Community lets make this happen!!

Community lets make this happen!!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: GTOLegend.4175


Hello all,

I thinks its time as a community we banded together and demand that Anet finally revamps the combat of this game. Its been out for 2 years now and yet we are still mashing at the same skills and waiting for the same CD’s after all this time. I stopped playing this game 8 months ago cause I could no longer ignore the lack of diversity. I could no longer grind away for skins that came out with every living story update using the same skills ,traits, and builds that Anet engineered for us to use. I would like to use this thread as a mass call out to the Anet team to take another look at the state of this game and revamp the combat with the same passion the use to create the living story. Cause I really want to be interested again. I want to experience the living story, but with renewed skills and traits.

My Idea is simple and already been tested to some extent. It would need to be scaled to guild wars 2, but its already been programmed and created. I’ll elaborate more on this later. So my idea is to take all the weapons from this game and add “new” skills to the weapons themselves. By doing this it will expand each Professions skill pool. Anet could spread out the new skills or skill sets among different rarities giving players a interest in equipping all levels of rarity to see if the new weapon had a new skill or a entire new skill set. Also Anet should take in consideration as the rarity goes from fine , masterwork, rare, exotic, ascended and legendary to give a opportunity for better skills or whole new skill sets for that weapon. Making the grind to attain weapons and skins more rewarding.(Yes it will add even more grind to the game. But at least this is interesting grind.) As for Legendary’s I think they should have the ability to pick certain skills depending on the stats you select. I think that would justify the work it takes to obtain legendary’s. So to explain how I think it could be implemented I’ll give a couple of examples. If a profession was to equip a “resilient” weapon with toughness stats it would get defensive skills; If a profession was to equip a “vitality” weapon it would get sustainability skills. So now I bet your wondering where all these new skills I said earlier that were all ready programmed and tested. I want to welcome you to the original Guild Wars. Please take a look at all the skills Guild wars 1 has to offer. Anet has already programmed these skills, yes on a older platform but the ideas are there they just need to copy and paste and balance them to gw2 values. To see what each profession could have the possibility of using if Anet decides on creating us new skills look on the right side of the guild wars wiki. There is a navigation pane to all the professions and their respected skills.

I know balance will be brought up at some point so I might as well address my opinion on that now. I would rather complain a about a new skills potency than not have a new skill to shake things up and give us a opportunity at new builds and strategies for more diverse counter play.

So in conclusion this is just an idea for Anet to renew the combat, and make it match the wonderfully written and drawn living stories they have been creating. Also it would give a renewed opportunity to relive the story from the beginning with a new approach. I would just like to see some REAL improvements made to this game and yes I believe they should make this investment. I believe it would be for the health of this game and it would be worth the investment. Also I can see a way for Anet to monetize a item in the store to make the time and money invested into this project worth it. The item could give the ability to transfer a skill from one weapon to a another. Something similar to transmutation stones allowing you to customize your weapon sets. In the end I would like to think that we all would like to spend time in this game not grinding to make character models different but the ability to have your own play style and not be dictated to play the way Anet wants us to play. It’s 2 years since release and I think it’s time we realized after all of the build’s we have tried and created, it was always limited by the lack of diversity in weapons skills allotted to us.

So lets make this happen community!

Please Sign this topic and keep it at the top of the forum.
Feel free to share this among other gaming websites in hope to get awareness and more support!

Community lets make this happen!!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Hockmed.9417


The problem with unique weapons having unique skills is that players would then be required to farm for certain weapons. This goes against the entire design philosophy Anet created the Guild Wars franchise upon. Your ideas are certainly interesting, but it would only lead you to a larger pool of the staleness that you call out.

They would not be able to logistically create unique skills for each weapon, so that would mean that each attribute would be the same across any weapon type. In essence, once you got all the skills, you would still be using the same ones over and over – let’s face it, there would be a best combination, and using anything else would be limiting yourself.

The problem with the combat isn’t the skill system or how it ties into weapons. The problem is the lack of change in the actual enemies and mechanics. Very little has changed in 2 years mechanics wise. The challenge is not avoiding damage, but draining enemy health pools before you fall asleep and get hit by the one shot mechanic because your face was blocking the dodge button on the keyboard.

