Bringing back the hybrid class from GW1!

Bringing back the hybrid class from GW1!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Baclavaman.9054


GW2 is a great game but the gameplay customization from the original is quite lacking, even tho the trait system is a great addition it could go so much further.

I think there is a way to keep the current system but improve it as well all at the same time. This would require 4 elements but for what i heard (rumors) the first one seems to be worked on as you read this ( well i hope).

- All weapons for all classes; that right there would open up the customizations a bit. Not much to say here you get the idea, new skills for all new weapons and all classes so pretty straight forward, moving on!.

- Weapon skill swap, this one might be a little more subtle but will have a huge role to play as you keep on reading. Warrior greasword skill number 2 " hundred blades", simply having the ability swap it to slot 3, 4 and 5. On its own its not a huge thing but it is more customization in a way if you choose to use it.

- Bring back the hybrid class system, this is not a such a big deal really. Talk to and NPC in a city, choose your secondary class class and TADA! More options. Like in GW each classes had a attribute or now a trait line that is specific to a class and is linked to that class own mechanic ( necro soul reaping/ death shroud, guardian virtue line/ 3 vistues skills and so on). Going hybrid would unlock all these non specific trait lines, but would allow you to expend your options; Warrior necro could still be a dps power house but investing a bit in the blood line would turn you into a vampiric warrior or you have your escort of minions with death, this is just an example but i let you guy think of what you could do. Those who wish to remain single class oriented could still do it but opening up by having 2 just seems right, at least it would follow the tradition with the first game. Fusing wouldn’t change your class own mechanic but it would unlock the healing skill and utilities to swap them at will.
N.B. I know that stats related to trait line could cause a problem by over boosting certain attributes, biggest concern would be critical damage but some stats could benefit from it like healing power and boon duration, this would require some tweaking.

- Last but not least , pretty sure some of you figured it out by now is the class weapon skill swap. Since skill 1 is the auto attack you would be only able to choose between your current class and the secondary. Ex, War/Guard with greatsword would have the choice between applying vulnerability on attacks or getting might on every third blow. Now for the crispy part, skill 2 could either be hundred blades or whirlwind wrath, if you like both, the swap skills system we spoke of earlier would come in by allowing you to keep both skills on the condition to replace another one for it on slot 3, 4 or 5. This way you have at least to customize your weapon skill bar, build and if you want a really focused build you can have more liberty synchronizing the spell for your set.

All in all these 4 elements would allow us to customize our heros the way we want, have build for specific uses or pure jack of all trades. This is my great hope for the game and as soon they are done unlocking all weapons for all classes it would be so easy to do; weapon skill swap, weapon class swap and allow 2 trait trees per toon. TADA! Countless people with nose bleed because they spend a week without sleep crunching numbers for their new build. Even tho is=f they dont unlock all weapons for all classes, goin Ele-War would at leat enable ele to use GS with the regular warrior skills.

So after this book of a post, what do you guys think?

(edited by Baclavaman.9054)

Bringing back the hybrid class from GW1!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Silhouette.5631


I like the idea of the option of extending player options, but being forced into anything other than pure Guard support would aggravate me. It would have to be made possible within the current 70 trait points. Also the professions werent really made with this in mind so it would require a total it probably wont happen

Bringing back the hybrid class from GW1!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Baclavaman.9054


Well you could remain pure guard or invest half of you point somewhere else, for example going full symbol healing support and going warrior tactical line for healing banner or shouts, you are full support but opening up horizons a bit. You could do the same for offensive build going into sync with other classes trait line or mix and matching. It gives more variety and also open up the door to come with really good focused builds.

Bringing back the hybrid class from GW1!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Eiland.1405


Sw/D Ranger + Thief – 1 auto ,3 Evade skills, 1 stealth . gg.

Mixing weapon skill is abous OP, if anything you could just make it so that you only get the utility skills of the secondary to choose from too.
And let me assure you , you gonna see a lot more iHouses (shadows refuges)…

So yeah it WOULD have been fun, but not gonna happen. Start coutdown to GW3

Dry Leaves

(edited by Eiland.1405)

Bringing back the hybrid class from GW1!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Ariete.6509


I started a thread focusing in the idea of secondary professions. Although i have a different approach to it. Basically, only one type of skills (traps, cosecrations, gadgets, etc) from the secondary profession would be avaiable to slot in.

In depth discussion can be found here: