Ele strongest prof in the game Spvp
“Game isn’t balanced around 1v1’s.” – Ignorant quoter.
Elementalist is one of the best team fight professions in the game. However, I don’t find them OP, except their heals. Get them low, heal up, low again, heal up. Just going water and dodging heals for over 4k.
Yeah except it’s not balanced around 1v1s….. so who is ignorant?
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA
Conquest is the only guilty,celestial ele is at advantage with this game mode that favours melee and bunkers,area combo field and finishers,the game mode that weakens the zerkers and limit diversity.
I see non-meta builds kill them in pvp but because of conquest those builds stay at hotjoin level, in wvw they are not as effective you only see them like that because of conquest.
All those complaints about might stacking and celestial are illusions conquest favors them.
The Dhuumfire thread
(edited by Sagat.3285)
SO much builds/class can kill a cele ele 1N1. And Team conquest is not only balanced over 1N1 , its balanced over counterplay.
Cant beat a Cele ele 1N1 on a point ? moove somewhere else , be effective where you can and send someone that can defeat them if you have to kill him ( an ele wont be able to survive to a 2vs1 if you play it properly , so he disengage if he is smart , or get rekt)
So ill repeat my self again , there are some meta builds that have the upper hand 1N1 vs an ele , just try to think by yourself , master your class and the overall gameplay then you’ll see how ele is being countered by top teams (at least @eu)
No one class should be able to dominate several other classes in a game that values balance , in the majority of common settings.
You must tell this to thieves.
They will answer it is in class design
But I totally agree with you.
nerf cele amulet and nerf might stacking. Voila, fixed!
No one class should be able to dominate several other classes in a game that values balance , in the majority of common settings.
You must tell this to thieves.
They will answer it is in class designBut I totally agree with you.
Thieves have problems with [properly built] guardians, (decent)warriors, engies, rangers, and in some cases elementalists. They are almost guaranteed to eat unsuspecting members. Necros are a toss up.
The only other classes that I’d even begin to compare to being as insurmountable as ele are T. Engie and MM necro, and those are affected by pulls and control, respectively.
C-Ele is a juggernaut. A light armored juggernaut with AOE and CC. They may take some time to master, but mastering a class should still leave you with weaknesses inherent to that class, IMO.
As an aside, funny how people thought the cele buff was insignificant until these ridiculous builds started popping up. Like balanced stats weren’t going to make this happen.
Also, since Cele is not focused significantly on any one stat, Eles that use it, to me, are just a real hassle to fight. Duels with them take upwards of/ around15 minutes, and are mostly lost/won due to people being unable to perfectly rotate that long/getting launched/stunned inconveniently. They don’t do that much damage, but they’ll melt you eventually if your rotations are not perfect and you do not intercept their heals.
I assume they are an issue for full zerk/non bunker builds.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.
I’d start to nerf drake’s breath, too much burning for 5 sec cd skill.
The entire fire attunement has a lot of burning but #2 is the main problem.
4 stacks of 3s burning is ridiculous, 4 stacks of 1s would be more balanced.
(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)
ToG winner had 2 DD ele.
Please be prepared of incoming nerfs.
(edited by Simon.3794)
i can surely say that cele is NOT making dd ele the most OP in the game. simply becuz there are tones of cele builds of other classes but they are NOT as strong as dd ele. if cele is what makes ele the strongest, other cele build of other classes must be as strong as dd ele but they are not. Therefore, just nerf ele itself is fine, not cele.
2% harder to play than warrior
No.. just no. I mastered war in a week. I have 3,000 hours on ele and I still learn stuff every week or so..
Chill. Boon Strip. Poison. Weakness. Stun/daze. Pick two of those listed and you have a dead ele.
with at least 500 HP/S, perma burning that does minimum 500 DPS
You’re telling me you don’t carry atleast one condi clear? One?
2% harder to play than warrior
No.. just no. I mastered war in a week.
Lol, you mastered war in a week.
You mastered, LOLOLOLOLOL. even the best warriors don’t say they mastered.
you are sooooo gooood
2% harder to play than warrior
No.. just no. I mastered war in a week.
Lol, you mastered war in a week.
You mastered, LOLOLOLOLOL. even the best warriors don’t say they mastered.
you are sooooo gooood
No, here’s the thing you don’t get. When you play warrior, you have SO little to micro manage. All you worry about while playing war is when to dodge (which is for every player regardless of class), when to swap weapons, when to break stuns and when to use your 1-5 and burst skills. That’s seriously it. No combos(huge thing btw), no long cool-downs to remember and an immediate large health pool/armor that makes room for mistakes. Not much to learn war, the skill ceiling is the lowest for all professions.
Dev’s even say it themselves. The predominant, top tier players agree too.
I’d start to nerf drake’s breath, too much burning for 5 sec cd skill.
The entire fire attunement has a lot of burning but #2 is the main problem.
4 stacks of 3s burning is ridiculous, 4 stacks of 1s would be more balanced.
Not really.. It’s fine. you’re telling me you can’t cleanse one condition?
I agree that d/d ele currently is strong but I don’t think it’s the classes fault.
the professions are just as guilty
here’s part of the reason why:
I agree that d/d ele currently is strong but I don’t think it’s the classes fault.
the professions are just as guilty
here’s part of the reason why:
It is the classes fault, you’re right. But don’t nerf things like drakes breath or boons or water/arcana trait lines for celestial/might stacking. (by boons I mean anything other than might.)
Nerf celestial/might stacking. Not the profession.
ele is op?
I pwn every ele in spvp with my d/d necro.
10/10 rekt
I’d like to see these fights against good Ele’s.
No matter what class I play Ele’s seem to be the hardest match up.
Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)
It is the classes fault, you’re right. But don’t nerf things like drakes breath or boons or water/arcana trait lines for celestial/might stacking. (by boons I mean anything other than might.)
Nerf celestial/might stacking. Not the profession.
how can you say it’s the professions’ fault and then go on to say it’s not their fault in the same post
this is EXACTLY what im trying to avoid. unjustified blanket nerfs.
nobody complains about celestial on thief. why? because it’s not broken on thief.
nobody complains about nightmare runes on guardian. why? because it’s not broken on guardian.
nobody complains about balthazaar runes on mesmer. why? because it’s not broken on mesmer.
nobody complains about strength runes on necro. why? because it’s not broken on necro.
(edited by sinject.4607)
I’d start to nerf drake’s breath, too much burning for 5 sec cd skill.
The entire fire attunement has a lot of burning but #2 is the main problem.
4 stacks of 3s burning is ridiculous, 4 stacks of 1s would be more balanced.
Not really.. It’s fine. you’re telling me you can’t cleanse one condition?
12s of burning every 5s from only 1 skill is fine?
Are you joking?
Might stacking only amplifies the problem, burning is always the first damage in the list when you fight an Ele D/d because there is simple too much burning in his rotation.
It’s the main reason because Ele D/D celestial is op on node.
I agree that d/d ele currently is strong but I don’t think it’s the classes fault.
the professions are just as guilty
here’s part of the reason why:
Excellent charts. The engi blast finishers are really high, but outside spvp nobody is going to have that many blast finishers, because many of them are on turrets, which are useless in a pve or WvWvW setting beside healing turret. Might stacking from fire fields, battle sigil and strength/hoelbrak runes is the main issue here. Nerf the duration of the might stacks from these by half and problem fixed. This affects all professions, but warrior, engineer and elementalist benefit the most from it. Warriors and elementalist meta builds can stack more might than others and both do it ease. Celestial rifle engi cannot get that many might stacks, but hybrid nature benefits it as well.