Living story slightly addresses this issue in season 2, but still, it’s mostly the same stuff over and over with different skins and environments. The revisions required are to the encounter designs. If mechanics were freshened up, and required different skill and gear builds in different places, you would see much more of the variety that you are seeking.

The combat and weapon system in Guild Wars 2 is very flexible, quite inventive, and very interesting, not to mention fast paced when utilized properly. Lack of need to customize and change aside from a skill bar slot or 2 for any encounter is what is killing the experience, at least on the PvE side.

tldr: The combat and weapon/skill system are fine; it is what we have to use it against that is stale and in need of updating.

Community lets make this happen!!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178


revamp? nah, it just needs new things to expand it. the combat is pretty good, we just need new playstyles (well, thief needs new playstyles, everyone else is getting their previously-crappy stuff turned into cool, fun stuff)

LegendaryMythril/Zihark Darshell

Community lets make this happen!!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: GTOLegend.4175


I agree with you Hockmed on a majority of what you said, but again staleness will ultimately set in the mob mechanics as well. At least I would like to think that adding onto the current combat mechanics giving you more options on how to handle that staleness repetitively would at the very least make it more palatable . And in my opinion the more skills they are able to add gives them more room to make changes and balance the meta into real diversity. Cause as it stand all classes are nerfed to the point they either run meta or swing nerf bats. And I am aware there will be growing pains with newly added skills. And I will admit at some point did skills in guild wars 1 seem unused cause they were useless in most situations except that one occasion and another skill was still better suited for it. At least GW1 gave you the option to carry that skill to use it as another way to attack that content. My problem is there is only so many scenarios which each current professions skills will allow you to handle the content and at some point you will find a meta that does it better; destroying all your time spent trying to be different. I just want variety and Anet doesn’t have to add 100 skills per character. Just something to make each class feel more than just a skin waving at its opponent while its smashing your health pool to bits.

Thank you for your constructive feedback.

Community lets make this happen!!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: crec.1627


No GTO is right. You guys haven’t played GW1 if your sitting there saying that “O the lack of skills isn’t the problem.” It is the problem and it causes the lack of diversity in this game. You are pressing the same skills over and over again for everything that you do. I had a small guild of 300 and I was the leader that got each individual to join my guild. Every person that was in there agreed as well as other friends that the living story isn’t worth doing. So this just isn’t 2 people playing this game that feel this way. Its not interesting. The main game story is not good at all and that’s why these living stories are out is to try and add on to it. Look GW2 is the best mmo out but that’s only because GW1 isn’t updated with the graphics and new mechanics thatGW2 has. GW1 has a better story, skills, and diversity in the game then GW2. This game dictates what really what you do as in a build and skills. In GW1 you had 500 skills with 2 professions. The builds were endless and I never got bored of playing the story over and over again. In GW2 theres that 1 build that wrecks and everyone gravitates towards that. So I get penalized for being different and wanting to do what I want to do. So in GW2 when you see a ranger its like o he has spirits or a thief of wait for the invis!!! In GW1 it took skills to play that game even though it didn’t have the dodging mechanics that GW2 has so when you saw a ranger its like…. Is that touch ranger, thump ranger, interrupt ranger, trap ranger, lock down cast ranger. beast master ranger etc. Anybody who didn’t play gw1 when it was out thinks they know what they are talking about for gw2 and that “o it just needs more enemies” I played gw1 from day 1 so as a Veteran Guild wars player to the franchise, Yes the way that o I put a bow on so I have these 5 skills without choice is what kills that game. GW1 listened to its core players more because it was a mmo that had to compete when they left blizzard to become arena net and they knew that the players were the key to that game succeeding. Now that gw2 is out they are not listening to us (veteran gw1 player) anymore. You guys that argue this stuff, go out and buy gw1 and see how long you last against somebody when you actually have to make your own builds and not just wiki them…. Arena nets whole deal with this game was to make a mmo that didn’t feel grindy…. well guess what it does…. There’s no end game content so I farm frostgorge 8 hours a day to make money. I cant even tell you how many times I’ve done every dungeon to lvl my characters. It is grinding work in everything in that game. If you aren’t a GW1 player then ya I see you saying the stuff that you guys are saying because this is what you know as a MMO. Anybody who played gw1 would understand where GTO and Myself are coming from. Arena net is almost on the lines of Blizzard. The only step would be to start asking for monthly sub fees and they are blizzard. Blizzard doesn’t listen to anybody but they people that open their wallets and say here you go if you do this! Arena nets whole idea with guild wars 2 was a really great idea. If they didn’t take away the amount of skills and left it to where you can wield w/e and templates GW2 would be hands down the best mmo ever made without question. Its 2 years now and you guys still have only what 40 skills on each profession…….. Arena net isn’t gonna listen to us because they feel like what they are doing is enough. I don’t care about a living story… The ones I have done (90% of them) I just felt it was a grind to just get the item I wanted. I want a game were it was old skill where I sat there for 2 hours making my own builds and studying the skills so when I smashed somebody there was pride and a sense of accomplishment there. That isn’t there anymore in gw2 I feel no accomplishments like in GW1. If you guys announced a GW3 in the making honestly I hope you guys take this into consideration or myself and a lot others will not want to come back to your game ever again. If you guys made GW1 with updated graphics and the mechanics with the same story and said hey you have to pay 15 dollars a month but gw2 is free. I would be playing gw1 and never touch GW2. But what am I… Im just 1 player to your millions so why should this matter to you guys. GW1>gw2. If you never got to play gw1 in its time i feel for you but if you can get passed the outdated graphics it really is the best mmo ever made. I started playing gw1 again to really go over the great story again. If you guys have/play/or think about getting GW1 let me know because I’ll add you to the guild.
Chris The Ranger
and Wolfy lol

