instead of random 3 boons for mesmer.
Im hoping, but i just cant see them remodeling 2-4,5x animations for our weapons to be faster, in a week.
A good fast thing would be nightmare rune nerf to 1s fear, and revert of staff/scepter bleeds.
I really wish they would decrease cooldowns on our other stunbreaks after spectral armor. If they decreased the cooldown on spectral walk and flesh wurm (amongst the other stunbreaks) it would improve sustain through life force and offer more teleports.
Those changes alone could address sustain and improve our own mobility and make this a better patch.
Thats great, I didn’t think simple when addressing necro sustain but yeah it makes sense. I was thinking something like dagger #3 and maybe focus #5 with the mastery trait teleport the necro to the target. Not being a smartguy more stunbreak+teleport is a good idea.
Animation is a start but that doesn’t improve sustain, our traited healing should work in DS. Why is it coutered by DS? What is so scary about some healing in DS??? Allow siphoning and parasitic contagion then we are starting with true sustain.
The Dhuumfire thread
The tourny signups close this friday. Grouch already axplained that things are going at a fast pace, which i find great from arenanet.
They changed numbers and added a random from 5 instead of random 3 boons for mesmer.
Im hoping, but i just cant see them remodeling 2-4,5x animations for our weapons to be faster, in a week.
A good fast thing would be nightmare rune nerf to 1s fear, and revert of staff/scepter bleeds.
I think that’s reasonable, for sure. I would also promote giving better animations to signet of spite if we can get those bleeds back. Which should probably happen either way. But I am all for changing anything that people (both necros and non-necros) percieve to be spammy, skill lacking abilities.
I really wish they would decrease cooldowns on our other stunbreaks after spectral armor. If they decreased the cooldown on spectral walk and flesh wurm (amongst the other stunbreaks) it would improve sustain through life force and offer more teleports.
Those changes alone could address sustain and improve our own mobility and make this a better patch.
Thats great, I didn’t think simple when addressing necro sustain but yeah it makes sense. I was thinking something like dagger #3 and maybe focus #5 with the mastery trait teleport the necro to the target. Not being a smartguy more stunbreak+teleport is a good idea.
Thanks for the support on that idea, I was thinking about it more and I see it as a better idea than when I first posted it just because those are changes they can probably make in a week.
Keep the conversation going to keep this thread alive, and hopefully it will gain some recognition from the developers.
After following the previewed changes of every profession since Skill Bar started, I was a bit hyped about necro changes (more survivability at last!!).
What do I have to say now about that? I’m surely dumb for believing in Arenanet to finally improve our class when they demonstrated patch after patch that they are clueless
I’ll give them that the “buffs” to axe and dagger are in the right direction but, like almost everyone said before, it’s not enough.
Lich form nerf was totally necessary and deserved so I’ll give that point to them too.
To be useful for this thread now, I’ll talk about some topics that I really look for improvements:
Healing while in DS: if they think that this would be really OP like they do, they should start AT THIS VERY MOMENT on reworking the party UI. It’s really annoying when you play another class than necro and you can’t tell if your support skill you just casted will heal that necro running away over there or not.
Another thing will be making little steps towards that direction and let siphons heal you while in DS (improving survivability and Bloodmagic traitline in 1 shot).
Weapon skills: everyone knows that we have some really long animation and cast times, we need to get a fix to that. A lil bit only would be HIGHLY appretiated. Improvement on these leads me to the next topic.
Torment: I think this is quite popular in this forum at least. We need more access to this shiny new condition that is almost the definition of attrition: if you run away from me you will bleed really hard, so better stay here not moving. Make this on scepter#3 and counts it towards the conditions on target for LF generation (another 2 problems solved by one solution: more access to torment and more LF generation on scepter, because even if the target doesn’t have conditions when you use #3, its torment will give you some guaranteed LF).
Survivability: if they implement my previous suggestion of letting siphons heal us while on DS, survivability will increase for sure but there are more things they can do. What about start spreading some stability everywhere? We are supposed to be the ATTRITION class, why the hell do we have the worst access to stability of all classes (apart from thief)? I won’t discuss general LF generation vs more than 2 foes because I think that topic is more complicated to balance that it seems, but that can be another way to improve it.