Another thing which developers should is drake’s breath (ele main hand dagger skill). 4×3 s burning on mere 5 s cool down skill = too much.
Another thing: ele has a lot of sustain as the weapon skills also come with healing and swapping to water gives regen and condi cleanse. It can heal incredibly in a short amount of time, plus good access to defensive boons, protection from earth and both prot and stability from armor of earth. The combination of high dps + great sustain in one build is a problem and ele also shares the attunement boons to near by allies with elemental attunement . I have too many times seen good, skilled players struggle to take a D/D ele down alone and D/D ele win 2 vs 1 consistently. I myself play a more mobile build, so I can reset the fight, but running away is not a good strategy in game mode which is about defending a node, like spvp/tpvp.
(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)
I would argue that celestial might stacking axebow warrior is OP as well. Celestial amulet and might stacking is what is making things OTT.
Celestial amulet is by about 30% better in the amount of stat totals it brings to its user. I think that it should be nerfed by 10-15% and that might stacking should be toned down a bit. The best way to do it is, imho, by reducing the sigil of battle might duration from 20s base to 15s base.
It means that the total amount of self stacking might is reduced by 3-6 which brings it under that 20 might stacks line.
I feel as if that 10-15 self might stacks is ok, and that it should be close to 20 with good play and rotations assuming no boon corrupts. But at the moment its quite silly imho.
But isn’t the one truly consistent class of choice Guardian, not Ele?
I agree that d/d ele currently is strong but I don’t think it’s the classes fault.
the professions are just as guilty
here’s part of the reason why:
Charts are nice all but the chart should take meta builds then list there capabilities based of that. Listing every possible way to lay fire field and blast them when they are not used it current meta builds is quite misleading.
Highest ranked reached 28 soloq
Isle of Janthir
It’s again and again a big L2p conquest issue .You could reduce stats of celestial , nerf strenght runes , might stacking n stuff , bad players will always be complaining about what they dont understand → ask for a nerf.(might stacking o nwarrioir is way more easier than with ele , combos and usage of skills as well)
By this time , tons fo new builds are being “discovered” and/or mastered by the good players , and some of them are way more dangerous than a Cele ele.But , guess what , so much easier to complain instead of correcting your gameplay and think around counterplays.
Ele in good shape , but not op ! ( cuz it can be countered by many ways)
-paragraph of caps-
Woah there, we can ‘hear’ you just fine without the wall of caps.
It would make no sense gutting the classes that were previously underpowered but suddenly became overpowered due to inclusion of a single stat combination. rebalance celestial for PVP and then we can work on fine tuning.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.
(edited by Azure The Heartless.3261)
But isn’t the one truly consistent class of choice Guardian, not Ele?
Doesn’t seem to be anymore. At least, since niether of the teams in the NA ToG finals ran a Guardian, electing instead for double-ele, necro, thief, with The Abjured running an engie and CG running a Mesmer. All 4 eles ran D/D Celestial amulet with hoelbrak runes, so it seems there is some truth behind these claims of it being overbearing.
(edited by Drarnor Kunoram.5180)
Charts are nice all but the chart should take meta builds then list there capabilities based of that. Listing every possible way to lay fire field and blast them when they are not used it current meta builds is quite misleading.
i completely agree but the point is made either way as the disproportional spread of fire field/blast finisher access pointing towards the only three professions with meta celestial builds is indicative of a problem.
if we don’t touch the professions then we have to touch the gear starting with celestial. it has 3066 points while all other amulets have 2232. anet should bring celestial in line with everything else by dropping two stats entirely and giving the remaining 5 stats 9 points each.
which stats should go? healing power and precision.
removing healing power solves the too much sustain issue. all three meta celestial builds rely on varying degrees of passive healing.
precision affects power and condition damage at the same time. all meta celestial builds run power + might runes and invest nothing in their precision traitlines. removing precision would force them into investing in these traitlines and help push them to start using runes that give them precision instead of the standard strength/hoelbrak/pirate runes.
It is the classes fault, you’re right. But don’t nerf things like drakes breath or boons or water/arcana trait lines for celestial/might stacking. (by boons I mean anything other than might.)
Nerf celestial/might stacking. Not the profession.
how can you say it’s the professions’ fault and then go on to say it’s not their fault in the same post
this is EXACTLY what im trying to avoid. unjustified blanket nerfs.
nobody complains about celestial on thief. why? because it’s not broken on thief.
nobody complains about nightmare runes on guardian. why? because it’s not broken on guardian.
nobody complains about balthazaar runes on mesmer. why? because it’s not broken on mesmer.
Ready? I can make my words bold and caps too.
And nobody complains about THOSE types of eles. Because they’re not broken either.
So think of another solution before you get more mad.
(edited by The Game Slayer.7632)
I’d start to nerf drake’s breath, too much burning for 5 sec cd skill.
The entire fire attunement has a lot of burning but #2 is the main problem.
4 stacks of 3s burning is ridiculous, 4 stacks of 1s would be more balanced.
Not really.. It’s fine. you’re telling me you can’t cleanse one condition?
12s of burning every 5s from only 1 skill is fine?
Are you joking?
Might stacking only amplifies the problem, burning is always the first damage in the list when you fight an Ele D/d because there is simple too much burning in his rotation.
It’s the main reason because Ele D/D celestial is op on node.
Stop pretending like what you what you’re saying actually makes sense.
It takes anywhere from the MINIMUM of 10s to 18s or so for me to switch back into fire attunement after I’m done with it.
Yes, the skill has a 5 second cool-down.
No, it is not used like you think it is.
Drakes breath does not get used every 5 seconds, but rather every 15 seconds or so.
Stop thinking of attunements like they’re engineer kits. That’s ridiculous.
Not to mention the ele only gets 12s of burning on you if he hits with ALL FOUR HITS.
It is the classes fault, you’re right. But don’t nerf things like drakes breath or boons or water/arcana trait lines for celestial/might stacking. (by boons I mean anything other than might.)
Nerf celestial/might stacking. Not the profession.
how can you say it’s the professions’ fault and then go on to say it’s not their fault in the same post
this is EXACTLY what im trying to avoid. unjustified blanket nerfs.
nobody complains about celestial on thief. why? because it’s not broken on thief.
nobody complains about nightmare runes on guardian. why? because it’s not broken on guardian.
nobody complains about balthazaar runes on mesmer. why? because it’s not broken on mesmer.
Ready? I can make my words bold and caps too.
So think of another solution before you get more mad.
TGC, I completely agree with you.
Thread over. Can we let this dead horse finally get buried? Before this turns into a kittenfest?
I’d start to nerf drake’s breath, too much burning for 5 sec cd skill.
The entire fire attunement has a lot of burning but #2 is the main problem.
4 stacks of 3s burning is ridiculous, 4 stacks of 1s would be more balanced.
Not really.. It’s fine. you’re telling me you can’t cleanse one condition?
12s of burning every 5s from only 1 skill is fine?
Are you joking?
Might stacking only amplifies the problem, burning is always the first damage in the list when you fight an Ele D/d because there is simple too much burning in his rotation.
It’s the main reason because Ele D/D celestial is op on node.
Stop pretending like what you what you’re saying actually makes sense.