Community lets make this happen!!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178



dude. paragraphs. brevity.

but from what i read, you’re challenging my time spent on GW1 simply because i don’t think GW2 needs 5 billions more skills, 4.9 of them being useless, and about 50 of them breaking the whole game when combined.

LegendaryMythril/Zihark Darshell

Community lets make this happen!!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: digiowl.9620


Meh, i would much rather see multiple choice pr weapon skill slot.

Meaning that each slot from 1 to 5 had multiple skills that would be swapped around. But tied to that specific slot. This to maintain the overall system of 1 being the no cooldown “auto-attack” while 5 is the heavy hitter with long cooldown.

But then i guess that would violate their precious “play the game, not the UI”, as right now seeing a scepter in the staff of a necro is a signal that you have condies coming…

Community lets make this happen!!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


Meh, i would much rather see multiple choice pr weapon skill slot.

Meaning that each slot from 1 to 5 had multiple skills that would be swapped around. But tied to that specific slot. This to maintain the overall system of 1 being the no cooldown “auto-attack” while 5 is the heavy hitter with long cooldown.

But then i guess that would violate their precious “play the game, not the UI”, as right now seeing a scepter in the staff of a necro is a signal that you have condies coming…

or a bow on warrior..

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

Community lets make this happen!!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: GTOLegend.4175


Meh, i would much rather see multiple choice pr weapon skill slot.

Meaning that each slot from 1 to 5 had multiple skills that would be swapped around. But tied to that specific slot. This to maintain the overall system of 1 being the no cooldown “auto-attack” while 5 is the heavy hitter with long cooldown.

But then i guess that would violate their precious “play the game, not the UI”, as right now seeing a scepter in the staff of a necro is a signal that you have condies coming…

This is a great way to implement new skills and revitalize this games combat.

Community lets make this happen!!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Flitzie.6082


Ehh.. I was about to mention somthing similar like digiowl did.
Why not give every skillslot 2 skills to choose from ? Double the amount of skill in the game currently.

You’d have to unlock the second skill of each slot via some open world pve quests or something. Maybe just make them available by default.
Additionally you must not change the skills outside of any major city. Being able to change them the second you get OOC would be to powerful.