TL;DR:more healing on DS or fixing UI at least, less cast times, more torment, more siphons and more stability.
1) all necromancer traits + regen heal your actual HP while in DS . without outside direct healing for start
2) faster cast/channel animations: dagger#2, axe#2, focus#5, focus#4, dagger#3, axe#3 in order
Flumek posted this in the 3 changes you would make to necro, i think he is spot on.
I had an idea regarding stability what if dark path actually stole stability from the said target?
This allows counter play and is not op considering the length of stability you would steal would not be substantial in most cases- i.e. pop into ds, cast dark path wait for it to travel and successfully land and then you have the stability.
Also i question for the short term how we can survive significant focus/burst without some sort of invuln, doesn’t have to be long something similar to endure pain.
Just for the short term until they sort out all this supposed self sustain.
Apart from flesh wurm teleport there is not many ways to survive 2 opposing players bursting the crap out of you.
Apart from flesh wurm teleport there is not many ways to survive 2 opposing players bursting the crap out of you.
That if you are lucky enough they didn’t inmobilize you for 1224340 seconds before and your heal is on CD, in that case you can say bb to the world of the living
1) all necromancer traits + regen heal your actual HP while in DS . without outside direct healing for start
2) faster cast/channel animations: dagger#2, axe#2, focus#5, focus#4, dagger#3, axe#3 in orderFlumek posted this in the 3 changes you would make to necro, i think he is spot on.
I copyed nr1 from bhawb, and i think its one we all agree upon.
Its the basic of not being punished for using your own traits/mechanic.
Example: warior cleansing ire + burst mastery combo got fix very fast as it came out
For the adventurous devs,
(edited by Flumek.9043)
I’m just throwing this out there, but developers could you also please consider giving us a more reliable/consistent way to apply weakness to foes more often.
1) all necromancer traits + regen heal your actual HP while in DS . without outside direct healing for start
2) faster cast/channel animations: dagger#2, axe#2, focus#5, focus#4, dagger#3, axe#3 in orderFlumek posted this in the 3 changes you would make to necro, i think he is spot on.
I copyed nr1 from bhawb, and i think its one we all agree upon.
Its the basic of not being punished for using your own traits/mechanic.
Example: warior cleansing ire + burst mastery combo got fix very fast as it came outFor the adventurous devs,
I agree with that. It would make sure going into bloodmagic is not bad.
just to be sure that “maybe” someone from ANET will see the results of what they proposed..
Commander Gammaburst, Warr 80 – IoJ
Headhunter Jaeger, Thief 80 – IoJ
Heres my ideas to “fix” necro survivability and traits. I’m sure these same ideas have been proposed by others in the past but I simply want to highlight the ones I feel are worth considering.
Blood magic and deathshroud don’t work together at all.
Blood magic 5 point 5 minor replaced with: “can now gain health from regeneration, and life siphons while in DS”. This would make it somewhat appealing to invest deep into blood magic and would give the traitline a strong defining character.
Unholy sanctuary and martyr need to swap places. Why are we forced to spend 6 trait points in a NON-healing power tree to get a trait that essentially needs insane amount of healing power to be practically of any use. Limits this Tier 3 trait to only builds that want to run 30 blood and death (currently only a minion master might even consider this assuming they want skip the damage boost for minions, which they don’t).
Additionally revert the new functionality from unholy sanctuary and just make it effective at what its supposed to be. Start by buffing the base heal to 200 and see how that plays out.
Remove the damaging part from siphons altogether. Yes, I’m prepared to sacrifice the minor damage boost from siphons if this is what is holding them back from being a viable source of sustain and self heal for the necromancer. I can boost my damage from curses and spite tree when I want, so blood magic does not need this sort of functionality at all.
The only thing that 5 point minor trait will do is forcing people to either go 5pt in blood magic, take a full set of minions or don’t go in blood magic at all. No, healing in DS should be a basic functionality. If afterwards it is OP, balance the rest.
gaining health while in ds would not be op
seeing as we both have no proof to prove our point it depends on what anet thinks
I never claimed it to be OP, I just said that even if we would become OP because we would heal in DS (which I don’t believe), it is for the best that they balance/nerf other parts of the necromancer.