It takes anywhere from the MINIMUM of 10s to 18s or so for me to switch back into fire attunement after I’m done with it.
Yes, the skill has a 5 second cool-down.
No, it is not used like you think it is.Drakes breath does not get used every 5 seconds, but rather every 15 seconds or so.
Stop thinking of attunements like they’re engineer kits. That’s ridiculous.
Not to mention the ele only gets 12s of burning on you if he hits with ALL FOUR HITS.
its every 10s lets be real. eles just have too much of everything tbh theyre ridiculously op.
-paragraph of caps-
Woah there, we can ‘hear’ you just fine without the wall of caps.
It would make no sense gutting the classes that were previously underpowered but suddenly became overpowered due to inclusion of a single stat combination. rebalance celestial for PVP and then we can work on fine tuning.
Uh, wrong guy you replied too. I’m one of the ones in agreement with you.
I’d start to nerf drake’s breath, too much burning for 5 sec cd skill.
The entire fire attunement has a lot of burning but #2 is the main problem.
4 stacks of 3s burning is ridiculous, 4 stacks of 1s would be more balanced.
Not really.. It’s fine. you’re telling me you can’t cleanse one condition?
12s of burning every 5s from only 1 skill is fine?
Are you joking?
Might stacking only amplifies the problem, burning is always the first damage in the list when you fight an Ele D/d because there is simple too much burning in his rotation.
It’s the main reason because Ele D/D celestial is op on node.
Stop pretending like what you what you’re saying actually makes sense.
It takes anywhere from the MINIMUM of 10s to 18s or so for me to switch back into fire attunement after I’m done with it.
Yes, the skill has a 5 second cool-down.
No, it is not used like you think it is.Drakes breath does not get used every 5 seconds, but rather every 15 seconds or so.
Stop thinking of attunements like they’re engineer kits. That’s ridiculous.
Not to mention the ele only gets 12s of burning on you if he hits with ALL FOUR HITS.
its every 10s lets be real. eles just have too much of everything tbh theyre ridiculously op.
It’s every ~15~ seconds. Let’s be real.
Can you actually give us a reason why you think they’re “ridiculously op” besides just stating it?
I’d start to nerf drake’s breath, too much burning for 5 sec cd skill.
The entire fire attunement has a lot of burning but #2 is the main problem.
4 stacks of 3s burning is ridiculous, 4 stacks of 1s would be more balanced.
Not really.. It’s fine. you’re telling me you can’t cleanse one condition?
12s of burning every 5s from only 1 skill is fine?
Are you joking?
Might stacking only amplifies the problem, burning is always the first damage in the list when you fight an Ele D/d because there is simple too much burning in his rotation.
It’s the main reason because Ele D/D celestial is op on node.
Stop pretending like what you what you’re saying actually makes sense.
It takes anywhere from the MINIMUM of 10s to 18s or so for me to switch back into fire attunement after I’m done with it.
Yes, the skill has a 5 second cool-down.
No, it is not used like you think it is.Drakes breath does not get used every 5 seconds, but rather every 15 seconds or so.
Stop thinking of attunements like they’re engineer kits. That’s ridiculous.
Not to mention the ele only gets 12s of burning on you if he hits with ALL FOUR HITS.
It doesn’t matter if you don’t use Drake’s breath every 5s, it’s a channeld skill that puts 12s of burning on you with 5s CD, and ele d/d has burning speed and ring of fire (more fire aura with combo finisher) and when you fight on node is a problem always.
If you switch every 15s on fire (medium average) you have always a 100% uptime burning. Yes you can remove it of course, but many classes don’t have a 15s CD condition cleanse and elementalist can cover burning with other condis like Chilled, poison (from doom sigil), weakness, bleeding, immobilize.
And there is too much sustain for his damage, so basically when ele reaches high might stacks, there is too much damage from condis (burning) and too much sustain.
After 1 min of fight, if ele d/d is good and it doesn’t make big mistakes, he wins against every classes.
In few words:
- too much burning damage
- too much sustain.
(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)
Ready? I can make my words bold and caps too.
And nobody complains about THOSE types of eles. Because they’re not broken either.
So think of another solution before you get more mad.
so you put words in my mouth while proving you’re too biased to contribute anything of value. great job.
you’re feverishly defending elementalist as a profession at every opportunity you get while ignoring logic almost entirely. you’ve even gone so far as to make another thread trying to garner support for the ridiculous idea that all imbalances are caused by gear alone. you even ignored my post on what to change if we were for some reason to ignore the fact that elementalist’s mechanics are at equal fault here and decide not to address them.
so until you can actually prove that celestial d/d ele’s imbalance is 100% caused by gear and that this gear is invariably just as broken irrespective of profession your idea that elemenetalist is completely innocent and should remain untouched is entirely senseless, especially when you already have admitted that the profession is at fault here as well:
It is the classes fault, you’re right. But don’t nerf things like drakes breath or boons or water/arcana trait lines for celestial/might stacking. (by boons I mean anything other than might.)
Nerf celestial/might stacking. Not the profession.
if you want to discuss drake’s breath with other posters go right ahead, but don’t drag in your discussions with them into ours.
I’d start to nerf drake’s breath, too much burning for 5 sec cd skill.
The entire fire attunement has a lot of burning but #2 is the main problem.
4 stacks of 3s burning is ridiculous, 4 stacks of 1s would be more balanced.
Not really.. It’s fine. you’re telling me you can’t cleanse one condition?
12s of burning every 5s from only 1 skill is fine?
Are you joking?
Might stacking only amplifies the problem, burning is always the first damage in the list when you fight an Ele D/d because there is simple too much burning in his rotation.
It’s the main reason because Ele D/D celestial is op on node.
Stop pretending like what you what you’re saying actually makes sense.
It takes anywhere from the MINIMUM of 10s to 18s or so for me to switch back into fire attunement after I’m done with it.
Yes, the skill has a 5 second cool-down.
No, it is not used like you think it is.Drakes breath does not get used every 5 seconds, but rather every 15 seconds or so.
Stop thinking of attunements like they’re engineer kits. That’s ridiculous.
Not to mention the ele only gets 12s of burning on you if he hits with ALL FOUR HITS.
If you switch every 15s on fire (medium average) you have always a 100% uptime burning. Yes you can remove it of course, but many classes don’t have a 15s CD condition cleanse and elementalist can cover burning with other condis like Chilled, poison (from doom sigil), weakness, bleeding, immobilize.
You’ve got to be kidding me. What you’re explicitly asking is that elementalists not be able to do any damage to you at all.
Elementalists access to weakness, immob and chill all last 5 seconds or less. Bleed lasts 8 seconds. Meanwhile necromancers, thieves and mesmer cover conditions last 10-15+ seconds.
You’re blanket statement of “many classes don’t have a condition cleanse every 15s” is a complete lie to give yourself confirmation bias, which also serves to prove that you just want to faceroll.
“you always have 100% uptime on burning” Really? Can you stop straight up lying?!?
(prove my point more by mentioning sigils )
I’d start to nerf drake’s breath, too much burning for 5 sec cd skill.
The entire fire attunement has a lot of burning but #2 is the main problem.
4 stacks of 3s burning is ridiculous, 4 stacks of 1s would be more balanced.
Not really.. It’s fine. you’re telling me you can’t cleanse one condition?
12s of burning every 5s from only 1 skill is fine?
Are you joking?
Might stacking only amplifies the problem, burning is always the first damage in the list when you fight an Ele D/d because there is simple too much burning in his rotation.