Honestly, when I first got told about Guild wars and its combat system from a friend I had the first impression you had to choose which skills, out of 5, to pick for each weapon. Not that there are only 5 availabe per weapon in total…

Today I’ll run a hammer warrior with skills: 1A|2A|3A|4B|5A
Tomorrow I guess I’ll try out how this works: 1A|2B|3A|4B|5B

tl:dr – Give us more skills for each weapon, but keep the 5 skills per weapon limit.
Not only will this give us more skills in total (duh) but a whole lot of combinations. Think about that!

But in the end, its to much work for A-net, right?

You touched the shiny, didn’t you?

(edited by Flitzie.6082)

Community lets make this happen!!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Bryzy.2719


@Hockmed – hahaha apologies if I’m mistaken, but is your name a reference to Team America World Police? :P

@OP – I don’t think this will ever happen. The main reason for that is because there will be certain weapon sets that are the most viable for each profession, and in the natural flow of the game new metas will form with those particular weapons. We’d be back to square one. It would also create divides between players with legendaries and those without, when currently legendaries are simply just a nice-looking figurehead for achievement.

Instead, Anet need to focus on bringing new content by adding a host of new utilities and elite skills for each profession, and also by re-vamping current skills to become both more interactive with each other (e.g. an elementalist’s weapon skillset currently interacts brilliantly between combo finishers and fields) and aesthetically pleasing.

Community lets make this happen!!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


I personally believe that combat is the one area of the game that ANet has done the best on. It reminds me of mobas where you do not have tons of skill but have to properly use the ones you have. Your heals and utilities are like items in most cases and your elite is an Ultimate (I know a few people who refer to it as such out of habit). The addition of an evade button makes the game feel more like a hack-and-slash.

I can’t think of any other MMO that has better combat than GW2. Adding more skills means more balancing and more potential bugs. I would much rather have what we currently have be balanced and expanded upon than adding more potential problems to the mix. More is not always better.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Community lets make this happen!!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: GTOLegend.4175


@Hockmed – hahaha apologies if I’m mistaken, but is your name a reference to Team America World Police? :P

@OP – I don’t think this will ever happen. The main reason for that is because there will be certain weapon sets that are the most viable for each profession, and in the natural flow of the game new metas will form with those particular weapons. We’d be back to square one. It would also create divides between players with legendaries and those without, when currently legendaries are simply just a nice-looking figurehead for achievement.

Instead, Anet need to focus on bringing new content by adding a host of new utilities and elite skills for each profession, and also by re-vamping current skills to become both more interactive with each other (e.g. an elementalist’s weapon skillset currently interacts brilliantly between combo finishers and fields) and aesthetically pleasing.

I believe it could happen with enough support. If the community says it will spend its money for Anet to expand combat diversity and capability over skins, then yes they will do it. Again I would gladly go through the growing pains of new metas if it meant more skills were added. I’m not asking for 4.9 billion more skills I am just asking for some more diversity in each weapons skills. Lets face it after 2 years you are pretty well aware on how long your enemies CD’s on his weapons, traits and utilities are. So in that case alone I don’t fear counter play.

After 2 years it feels stale and stagnate and needs a refresh. The way I will look at is if 50 skills lasted 2 years before I put this Post up, then Anet is doing something right. So I believe if they spent the time to give players diversity by adding more skills to each profession it would be giving opportunity to let players feel different in every form of content this game has to offer.(Ex: PvE,WvW,Spvp) I would love to run into 7 rangers in this game using a longbow with 7 different weapon skill sets. The same goes for every profession.

Community lets make this happen!!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Bryzy.2719


@Hockmed – hahaha apologies if I’m mistaken, but is your name a reference to Team America World Police? :P

@OP – I don’t think this will ever happen. The main reason for that is because there will be certain weapon sets that are the most viable for each profession, and in the natural flow of the game new metas will form with those particular weapons. We’d be back to square one. It would also create divides between players with legendaries and those without, when currently legendaries are simply just a nice-looking figurehead for achievement.