The only thing that 5 point minor trait will do is forcing people to either go 5pt in blood magic, take a full set of minions or don’t go in blood magic at all. No, healing in DS should be a basic functionality. If afterwards it is OP, balance the rest.
It would still be a small step towards making it worthwhile to go deep in the blood trait.
currently no one really goes for blood magic. Atleast then some builds might go for blood magic. All or nothing is better than simply nothing in my eyes. I know it not a perfect situation but still.
What comes to healing in DS in general, I don’t see how it would be op. Considering all the ele, guardian and even ranger self heal builds that can stay alive and heal like crazy, why would necro become op if we could heal at a steady rate, but not the others? Oh and thieves can heal in stealth…
How about that:
1.: Remove bloodthirst and make its effect baseline
2.: Move Quickening thirst to the now free adept trait slot (this would bring the trait in line to the ele trait aka windborne dagger)
3.:Move vampiric rituals to the now free master slot (while this trait is good with its current numbers i dont think it is worth a grandmaster slot)
4a.: A New Grandmaster that siphons every second roughly 100 life (note here: the number may need balancing) from nearby enemies while in combat. Essentally something like a vampiric aura around you (similar to death shiver)
4b.: A New Grandmaster that increases the healing part of you siphons by 20% and allies around you are healt of 20% of you siphoned health.
Or simply allow healing while in DS….
And please note that those are merely suggestions and may or may not be overpowered.
While I don’t think your ideas are bad I still believe the easiest approach is to allow heals throug DS. That way the existing siphons would not need much of a change at all.
4a.: A New Grandmaster that siphons every second roughly 100 life (note here: the number may need balancing) from nearby enemies while in combat. Essentally something like a vampiric aura around you (similar to death shiver)
This will never work even with number changes, consider fight a mesmer with a parrot, turret engineer, a minionmancer . Even if you can’t hit all of them you will hit at least 3 of them given you in a 1v1 300 hp/s. Quite OP and if you lower the number, the hp/s will not be worth it against a non ai build.
I’m just throwing this out there, but developers could you also please consider giving us a more reliable/consistent way to apply weakness to foes more often.
More weakness would be a good and fitting way to improve necromancer survivability.
just to be sure that “maybe” someone from ANET will see the results of what they proposed..
Being honest I’m not sure Anet really cares about the poll. What is more effective is discussion that supports our unhappiness, instead of just saying we’re unhappy with these changes.
I edited the OP again to try to explain the thread better.
4a.: A New Grandmaster that siphons every second roughly 100 life (note here: the number may need balancing) from nearby enemies while in combat. Essentally something like a vampiric aura around you (similar to death shiver)
This will never work even with number changes, consider fight a mesmer with a parrot, turret engineer, a minionmancer . Even if you can’t hit all of them you will hit at least 3 of them given you in a 1v1 300 hp/s. Quite OP and if you lower the number, the hp/s will not be worth it against a non ai build.
To be honest i prefer the other grandmaster idea since necromancer can get somthing similar with warhorn 5 and the vampiric traits already. Also the other idea would give both sustain and group support, two things necrmancer ask for.
My intention was more to give some exemples for possible changes. But i see your point and i tend to agree with that.
If we had decent finishers then weakness wouldn’t be such an issue. Blasting poison fields would be a great way to add weakness uptime without making it free.
The first step to making Blood Magic good is making all self-traited sources of healing heal your actual HP pool while in DS, as well as regen.
Note that Transfusion would be changed so that it didn’t heal you, only allies.
Well this isnt related to blood magic but what if unholy sanctuary was the gm trait that allowed heals in DS (minions not included)?
I’m just throwing this out there, but developers could you also please consider giving us a more reliable/consistent way to apply weakness to foes more often.
More weakness would be a good and fitting way to improve necromancer survivability.
just to be sure that “maybe” someone from ANET will see the results of what they proposed..
Being honest I’m not sure Anet really cares about the poll. What is more effective is discussion that supports our unhappiness, instead of just saying we’re unhappy with these changes.
I edited the OP again to try to explain the thread better.