It’s the main reason because Ele D/D celestial is op on node.
Stop pretending like what you what you’re saying actually makes sense.
It takes anywhere from the MINIMUM of 10s to 18s or so for me to switch back into fire attunement after I’m done with it.
Yes, the skill has a 5 second cool-down.
No, it is not used like you think it is.Drakes breath does not get used every 5 seconds, but rather every 15 seconds or so.
Stop thinking of attunements like they’re engineer kits. That’s ridiculous.
Not to mention the ele only gets 12s of burning on you if he hits with ALL FOUR HITS.
its every 10s lets be real. eles just have too much of everything tbh theyre ridiculously op.
It’s every ~15~ seconds. Let’s be real.
Can you actually give us a reason why you think they’re “ridiculously op” besides just stating it?
A reason? Let’s see how many reasons I didn’t forget:
1. 25 stacks of might solo, even post strength runes nerf (1 of only 2 classes that can do this)
2. Wins every single 1v1 except S/d thief and condi necro
3. 2nd to only Guardian in terms of team support. Reasons: Tons of cleanses, tons of heals, tons of protection uptime, tons of might
4. Very high mobility on both staff and d/d. Can keep up with a thief and prevent decaps if it has most of its movement cds.
5. Strong in all 2v2’s (seriously put it with any class and it will do well)
6. Stands on point (in fact it will force you off point with staff and sometimes with d/d)
7. Hard as hell to focus down in team fights. Literally attacking the bunker guardian first is preferable.
8. 650 BURN TIX
9. Water glyph elite: knocks down enemies, heals for 8k and is on a 15s cd lolwut?
10. Has AoE and Mist for stomps
11. Downed state vapor form can go through portals (icing on the cake) and remove all conditions (INCLUDING POISON!) and is the only class you most likely cannot stomp on first attempt!
12. Good ccs. d/d has updraft (knocks downed bodies, who needs overcharged banish when you have an AOE BLOWBACK!), earthquake (aoe with blast finisher), immobilize on magnetic grasp, cripple on earth dodges, chills on water 3. shocking aura. mind you this is just d/d Im not even gonna get started on staff.
13. dodge rolls op. cleansing conditions and healing on water dodge, 5s of burn (3k dmg) on fire dodge, blind on air dodge (if you dont do this youre bad at ele), and cripple/bleeds on earth dodge (that bleed ticks 90 for 15s btw)
14. You can actually burst!!! Burning speed + firegrab = 7-9k dmg LOL!
15. Perma vigor. Not many classes have this but hey if any class is gonna have it why not ele?
16. More cleanses than 5x bunker guards put together. Sure most of them are solo, but cleansing water having no icd again is OP AS FK!
thats all ive got. let me know if u guys think theres something i missed.
Ready? I can make my words bold and caps too.
And nobody complains about THOSE types of eles. Because they’re not broken either.
So think of another solution before you get more mad.
so you put words in my mouth while proving you’re too biased to contribute anything of value. great job.
you’re feverishly defending elementalist as a profession at every opportunity you get while ignoring logic almost entirely. you’ve even gone so far as to make another thread trying to garner support for the ridiculous idea that all imbalances are caused by gear alone. you even ignored my post on what to change if we were for some reason to ignore the fact that elementalist’s mechanics are at equal fault here and decide not to address them.
so until you can actually prove that celestial d/d ele’s imbalance is 100% caused by gear and that this gear is invariably just as broken irrespective of profession your idea that elemenetalist is completely innocent and should remain untouched is entirely senseless, especially when you already have admitted that the profession is at fault here as well:
It is the classes fault, you’re right. But don’t nerf things like drakes breath or boons or water/arcana trait lines for celestial/might stacking. (by boons I mean anything other than might.)
Nerf celestial/might stacking. Not the profession.if you want to discuss drake’s breath with other posters go right ahead, but don’t drag in your discussions with them into ours.
so you put words in my mouth while proving you’re too biased to contribute anything of value. great job.
you’re feverishly attacking elementalist as a profession at every opportunity you get while ignoring logic almost entirely.
My good friend Carighan.6758 touched on the reason people think eles are OP.
He states that “Problem is that some runes are so strong that the classes become imbalanced as a result of being able to utilize them or not utilize them.”
What I’m stating is that when a profession appears to be overpowered in celestial+strength runes, but not overpowered in half zerk half cavaliers gear, then it’s not the professions fault. The profession may be able to utilize celestial and strength to a great degree, and yes, that may be imbalanced, however any nerfs received should not also affect other stat combinations, when, they were balanced to begin with and then causing them to become underpowered.
Nerfing celestial, might stacking and a few runes/sigils is the solution. Especially when this same exact problem is shared with warrior and engineer. Another solution is for you to learn to play as well.
But you guys say “nerfing celestial isn’t fair because other classes can use them too.”
But that’s not a problem, you know why? Celestial is not viable for a thief. Or necro. Or ranger. Etc. Those professions never use it and probably never will.
If celestial gets nerfed, those classes will not feel it. Certainly, you don’t see dire eles running around in wvw, or cleric necros in tPvP. That’s just not a thing. It is not viable.
I’d start to nerf drake’s breath, too much burning for 5 sec cd skill.
The entire fire attunement has a lot of burning but #2 is the main problem.
4 stacks of 3s burning is ridiculous, 4 stacks of 1s would be more balanced.
Not really.. It’s fine. you’re telling me you can’t cleanse one condition?
12s of burning every 5s from only 1 skill is fine?
Are you joking?
Might stacking only amplifies the problem, burning is always the first damage in the list when you fight an Ele D/d because there is simple too much burning in his rotation.
It’s the main reason because Ele D/D celestial is op on node.
Stop pretending like what you what you’re saying actually makes sense.
It takes anywhere from the MINIMUM of 10s to 18s or so for me to switch back into fire attunement after I’m done with it.
Yes, the skill has a 5 second cool-down.
No, it is not used like you think it is.Drakes breath does not get used every 5 seconds, but rather every 15 seconds or so.
Stop thinking of attunements like they’re engineer kits. That’s ridiculous.
Not to mention the ele only gets 12s of burning on you if he hits with ALL FOUR HITS.
its every 10s lets be real. eles just have too much of everything tbh theyre ridiculously op.
It’s every ~15~ seconds. Let’s be real.
Can you actually give us a reason why you think they’re “ridiculously op” besides just stating it?
A reason? Let’s see how many reasons I didn’t forget:
1. 25 stacks of might solo, even post strength runes nerf (1 of only 2 classes that can do this)
2. Wins every single 1v1 except S/d thief and condi necro
3. 2nd to only Guardian in terms of team support. Reasons: Tons of cleanses, tons of heals, tons of protection uptime, tons of might
4. Very high mobility on both staff and d/d. Can keep up with a thief and prevent decaps if it has most of its movement cds.
5. Strong in all 2v2’s (seriously put it with any class and it will do well)
6. Stands on point (in fact it will force you off point with staff and sometimes with d/d)
7. Hard as hell to focus down in team fights. Literally attacking the bunker guardian first is preferable.
8. 650 BURN TIX
9. Water glyph elite: knocks down enemies, heals for 8k and is on a 15s cd lolwut?
10. Has AoE and Mist for stomps
11. Downed state vapor form can go through portals (icing on the cake) and remove all conditions (INCLUDING POISON!) and is the only class you most likely cannot stomp on first attempt!