Instead, Anet need to focus on bringing new content by adding a host of new utilities and elite skills for each profession, and also by re-vamping current skills to become both more interactive with each other (e.g. an elementalist’s weapon skillset currently interacts brilliantly between combo finishers and fields) and aesthetically pleasing.

I believe it could happen with enough support. If the community says it will spend its money for Anet to expand combat diversity and capability over skins, then yes they will do it. Again I would gladly go through the growing pains of new metas if it meant more skills were added. I’m not asking for 4.9 billion more skills I am just asking for some more diversity in each weapons skills. Lets face it after 2 years you are pretty well aware on how long your enemies CD’s on his weapons, traits and utilities are. So in that case alone I don’t fear counter play.

After 2 years it feels stale and stagnate and needs a refresh. The way I will look at is if 50 skills lasted 2 years before I put this Post up, then Anet is doing something right. So I believe if they spent the time to give players diversity by adding more skills to each profession it would be giving opportunity to let players feel different in every form of content this game has to offer.(Ex: PvE,WvW,Spvp) I would love to run into 7 rangers in this game using a longbow with 7 different weapon skill sets. The same goes for every profession.

I understand your reasoning for the change, but I think it’d be too significant a change to implement all at once. I think Anet’s resources are pretty limited and it would be an update that carried a hell of a lot of impacts across all game areas that would take a lot of balancing. Perhaps it could work if it were implemented in smaller steps but I’ve no idea how that would work.

Community lets make this happen!!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Arghore.8340


Just as a heads up, if you analyse all the professions and how the weapons work, you will soon find out that the most suitable places for ‘choice’ skills are the #2 and #4 slot. They should get 2 more skills associated with them, for a total of 3 in each slot.

For the ranger profession, this could look something like this:

We are peace, we are war. We are how we treat each other and nothing more…
25 okt 2014 – PinkDay in LA

Community lets make this happen!!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: GTOLegend.4175


I personally believe that combat is the one area of the game that ANet has done the best on. It reminds me of mobas where you do not have tons of skill but have to properly use the ones you have. Your heals and utilities are like items in most cases and your elite is an Ultimate (I know a few people who refer to it as such out of habit). The addition of an evade button makes the game feel more like a hack-and-slash.

I can’t think of any other MMO that has better combat than GW2. Adding more skills means more balancing and more potential bugs. I would much rather have what we currently have be balanced and expanded upon than adding more potential problems to the mix. More is not always better.

I agree this game has the best combat “mechanics” out of any MMO to date. But the lack of diversity is stunting its potential in that regard as well. But I will admit it does has everything going for it. Beautifully drawn artwork, amazing soundtracks, wonderfully written story and a continuous living story. But will all those great qualities I feel the lack of combat diversity is really overshadowing those qualities. I play mobas as well . I play smite and league of legends so I get the quality over quantity aspect. But in those games case they make every champion feel diverse, and release new champions on a regular basis only adding to that diversification.

And that is why I never demanded a certain number of skills be added to each profession. I leave that ultimately to Anet.

Community lets make this happen!!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: GTOLegend.4175


Take an opportunity to really see what Anet had originally had planned at different stages of development. I understand why some of these ideas ultimately got scrapped. But this also will give you some insight on what Anet is really capable of and I would like them to release the floodgates of creativity on letting GW2 live up to the potential it can be at with the combat system.

Also Please Subscribe to Wooden Potatoes. He is always releasing interesting Gw2 content on a regular basis.

Community lets make this happen!!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: GTOLegend.4175


@Hockmed – hahaha apologies if I’m mistaken, but is your name a reference to Team America World Police? :P

@OP – I don’t think this will ever happen. The main reason for that is because there will be certain weapon sets that are the most viable for each profession, and in the natural flow of the game new metas will form with those particular weapons. We’d be back to square one. It would also create divides between players with legendaries and those without, when currently legendaries are simply just a nice-looking figurehead for achievement.

Instead, Anet need to focus on bringing new content by adding a host of new utilities and elite skills for each profession, and also by re-vamping current skills to become both more interactive with each other (e.g. an elementalist’s weapon skillset currently interacts brilliantly between combo finishers and fields) and aesthetically pleasing.