I dont think having the poll in there is a bad thing(unless you have been told otherwise).
We have made numerous threads, from helpful suggestions to rant threads and everything in between.
Having the poll documents how everyone feels with the class and im not sure about you but having 25% of people considering leaving the game would make me do more then a rant thread.
I’m just throwing this out there, but developers could you also please consider giving us a more reliable/consistent way to apply weakness to foes more often.
More weakness would be a good and fitting way to improve necromancer survivability.
just to be sure that “maybe” someone from ANET will see the results of what they proposed..
Being honest I’m not sure Anet really cares about the poll. What is more effective is discussion that supports our unhappiness, instead of just saying we’re unhappy with these changes.
I edited the OP again to try to explain the thread better.
I dont think having the poll in there is a bad thing(unless you have been told otherwise).
We have made numerous threads, from helpful suggestions to rant threads and everything in between.
Having the poll documents how everyone feels with the class and im not sure about you but having 25% of people considering leaving the game would make me do more then a rant thread.
Commander Gammaburst, Warr 80 – IoJ
Headhunter Jaeger, Thief 80 – IoJ
I’m just throwing this out there, but developers could you also please consider giving us a more reliable/consistent way to apply weakness to foes more often.
More weakness would be a good and fitting way to improve necromancer survivability.
just to be sure that “maybe” someone from ANET will see the results of what they proposed..
Being honest I’m not sure Anet really cares about the poll. What is more effective is discussion that supports our unhappiness, instead of just saying we’re unhappy with these changes.
I edited the OP again to try to explain the thread better.
I dont think having the poll in there is a bad thing(unless you have been told otherwise).
We have made numerous threads, from helpful suggestions to rant threads and everything in between.
Having the poll documents how everyone feels with the class and im not sure about you but having 25% of people considering leaving the game would make me do more then a rant thread.
You’d probably see similar poll results from thieves and warriors. All the poll means is “We didn’t get what we wanted.” Which is not meaningful.
That’s why I changed the OP and left the links to many of the big necro discussions that took place in the months before that post, to show that there are still many concerns and themes that were unaddressed with the changes announced last Friday.
The discussion should focus on "Necromancer was a mid to lower tier class that still has issues like being very strong in 1v1s, and this is how we can improve the Necro for the Necro mains and the rest of the player base, " which again is what I tried to do with this thread to begin with.
I think sometimes Necro-main players have a habit of making points that from certain perspectives sound like whiny, make me OP posts, which they aren’t. For example, in WvW (where life force is plentiful. condition duration is longer, bleeds weren’t nerfed, etc.), or from the perspective of a new player where Lich form and death shroud seem like too much to overcome, buffing the class is insanity. But from high tier PvP and PVE perspectives, the class needs desperate help. So we need to do better at making points that don’t make us OP to a newbie or in WvW, for example.
I’m just throwing this out there, but developers could you also please consider giving us a more reliable/consistent way to apply weakness to foes more often.
More weakness would be a good and fitting way to improve necromancer survivability.
just to be sure that “maybe” someone from ANET will see the results of what they proposed..
Being honest I’m not sure Anet really cares about the poll. What is more effective is discussion that supports our unhappiness, instead of just saying we’re unhappy with these changes.
I edited the OP again to try to explain the thread better.
I dont think having the poll in there is a bad thing(unless you have been told otherwise).
We have made numerous threads, from helpful suggestions to rant threads and everything in between.
Having the poll documents how everyone feels with the class and im not sure about you but having 25% of people considering leaving the game would make me do more then a rant thread.
You’d probably see similar poll results from thieves and warriors. All the poll means is “We didn’t get what we wanted.” Which is not meaningful.
That’s why I changed the OP and left the links to many of the big necro discussions that took place in the months before that post, to show that there are still many concerns and themes that were unaddressed with the changes announced last Friday.
The discussion should focus on "Necromancer was a mid to lower tier class that still has issues like being very strong in 1v1s, and this is how we can improve the Necro for the Necro mains and the rest of the player base, " which again is what I tried to do with this thread to begin with.