12. Good ccs. d/d has updraft (knocks downed bodies, who needs overcharged banish when you have an AOE BLOWBACK!), earthquake (aoe with blast finisher), immobilize on magnetic grasp, cripple on earth dodges, chills on water 3. shocking aura. mind you this is just d/d Im not even gonna get started on staff.
13. dodge rolls op. cleansing conditions and healing on water dodge, 5s of burn (3k dmg) on fire dodge, blind on air dodge (if you dont do this youre bad at ele), and cripple/bleeds on earth dodge (that bleed ticks 90 for 15s btw)
14. You can actually burst!!! Burning speed + firegrab = 7-9k dmg LOL!
15. Perma vigor. Not many classes have this but hey if any class is gonna have it why not ele?
16. More cleanses than 5x bunker guards put together. Sure most of them are solo, but cleansing water having no icd again is OP AS FK!
thats all ive got. let me know if u guys think theres something i missed.
Stop lying.
“2nd to only guardian in terms of support” Then you go on to say “more cleanses than 5x bunker guards put together”
Lol. What’s the class you main again?
I’d start to nerf drake’s breath, too much burning for 5 sec cd skill.
The entire fire attunement has a lot of burning but #2 is the main problem.
4 stacks of 3s burning is ridiculous, 4 stacks of 1s would be more balanced.
Not really.. It’s fine. you’re telling me you can’t cleanse one condition?
12s of burning every 5s from only 1 skill is fine?
Are you joking?
Might stacking only amplifies the problem, burning is always the first damage in the list when you fight an Ele D/d because there is simple too much burning in his rotation.
It’s the main reason because Ele D/D celestial is op on node.
Stop pretending like what you what you’re saying actually makes sense.
It takes anywhere from the MINIMUM of 10s to 18s or so for me to switch back into fire attunement after I’m done with it.
Yes, the skill has a 5 second cool-down.
No, it is not used like you think it is.Drakes breath does not get used every 5 seconds, but rather every 15 seconds or so.
Stop thinking of attunements like they’re engineer kits. That’s ridiculous.
Not to mention the ele only gets 12s of burning on you if he hits with ALL FOUR HITS.
its every 10s lets be real. eles just have too much of everything tbh theyre ridiculously op.
It’s every ~15~ seconds. Let’s be real.
Can you actually give us a reason why you think they’re “ridiculously op” besides just stating it?
A reason? Let’s see how many reasons I didn’t forget:
1. 25 stacks of might solo, even post strength runes nerf (1 of only 2 classes that can do this)
2. Wins every single 1v1 except S/d thief and condi necro
3. 2nd to only Guardian in terms of team support. Reasons: Tons of cleanses, tons of heals, tons of protection uptime, tons of might
4. Very high mobility on both staff and d/d. Can keep up with a thief and prevent decaps if it has most of its movement cds.
5. Strong in all 2v2’s (seriously put it with any class and it will do well)
6. Stands on point (in fact it will force you off point with staff and sometimes with d/d)
7. Hard as hell to focus down in team fights. Literally attacking the bunker guardian first is preferable.
8. 650 BURN TIX
9. Water glyph elite: knocks down enemies, heals for 8k and is on a 15s cd lolwut?
10. Has AoE and Mist for stomps
11. Downed state vapor form can go through portals (icing on the cake) and remove all conditions (INCLUDING POISON!) and is the only class you most likely cannot stomp on first attempt!
12. Good ccs. d/d has updraft (knocks downed bodies, who needs overcharged banish when you have an AOE BLOWBACK!), earthquake (aoe with blast finisher), immobilize on magnetic grasp, cripple on earth dodges, chills on water 3. shocking aura. mind you this is just d/d Im not even gonna get started on staff.
13. dodge rolls op. cleansing conditions and healing on water dodge, 5s of burn (3k dmg) on fire dodge, blind on air dodge (if you dont do this youre bad at ele), and cripple/bleeds on earth dodge (that bleed ticks 90 for 15s btw)
14. You can actually burst!!! Burning speed + firegrab = 7-9k dmg LOL!
15. Perma vigor. Not many classes have this but hey if any class is gonna have it why not ele?
16. More cleanses than 5x bunker guards put together. Sure most of them are solo, but cleansing water having no icd again is OP AS FK!
thats all ive got. let me know if u guys think theres something i missed.Stop lying.
“2nd to only guardian in terms of support” Then you go on to say “more cleanses than 5x bunker guards put together”
Lol. What’s the class you main again?
ok clearly there was some sarcasm in that part I dont know why you called out that.. probably because everything I said was completely true wasnt it
Ranger is op in this one^
Guy thinks necro is op in this one^
Engi in this one^
Mesmer too^
You know what’s so great about all these threads?
They’re all in the first page of the profession forum.
Go to the second page, you find these.
OH a guardian thread being OP, yay!
That’s 7/8 classes being OP in the first two pages of this forum, with thief being the only one not to be ‘op’.
(edited by The Game Slayer.7632)
I’d start to nerf drake’s breath, too much burning for 5 sec cd skill.
The entire fire attunement has a lot of burning but #2 is the main problem.
4 stacks of 3s burning is ridiculous, 4 stacks of 1s would be more balanced.
Not really.. It’s fine. you’re telling me you can’t cleanse one condition?
12s of burning every 5s from only 1 skill is fine?
Are you joking?
Might stacking only amplifies the problem, burning is always the first damage in the list when you fight an Ele D/d because there is simple too much burning in his rotation.
It’s the main reason because Ele D/D celestial is op on node.
Stop pretending like what you what you’re saying actually makes sense.
It takes anywhere from the MINIMUM of 10s to 18s or so for me to switch back into fire attunement after I’m done with it.
Yes, the skill has a 5 second cool-down.
No, it is not used like you think it is.Drakes breath does not get used every 5 seconds, but rather every 15 seconds or so.
Stop thinking of attunements like they’re engineer kits. That’s ridiculous.
Not to mention the ele only gets 12s of burning on you if he hits with ALL FOUR HITS.
its every 10s lets be real. eles just have too much of everything tbh theyre ridiculously op.
It’s every ~15~ seconds. Let’s be real.
Can you actually give us a reason why you think they’re “ridiculously op” besides just stating it?
A reason? Let’s see how many reasons I didn’t forget:
1. 25 stacks of might solo, even post strength runes nerf (1 of only 2 classes that can do this)
2. Wins every single 1v1 except S/d thief and condi necro
3. 2nd to only Guardian in terms of team support. Reasons: Tons of cleanses, tons of heals, tons of protection uptime, tons of might
4. Very high mobility on both staff and d/d. Can keep up with a thief and prevent decaps if it has most of its movement cds.
5. Strong in all 2v2’s (seriously put it with any class and it will do well)
6. Stands on point (in fact it will force you off point with staff and sometimes with d/d)
7. Hard as hell to focus down in team fights. Literally attacking the bunker guardian first is preferable.
8. 650 BURN TIX
9. Water glyph elite: knocks down enemies, heals for 8k and is on a 15s cd lolwut?
10. Has AoE and Mist for stomps
11. Downed state vapor form can go through portals (icing on the cake) and remove all conditions (INCLUDING POISON!) and is the only class you most likely cannot stomp on first attempt!
12. Good ccs. d/d has updraft (knocks downed bodies, who needs overcharged banish when you have an AOE BLOWBACK!), earthquake (aoe with blast finisher), immobilize on magnetic grasp, cripple on earth dodges, chills on water 3. shocking aura. mind you this is just d/d Im not even gonna get started on staff.