I believe it could happen with enough support. If the community says it will spend its money for Anet to expand combat diversity and capability over skins, then yes they will do it. Again I would gladly go through the growing pains of new metas if it meant more skills were added. I’m not asking for 4.9 billion more skills I am just asking for some more diversity in each weapons skills. Lets face it after 2 years you are pretty well aware on how long your enemies CD’s on his weapons, traits and utilities are. So in that case alone I don’t fear counter play.

After 2 years it feels stale and stagnate and needs a refresh. The way I will look at is if 50 skills lasted 2 years before I put this Post up, then Anet is doing something right. So I believe if they spent the time to give players diversity by adding more skills to each profession it would be giving opportunity to let players feel different in every form of content this game has to offer.(Ex: PvE,WvW,Spvp) I would love to run into 7 rangers in this game using a longbow with 7 different weapon skill sets. The same goes for every profession.

I understand your reasoning for the change, but I think it’d be too significant a change to implement all at once. I think Anet’s resources are pretty limited and it would be an update that carried a hell of a lot of impacts across all game areas that would take a lot of balancing. Perhaps it could work if it were implemented in smaller steps but I’ve no idea how that would work.

I’m not trying to come across as they have to rework Gw2 from the ground up over night. I’m just trying to get them to start somewhere. I mean the addition of the new healing skills was a huge light in a really dark tunnel and even adding a few new traits helped. So now I just want them to update the weapons since it is the things we use 95% of the time to tackle the games content.

Community lets make this happen!!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178


OP, you’re awfully naive if you think the community saying they’ll spend money on something means ANet will make it.

see: cantha and elona.

LegendaryMythril/Zihark Darshell

Community lets make this happen!!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Bryzy.2719


@Hockmed – hahaha apologies if I’m mistaken, but is your name a reference to Team America World Police? :P

@OP – I don’t think this will ever happen. The main reason for that is because there will be certain weapon sets that are the most viable for each profession, and in the natural flow of the game new metas will form with those particular weapons. We’d be back to square one. It would also create divides between players with legendaries and those without, when currently legendaries are simply just a nice-looking figurehead for achievement.

Instead, Anet need to focus on bringing new content by adding a host of new utilities and elite skills for each profession, and also by re-vamping current skills to become both more interactive with each other (e.g. an elementalist’s weapon skillset currently interacts brilliantly between combo finishers and fields) and aesthetically pleasing.

I believe it could happen with enough support. If the community says it will spend its money for Anet to expand combat diversity and capability over skins, then yes they will do it. Again I would gladly go through the growing pains of new metas if it meant more skills were added. I’m not asking for 4.9 billion more skills I am just asking for some more diversity in each weapons skills. Lets face it after 2 years you are pretty well aware on how long your enemies CD’s on his weapons, traits and utilities are. So in that case alone I don’t fear counter play.

After 2 years it feels stale and stagnate and needs a refresh. The way I will look at is if 50 skills lasted 2 years before I put this Post up, then Anet is doing something right. So I believe if they spent the time to give players diversity by adding more skills to each profession it would be giving opportunity to let players feel different in every form of content this game has to offer.(Ex: PvE,WvW,Spvp) I would love to run into 7 rangers in this game using a longbow with 7 different weapon skill sets. The same goes for every profession.

I understand your reasoning for the change, but I think it’d be too significant a change to implement all at once. I think Anet’s resources are pretty limited and it would be an update that carried a hell of a lot of impacts across all game areas that would take a lot of balancing. Perhaps it could work if it were implemented in smaller steps but I’ve no idea how that would work.

I’m not trying to come across as they have to rework Gw2 from the ground up over night. I’m just trying to get them to start somewhere. I mean the addition of the new healing skills was a huge light in a really dark tunnel and even adding a few new traits helped. So now I just want them to update the weapons since it is the things we use 95% of the time to tackle the games content.

I can’t help but think that a more likely alternative would be giving each profession access to a weapon they were previously unable to use. This is no new idea, but I know that thieves want rifles or offhand sword, rangers want dual daggers or staff, elementalists want greatswords etc etc. Something will have to be done eventually because I agree with the main point of the thread, which is that the game’s current combat, skills and traits will just be seen by everyone as stale in another 12-18 months.