I think sometimes Necro-main players have a habit of making points that from certain perspectives sound like whiny, make me OP posts, which they aren’t. For example, in WvW (where life force is plentiful. condition duration is longer, bleeds weren’t nerfed, etc.), or from the perspective of a new player where Lich form and death shroud seem like too much to overcome, buffing the class is insanity. But from high tier PvP and PVE perspectives, the class needs desperate help. So we need to do better at making points that don’t make us OP to a newbie or in WvW, for example.
I dont agree, but i dont want to turn this into a pointless argument.
I think there has been some good suggestions which you wouldnt think would be too difficult to change ie mainly the weapons cast times ect.
The suggestions by bhwab and flumek about the regen and traits in deathshroud might be more complicated but would be a good step in the right direction.
The more substantial changes will take alot of time, The 1st point about the weapons they could do now and would be a simple way to make us slightly more viable.
Anyway props for you trying to keep all in the one place. good job.
There was a big reaction to mesmer scepter changes and they took action against the real issue which was PU. So that worked.
First of all, mesmer is not necro. We unfortunately do not have somebody prominent in SPvP who can make himself get a hearing at Arenanet and who gets enough attention. I only remember Zombify who played a necro in high level TPvP but he streamed not much and i don´t know if he plays anymore. I don´t know if necros play any role in high level TPvP nowadays. So Anet does not care anyway.
Second, Anet does not know what to do with Necros, they never did since day one. Look at all the Jon Peters comments in the past on “mastering” death shroud, dhuumfire etc. They have absolutely no idea and nobody of them mains a necro.
Third, polls are a nice idea, they show the obvious, but unfortunately Anet don´t give a flying kitten about polls so don´t expect to be recognized, they are busy with this thread:
where they are communicating about everything except the real issues this game has.
I am happy with the skill bar. I expected nothing and got more than i expected, so i take this. But they will never ever in thousand years address the issues this class has. I mean, have you heard grouch at the last video where he explained why he thinks that torment on aa is fine and how he tested it. If the whole Anet balancing team is working like this, it´s no wonder that things are as they are.
Well this isnt related to blood magic but what if unholy sanctuary was the gm trait that allowed heals in DS (minions not included)?
The mechanic should be base, you shouldn’t need a trait to make your defenses not negate each other.
194 replies and no dev found here.
How many replies for a topic do they need to show up and say hello at least? U.U
194 replies and no dev found here.
How many replies for a topic do they need to show up and say hello at least? U.U
It is rather unlikely that they will reply but given the numbers of views it is rather likely that they alteast have read it.
It is rather unlikely that they will reply but given the numbers of views it is rather likely that they alteast have read it.
That’s what I’m saying. I’m not asking for something like “we will make more changes to make you everyone happy guys!!”, it’s more like “we are aware that necromancers need more love and we will keep track on this thread to see what you think ”.
That’s what I’m saying. I’m not asking for something like “we will make more changes to make you everyone happy guys!!”, it’s more like “we are aware that necromancers need more love and we will keep track on this thread to see what you think
Do you actually think their validation means anything, as far as the community is concerned? Its obvious with any shred of logic that they know the major issues that exist in their game, lack of changes doesn’t mean they don’t know, it just means they haven’t changed it yet. But people don’t want to know that ANet knows about the problems, what they really want, whether they admit it or not, is for ANet to tell them they are totally correct, and make the changes they want, how they want them, and make those changes right now. That isn’t a reasonable demand, yet it happens all the time.
At this point I dont care if giving necro mobility is not what Anet wants, its what we need as a class and there are ways to do it so it doesnt make the class OP.
They increases the base swiftness duration of Locust Swarm by 50%. Which with Banshee’s Wail, and you will have access to 100% swiftness up time.
This is the only swiftness skill in the game which actually slows you down in PvE, WvW and PvP by proccing off random things/mobs.
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.
At this point I dont care if giving necro mobility is not what Anet wants, its what we need as a class and there are ways to do it so it doesnt make the class OP.
They increases the base swiftness duration of Locust Swarm by 50%. Which with Banshee’s Wail, and you will have access to 100% swiftness up time.
This is the only swiftness skill in the game which actually slows you down in PvE, WvW and PvP by proccing off random things/mobs.
No, no it isn’t.