13. dodge rolls op. cleansing conditions and healing on water dodge, 5s of burn (3k dmg) on fire dodge, blind on air dodge (if you dont do this youre bad at ele), and cripple/bleeds on earth dodge (that bleed ticks 90 for 15s btw)
14. You can actually burst!!! Burning speed + firegrab = 7-9k dmg LOL!
15. Perma vigor. Not many classes have this but hey if any class is gonna have it why not ele?
16. More cleanses than 5x bunker guards put together. Sure most of them are solo, but cleansing water having no icd again is OP AS FK!
thats all ive got. let me know if u guys think theres something i missed.Stop lying.
“2nd to only guardian in terms of support” Then you go on to say “more cleanses than 5x bunker guards put together”
Lol. What’s the class you main again?
ok clearly there was some sarcasm in that part I dont know why you called out that.. probably because everything I said was completely true wasnt it
No, what class do you main?
I’d start to nerf drake’s breath, too much burning for 5 sec cd skill.
The entire fire attunement has a lot of burning but #2 is the main problem.
4 stacks of 3s burning is ridiculous, 4 stacks of 1s would be more balanced.
Not really.. It’s fine. you’re telling me you can’t cleanse one condition?
12s of burning every 5s from only 1 skill is fine?
Are you joking?
Might stacking only amplifies the problem, burning is always the first damage in the list when you fight an Ele D/d because there is simple too much burning in his rotation.
It’s the main reason because Ele D/D celestial is op on node.
Stop pretending like what you what you’re saying actually makes sense.
It takes anywhere from the MINIMUM of 10s to 18s or so for me to switch back into fire attunement after I’m done with it.
Yes, the skill has a 5 second cool-down.
No, it is not used like you think it is.Drakes breath does not get used every 5 seconds, but rather every 15 seconds or so.
Stop thinking of attunements like they’re engineer kits. That’s ridiculous.
Not to mention the ele only gets 12s of burning on you if he hits with ALL FOUR HITS.
If you switch every 15s on fire (medium average) you have always a 100% uptime burning. Yes you can remove it of course, but many classes don’t have a 15s CD condition cleanse and elementalist can cover burning with other condis like Chilled, poison (from doom sigil), weakness, bleeding, immobilize.
You’ve got to be kidding me. What you’re explicitly asking is that elementalists not be able to do any damage to you at all.
Elementalists access to weakness, immob and chill all last 5 seconds or less. Bleed lasts 8 seconds. Meanwhile necromancers, thieves and mesmer cover conditions last 10-15+ seconds.
You’re blanket statement of “many classes don’t have a condition cleanse every 15s” is a complete lie to give yourself confirmation bias, which also serves to prove that you just want to faceroll.
“you always have 100% uptime on burning” Really? Can you stop straight up lying?!?
(prove my point more by mentioning sigils
Dude it’s math sorry, try to count how many burning sec. you can put on fire attunement every min. 10s and stop to refuse the reality
I’m not really interested to speak with people who wants to defend the undefendable.
Look this topic
Written by a very experienced elementalist
He spoke about drake’s breath (main source of burning) and Lightning Whip nerf(main source of sustain).
If you’re blind and you don’t want accept the reality is not a my problem.
Have fun.
(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)
2% harder to play than warrior
No.. just no. I mastered war in a week.
Lol, you mastered war in a week.
You mastered, LOLOLOLOLOL. even the best warriors don’t say they mastered.
you are sooooo goooodNo, here’s the thing you don’t get. When you play warrior, you have SO little to micro manage. All you worry about while playing war is when to dodge (which is for every player regardless of class), when to swap weapons, when to break stuns and when to use your 1-5 and burst skills. That’s seriously it. No combos(huge thing btw), no long cool-downs to remember and an immediate large health pool/armor that makes room for mistakes. Not much to learn war, the skill ceiling is the lowest for all professions.
Dev’s even say it themselves. The predominant, top tier players agree too.
The skill ceiling the low because the class capacity is low, mechanics is simple and predictable, that’s means it takes more personal skill to compete with other classes when the skill level is actually high.
You definitely mastered warrior against noobs. HAHAHAHA
also you really need to face the truth that dd ele is the new brainless hambow, get real, everyone with half brain cell can do blink combo and might stack.
(edited by Simon.3794)
I’d start to nerf drake’s breath, too much burning for 5 sec cd skill.
The entire fire attunement has a lot of burning but #2 is the main problem.
4 stacks of 3s burning is ridiculous, 4 stacks of 1s would be more balanced.
Not really.. It’s fine. you’re telling me you can’t cleanse one condition?
12s of burning every 5s from only 1 skill is fine?
Are you joking?
Might stacking only amplifies the problem, burning is always the first damage in the list when you fight an Ele D/d because there is simple too much burning in his rotation.
It’s the main reason because Ele D/D celestial is op on node.
Stop pretending like what you what you’re saying actually makes sense.
It takes anywhere from the MINIMUM of 10s to 18s or so for me to switch back into fire attunement after I’m done with it.
Yes, the skill has a 5 second cool-down.
No, it is not used like you think it is.Drakes breath does not get used every 5 seconds, but rather every 15 seconds or so.
Stop thinking of attunements like they’re engineer kits. That’s ridiculous.
Not to mention the ele only gets 12s of burning on you if he hits with ALL FOUR HITS.
its every 10s lets be real. eles just have too much of everything tbh theyre ridiculously op.
It’s every ~15~ seconds. Let’s be real.
Can you actually give us a reason why you think they’re “ridiculously op” besides just stating it?
A reason? Let’s see how many reasons I didn’t forget:
1. 25 stacks of might solo, even post strength runes nerf (1 of only 2 classes that can do this)
2. Wins every single 1v1 except S/d thief and condi necro
3. 2nd to only Guardian in terms of team support. Reasons: Tons of cleanses, tons of heals, tons of protection uptime, tons of might
4. Very high mobility on both staff and d/d. Can keep up with a thief and prevent decaps if it has most of its movement cds.
5. Strong in all 2v2’s (seriously put it with any class and it will do well)
6. Stands on point (in fact it will force you off point with staff and sometimes with d/d)
7. Hard as hell to focus down in team fights. Literally attacking the bunker guardian first is preferable.
8. 650 BURN TIX
9. Water glyph elite: knocks down enemies, heals for 8k and is on a 15s cd lolwut?
10. Has AoE and Mist for stomps
11. Downed state vapor form can go through portals (icing on the cake) and remove all conditions (INCLUDING POISON!) and is the only class you most likely cannot stomp on first attempt!
12. Good ccs. d/d has updraft (knocks downed bodies, who needs overcharged banish when you have an AOE BLOWBACK!), earthquake (aoe with blast finisher), immobilize on magnetic grasp, cripple on earth dodges, chills on water 3. shocking aura. mind you this is just d/d Im not even gonna get started on staff.
13. dodge rolls op. cleansing conditions and healing on water dodge, 5s of burn (3k dmg) on fire dodge, blind on air dodge (if you dont do this youre bad at ele), and cripple/bleeds on earth dodge (that bleed ticks 90 for 15s btw)
14. You can actually burst!!! Burning speed + firegrab = 7-9k dmg LOL!
15. Perma vigor. Not many classes have this but hey if any class is gonna have it why not ele?
16. More cleanses than 5x bunker guards put together. Sure most of them are solo, but cleansing water having no icd again is OP AS FK!
thats all ive got. let me know if u guys think theres something i missed.Stop lying.