Community lets make this happen!!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: GTOLegend.4175


OP, you’re awfully naive if you think the community saying they’ll spend money on something means ANet will make it.

see: cantha and elona.

Money will always be the driving force… Business 101. Hence why I suggested they could monetize a item to allow people to customize their weapon skins with the newly acquired skills they obtained. Also the only things I ever see released with every living story updates is skins and not skills. So if the “community” wants diversity, if they want to be a different ranger with a longbow, they will ask for new skills… not skins. I am just trying to be the voice that speaks out for these desperately needed additions. Cause I know I am not the only one wanting these changes.

Community lets make this happen!!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Grimreaper.5370


IMO, we’d be better of will skill morphs (not from traits), which allowed you to tweak current skills by adding minor perks, which also changed the animation for the skill, allowing players to have visual que of what morph the opposing player is using. This is something I’d see Anet actually willing to do…possibly… I’d also like new weapon types added though, but I DON’T want to be forced to farm them.

Community lets make this happen!!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: deda.8302


What would really make diversity in build is cross profession builds,like you get 3 trait lines from main and 2 trait lines from secondary profession + weapon set from secondary profession,
but balancing that OMG.
Yeah i would really loved to have wr/thief or necro/ ranger

Community lets make this happen!!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


I personally believe that combat is the one area of the game that ANet has done the best on. It reminds me of mobas where you do not have tons of skill but have to properly use the ones you have. Your heals and utilities are like items in most cases and your elite is an Ultimate (I know a few people who refer to it as such out of habit). The addition of an evade button makes the game feel more like a hack-and-slash.

I can’t think of any other MMO that has better combat than GW2. Adding more skills means more balancing and more potential bugs. I would much rather have what we currently have be balanced and expanded upon than adding more potential problems to the mix. More is not always better.

I agree this game has the best combat “mechanics” out of any MMO to date. But the lack of diversity is stunting its potential in that regard as well. But I will admit it does has everything going for it. Beautifully drawn artwork, amazing soundtracks, wonderfully written story and a continuous living story. But will all those great qualities I feel the lack of combat diversity is really overshadowing those qualities. I play mobas as well . I play smite and league of legends so I get the quality over quantity aspect. But in those games case they make every champion feel diverse, and release new champions on a regular basis only adding to that diversification.

And that is why I never demanded a certain number of skills be added to each profession. I leave that ultimately to Anet.

As someone who likes competitive games, the idea of adding more variety on weapons skills worries me. Being able to at least have an idea how your opponent is going to fight based on their weapon set gives the game a certain amount of predictability which allows for skillful counterplay. With more skills comes more random elements which is something competitive people generally dislike.

Traits can still give you a ton of variety while still being somewhat predictable.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Community lets make this happen!!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: GTOLegend.4175


IMO, we’d be better of will skill morphs (not from traits), which allowed you to tweak current skills by adding minor perks, which also changed the animation for the skill, allowing players to have visual que of what morph the opposing player is using. This is something I’d see Anet actually willing to do…possibly… I’d also like new weapon types added though, but I DON’T want to be forced to farm them.

That is a great idea. Giving players a new skill skin animation would really cool. I think the weapon types they currently have in the game fall in line with the World itself. That’s why adding new skills to the current weapons would give them a feeling of a whole new weapon. Kinda like how a staff on a ele, guardian, and necro give the feeling of them channeling their power through the staff. That is why I think if they added skills to the staff for example you could allow a warrior use it a melee weapon for Aoe CC and damage. But in a different way from hammer does for warriors. They could also give a melee staff guardian option that could act as a paragon with symbols being the main focus of its weapon set . These are ways to give players diversity.

Community lets make this happen!!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: GTOLegend.4175


I personally believe that combat is the one area of the game that ANet has done the best on. It reminds me of mobas where you do not have tons of skill but have to properly use the ones you have. Your heals and utilities are like items in most cases and your elite is an Ultimate (I know a few people who refer to it as such out of habit). The addition of an evade button makes the game feel more like a hack-and-slash.