“2nd to only guardian in terms of support” Then you go on to say “more cleanses than 5x bunker guards put together”
Lol. What’s the class you main again?
ok clearly there was some sarcasm in that part I dont know why you called out that.. probably because everything I said was completely true wasnt it
No, what class do you main?
i main guardian but now engi what does that have to do with anything
I’d start to nerf drake’s breath, too much burning for 5 sec cd skill.
The entire fire attunement has a lot of burning but #2 is the main problem.
4 stacks of 3s burning is ridiculous, 4 stacks of 1s would be more balanced.
Not really.. It’s fine. you’re telling me you can’t cleanse one condition?
12s of burning every 5s from only 1 skill is fine?
Are you joking?
Might stacking only amplifies the problem, burning is always the first damage in the list when you fight an Ele D/d because there is simple too much burning in his rotation.
It’s the main reason because Ele D/D celestial is op on node.
Stop pretending like what you what you’re saying actually makes sense.
It takes anywhere from the MINIMUM of 10s to 18s or so for me to switch back into fire attunement after I’m done with it.
Yes, the skill has a 5 second cool-down.
No, it is not used like you think it is.Drakes breath does not get used every 5 seconds, but rather every 15 seconds or so.
Stop thinking of attunements like they’re engineer kits. That’s ridiculous.
Not to mention the ele only gets 12s of burning on you if he hits with ALL FOUR HITS.
If you switch every 15s on fire (medium average) you have always a 100% uptime burning. Yes you can remove it of course, but many classes don’t have a 15s CD condition cleanse and elementalist can cover burning with other condis like Chilled, poison (from doom sigil), weakness, bleeding, immobilize.
You’ve got to be kidding me. What you’re explicitly asking is that elementalists not be able to do any damage to you at all.
Elementalists access to weakness, immob and chill all last 5 seconds or less. Bleed lasts 8 seconds. Meanwhile necromancers, thieves and mesmer cover conditions last 10-15+ seconds.
You’re blanket statement of “many classes don’t have a condition cleanse every 15s” is a complete lie to give yourself confirmation bias, which also serves to prove that you just want to faceroll.
“you always have 100% uptime on burning” Really? Can you stop straight up lying?!?
(prove my point more by mentioning sigils
Dude it’s math sorry, try to count how many burning sec. you can put on fire attunement every min. 10s and stop to refuse the reality
I’m not really interested to speak with people who wants to defend the undefendable.
Look this topic
Written by a very experienced elementalist
He spoke about drake’s breath (main source of burning) and Lightning Whip nerf(main source of sustain).
If you’re blind and you don’t want accept the reality is not a my problem.
Have fun.
I’m really sorry you can’t formulate your own reasons for your own statements. You refuse to adapt, because there are plenty of counters to ele. Your refusal to adapt leads you to keep getting beaten by them, and I can see why you get so mad and come to the forums to cry.
Learn to play.
Have fun.
i main guardian but now engi what does that have to do with anything
Engis are ridiculously OP.
1- Can stack 25 might perma (one of only two classes that can do this)
2- Passive perma burning through ONE master trait is OP AS fk!
3- Tool kit shield block ON TWENTY SECOND CD Wth?!
4- Grenades can apply SIX CONDITIONS AT ONCE! How is that not OPP??
5- Elixirs make you invis so you can leave WHENEVER YOU WANT without fear of dyin
6- Second to guardian in terms of support!!! AoE might, aoe healing, AoE stealth, AoE regen, AoE CC! AoE Everything!
7- Rocket boots TO ESCAPE ANYTHING!!
9- Perma weakness OP OP OP! Conditions for days!
10- SUPPLY crate one hit win button!
11- most CC in gameee! masters of stun lock 4-6 CC skills IN EVERY BUILD! Blowback rifle(CLEANSES crip/chill/imob (wut)), pull magnet, ram gadget, blowback AND stun on SHIELD FOR TWO BUTTONS + REFLCT wth?!
12- Turret Heals for 7k every 20s and clears two condis (wut? lol!) (15s cd if you pick up) and Perma regen!
13- Extremely tanky in team fights, don’t even bother, would rather try to go for a necro/guardian first. That’s saying a LOTT
14- You can actually burst! 8-10k blowback+rifle jump/blunderbuss! LOL
15- Perma vigor! Hey, why not engi? a lot dont have this.
16- you can actually not die on point, many engs are god mode, dont try.
17- has STEALTH for stomps and ELIXIR S for stomps! OP
18- AoE poison for 30+ seconds with grenades.. rly.. op.
19- AoE chill for 15+ seconds too^ How is not op?
20-wins every 1v1, period.
i main guardian but now engi what does that have to do with anything
Engis are ridiculously OP.
1- Can stack 25 might perma (one of only two classes that can do this)
2- Passive perma burning through ONE master trait is OP AS fk!
3- Tool kit shield block ON TWENTY SECOND CD Wth?!
4- Grenades can apply SIX CONDITIONS AT ONCE! How is that not OPP??
5- Elixirs make you invis so you can leave WHENEVER YOU WANT without fear of dyin
6- Second to guardian in terms of support!!! AoE might, aoe healing, AoE stealth, AoE regen, AoE CC! AoE Everything!
7- Rocket boots TO ESCAPE ANYTHING!!
9- Perma weakness OP OP OP! Conditions for days!
10- SUPPLY crate one hit win button!
11- most CC in gameee! masters of stun lock 4-6 CC skills IN EVERY BUILD! Blowback rifle(CLEANSES crip/chill/imob (wut)), pull magnet, ram gadget, blowback AND stun on SHIELD FOR TWO BUTTONS + REFLCT wth?!
12- Turret Heals for 7k every 20s and clears two condis (wut? lol!) (15s cd if you pick up) and Perma regen!
13- Extremely tanky in team fights, don’t even bother, would rather try to go for a necro/guardian first. That’s saying a LOTT
14- You can actually burst! 8-10k blowback+rifle jump/blunderbuss! LOL
15- Perma vigor! Hey, why not engi? a lot dont have this.
16- you can actually not die on point, many engs are god mode, dont try.
17- has STEALTH for stomps and ELIXIR S for stomps! OP
18- AoE poison for 30+ seconds with grenades.. rly.. op.
19- AoE chill for 15+ seconds too^ How is not op?
20-wins every 1v1, period.
1. no they dont
2. yes this is very op compared to kitten cd weapon skill
3. this is actually op
4. 4* using 2 master traits and a sigil not an earth dodge roll
5. has a cast time and can be destroyed by projectile destruction (ring of earth lel)
6. no aoe might. 2k healing on 20s cd. indeed it has stealth. no aoe regen. no aoe cc. indeed it has nades.
7. obviously not going to be running this based on what youre saying
8. obviously not going to be running this based on what youre saying
9. obviously not going to be running this based on what youre saying
10. 3min cd.
11. i listed cc’s with 1 weapon set, you listed cc’s with different weapon sets and 3 different utility skills. in reality, engis have 2 ccs. (maybe 3 with shield)
12. 6k* 1/2 uptime on regen*. Yeah 8 cleanse per minute is sooooo great compared to 25 cleanse per minute that eles have.
13. one of the squishiest targets to focus actually. sure harder than zerker but is squishier than all other cele/rabids
14. this is true. its too bad you dont even know the real combos clearly youre clueless.
15. 60% uptime actually
16. look at 13
17. true
18. also on a 30s cd
19. this is true
20. not even close to true
so lets see where you weren’t right at all:
lets see where you were right but were exaggerating stupidly
so in the end you were right that:
passive burns
supply crate is auto win 1v1
chill nades hit hard
poison nades last long
S lets you stomp
clearly these 5 things makes engis beyond overpowered
(edited by Booms.2594)
i main guardian but now engi what does that have to do with anything
Engis are ridiculously OP.
1- Can stack 25 might perma (one of only two classes that can do this)
2- Passive perma burning through ONE master trait is OP AS fk!
3- Tool kit shield block ON TWENTY SECOND CD Wth?!
4- Grenades can apply SIX CONDITIONS AT ONCE! How is that not OPP??
5- Elixirs make you invis so you can leave WHENEVER YOU WANT without fear of dyin
6- Second to guardian in terms of support!!! AoE might, aoe healing, AoE stealth, AoE regen, AoE CC! AoE Everything!
7- Rocket boots TO ESCAPE ANYTHING!!
9- Perma weakness OP OP OP! Conditions for days!
10- SUPPLY crate one hit win button!
11- most CC in gameee! masters of stun lock 4-6 CC skills IN EVERY BUILD! Blowback rifle(CLEANSES crip/chill/imob (wut)), pull magnet, ram gadget, blowback AND stun on SHIELD FOR TWO BUTTONS + REFLCT wth?!
12- Turret Heals for 7k every 20s and clears two condis (wut? lol!) (15s cd if you pick up) and Perma regen!
13- Extremely tanky in team fights, don’t even bother, would rather try to go for a necro/guardian first. That’s saying a LOTT
14- You can actually burst! 8-10k blowback+rifle jump/blunderbuss! LOL
15- Perma vigor! Hey, why not engi? a lot dont have this.
16- you can actually not die on point, many engs are god mode, dont try.
17- has STEALTH for stomps and ELIXIR S for stomps! OP
18- AoE poison for 30+ seconds with grenades.. rly.. op.
19- AoE chill for 15+ seconds too^ How is not op?
20-wins every 1v1, period.1. no they dont
2. yes this is very op compared to kitten cd weapon skill
3. this is actually op
4. 4* using 2 master traits and a sigil not an earth dodge roll
5. has a cast time and can be destroyed by projectile destruction (ring of earth lel)
6. no aoe might. 2k healing on 20s cd. indeed it has stealth. no aoe regen. no aoe cc. indeed it has nades.
7. obviously not going to be running this based on what youre saying
8. obviously not going to be running this based on what youre saying
9. obviously not going to be running this based on what youre saying
10. 3min cd.
11. i listed cc’s with 1 weapon set, you listed cc’s with different weapon sets and 3 different utility skills. in reality, engis have 2 ccs. (maybe 3 with shield)
12. 6k* 1/2 uptime on regen*. Yeah 8 cleanse per minute is sooooo great compared to 25 cleanse per minute that eles have.
13. one of the squishiest targets to focus actually. sure harder than zerker but is squishier than all other cele/rabids
14. this is true. its too bad you dont even know the real combos clearly youre clueless.
15. 60% uptime actually
16. look at 13
17. true
18. also on a 30s cd
19. this is true
20. not even close to trueso lets see where you weren’t right at all:
1,4,6,7,8,9,11,12,13,15,16,20lets see where you were right but were exaggerating stupidly
2,10,14so in the end you were right that:
passive burns
supply crate is auto win 1v1
chill nades hit hard
poison nades last long
S lets you stompclearly these 5 things makes engis beyond overpowered
you see how ridiculous you sound now? I was copying you.
A reason? Let’s see how many reasons I didn’t forget:
1. 25 stacks of might solo, even post strength runes nerf (1 of only 2 classes that can do this)
2. Wins every single 1v1 except S/d thief and condi necro
3. 2nd to only Guardian in terms of team support. Reasons: Tons of cleanses, tons of heals, tons of protection uptime, tons of might
4. Very high mobility on both staff and d/d. Can keep up with a thief and prevent decaps if it has most of its movement cds.
5. Strong in all 2v2’s (seriously put it with any class and it will do well)
6. Stands on point (in fact it will force you off point with staff and sometimes with d/d)
7. Hard as hell to focus down in team fights. Literally attacking the bunker guardian first is preferable.
8. 650 BURN TIX
9. Water glyph elite: knocks down enemies, heals for 8k and is on a 15s cd lolwut?
10. Has AoE and Mist for stomps
11. Downed state vapor form can go through portals (icing on the cake) and remove all conditions (INCLUDING POISON!) and is the only class you most likely cannot stomp on first attempt!
12. Good ccs. d/d has updraft (knocks downed bodies, who needs overcharged banish when you have an AOE BLOWBACK!), earthquake (aoe with blast finisher), immobilize on magnetic grasp, cripple on earth dodges, chills on water 3. shocking aura. mind you this is just d/d Im not even gonna get started on staff.
13. dodge rolls op. cleansing conditions and healing on water dodge, 5s of burn (3k dmg) on fire dodge, blind on air dodge (if you dont do this youre bad at ele), and cripple/bleeds on earth dodge (that bleed ticks 90 for 15s btw)
14. You can actually burst!!! Burning speed + firegrab = 7-9k dmg LOL!
15. Perma vigor. Not many classes have this but hey if any class is gonna have it why not ele?
16. More cleanses than 5x bunker guards put together. Sure most of them are solo, but cleansing water having no icd again is OP AS FK!
thats all ive got. let me know if u guys think theres something i missed.
i main guardian but now engi what does that have to do with anything
Engis are ridiculously OP.
1- Can stack 25 might perma (one of only two classes that can do this)
2- Passive perma burning through ONE master trait is OP AS fk!
3- Tool kit shield block ON TWENTY SECOND CD Wth?!
4- Grenades can apply SIX CONDITIONS AT ONCE! How is that not OPP??
5- Elixirs make you invis so you can leave WHENEVER YOU WANT without fear of dyin
6- Second to guardian in terms of support!!! AoE might, aoe healing, AoE stealth, AoE regen, AoE CC! AoE Everything!
7- Rocket boots TO ESCAPE ANYTHING!!
9- Perma weakness OP OP OP! Conditions for days!
10- SUPPLY crate one hit win button!
11- most CC in gameee! masters of stun lock 4-6 CC skills IN EVERY BUILD! Blowback rifle(CLEANSES crip/chill/imob (wut)), pull magnet, ram gadget, blowback AND stun on SHIELD FOR TWO BUTTONS + REFLCT wth?!
12- Turret Heals for 7k every 20s and clears two condis (wut? lol!) (15s cd if you pick up) and Perma regen!
13- Extremely tanky in team fights, don’t even bother, would rather try to go for a necro/guardian first. That’s saying a LOTT
14- You can actually burst! 8-10k blowback+rifle jump/blunderbuss! LOL
15- Perma vigor! Hey, why not engi? a lot dont have this.
16- you can actually not die on point, many engs are god mode, dont try.
17- has STEALTH for stomps and ELIXIR S for stomps! OP
18- AoE poison for 30+ seconds with grenades.. rly.. op.
19- AoE chill for 15+ seconds too^ How is not op?
20-wins every 1v1, period.
Just an FYI, this is too funny. You can obviously do this for every class. People just need to lay off Ele.