I can’t think of any other MMO that has better combat than GW2. Adding more skills means more balancing and more potential bugs. I would much rather have what we currently have be balanced and expanded upon than adding more potential problems to the mix. More is not always better.

I agree this game has the best combat “mechanics” out of any MMO to date. But the lack of diversity is stunting its potential in that regard as well. But I will admit it does has everything going for it. Beautifully drawn artwork, amazing soundtracks, wonderfully written story and a continuous living story. But will all those great qualities I feel the lack of combat diversity is really overshadowing those qualities. I play mobas as well . I play smite and league of legends so I get the quality over quantity aspect. But in those games case they make every champion feel diverse, and release new champions on a regular basis only adding to that diversification.

And that is why I never demanded a certain number of skills be added to each profession. I leave that ultimately to Anet.

As someone who likes competitive games, the idea of adding more variety on weapons skills worries me. Being able to at least have an idea how your opponent is going to fight based on their weapon set gives the game a certain amount of predictability which allows for skillful counterplay. With more skills comes more random elements which is something competitive people generally dislike.

Traits can still give you a ton of variety while still being somewhat predictable.

I like a challenge personally. I would like to think that by adding new skills it would really shake up the meta. Cause I feel by having so few skills it allows it to be more prominent. Cause either a skill works or it doesn’t, and when there is so few it creates a meta in my opinion. I would just like it to become when anyone encounters a thief running d/d they wouldn’t automatically think, “great here come a burst backstab thief”. I want to have some fear that my opponent spent a few hours digging into skills to find a build that suits his play style. I like the adrenaline of beating my opponents skill level and build. This in my opinion would create skillful counter play for players and at the same time “allow” people to find a group composition that works for them. Eliminating the need for them to run meta just to play ine the many modes of content GW2 has to offer. Ex: PvE, WvW, PvP

Community lets make this happen!!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: GTOLegend.4175


What would really make diversity in build is cross profession builds,like you get 3 trait lines from main and 2 trait lines from secondary profession + weapon set from secondary profession,
but balancing that OMG.
Yeah i would really loved to have wr/thief or necro/ ranger

This would be as it was in GW1. I personally think that was what made GW1 the best MMO out when it released, even though WoW was out at the same time. But unfortunately I think this would be way to complicated for them to release anytime in the near future. I think they did a wonderful job on each class for them to not rely on cross profession skills. I think they just need to develop each character further now as the game has been out for 2 years. To give players a chance to have a diverse play style.

Community lets make this happen!!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Yoh.8469


Hahaha, not likely mate.
I feel for you, I really do. But Anet aren’t going to do squat.
They can barely balance their game, that’s how little interest and effort they have for their combat. If they can’t do that much, they there is not a hope in hell they revamp combat.

They don’t care, their not interested, they dumbed the game down deliberately because they think casual = stupid, and their not about to change their mind just because their customers are upset about it.
They don’t care about you. They have China.

I would love if they did, but the reality is that they won’t because they choose not to.

Community lets make this happen!!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: GTOLegend.4175


Hahaha, not likely mate.
I feel for you, I really do. But Anet aren’t going to do squat.
They can barely balance their game, that’s how little interest and effort they have for their combat. If they can’t do that much, they there is not a hope in hell they revamp combat.

They don’t care, their not interested, they dumbed the game down deliberately because they think casual = stupid, and their not about to change their mind just because their customers are upset about it.
They don’t care about you. They have China.

I would love if they did, but the reality is that they won’t because they choose not to.

Well I believe the opposite I think they care. I mean look at the overall game, the artwork, music, the existing combat mechanics, the lore. It shows they have passion and the motivation to make things great. If you have ever played a region locked Chinese MMO then you would know the community numbers jump from one MMO to another over night in some cases. Since the market gets flooded with triple A F2P MMO’s. Once China figures out the lack of diversity and lack of skills it will be too late for them to entice the players back. So that is the point of my thread. To fix the lack of diversity and lack of skills before it becomes to late. Before people never get to experience what Anet has created to its fullest extent.