I, personally, always loved playing a support role in MMOs. The Support playstyle generally involves focusing more on allies than enemies, and healing and buffing them against whatever enemies we come across. Its a rewarding playstyle that takes practice (in most cases), patience, and attention to both ally and enemy detail. In most games, support characters are rewarded for their hard work via loot bags, scoreboard notice, and the unending gratitude of their teammates.
In GW2, most support players are rewarded with little loot, a frustrating supporting experience (because everyone thinks you’re DPS if you’re not a Guardian or Engineer), and blame for not running “full Berserker like everyone else.” It’s not to say that there aren’t any rewards. There’s a cool little title “Combat Healer” that nobody really cares to notice, and if you’re putting out lots of heals in sPvP you’ll be greeted with “Chaos Archangel, Combat Medic!” which is honestly really effing cool… but not enough.
There are many people who come to Guild Wars 2 hoping to be able to play a viable support role. The “Holy Trinity” in this game has be turned into Damage / Control / Support with each category being either a primary, secondary, or tertiary aspect of any build. Aggressive playstyles are rewarded with more rewards while defensive playstyles gain … very little if not a tPvP bunker.
Here are some improvements I think would definitely help improve Support play in GW2. (Mind you, this is from a Mesmer perspective. I don’t have much experience with Healing Power’s influence on other classes besides Elementalist)
Healing Power is currently very underwhelming; why go Healing Power when you could easily spec Toughness or vitality for defense? To trait for high Healing Power one must sacrifice damage, and since healing power only effects the potency of heals (survivability) and Regeneration boon (Defensive Support) it makes a crappy defensive stat and a much more potent support statistic.
- Quicker Rezzing - When I started speccing for healing power, I assumed that I’d be resurrecting my allies from downed faster. I figured “Surely these green healing numbers of mine that are springing up over this poor fool’s corpse must be greater than the brute Zerker Warrior kneeling right next to me. I specced for healing!”. I was wrong of course, and I can’t help but wonder.. why?
- I think that your revive speed should increase respective to your healing.
500 Healing Power = 10%
1000 Healing Power = 20%
1500 Healing Power = 30%
- More Gear Choices - Givers Gear -while totally underwhelming and barely worth it- was a step in the right direction. More options, such as a Healing Power / Power / Precision set would open up new opportunities for support specs. Runes like Superior Runes of Altruism (please put in sPvP) /Water (please fix 6th rune bug) / Dwayna are great examples of how new support runes, sigils, and food could be implemented.
One of the best things about Guild Wars 2 is that you can find a reward for everything you’re interested in. People who like to farm, run dungeons, go full DPS, go full tank, WvW, sPvP, ect, can always find something that’ll reward them for their playstyle… except support. The biggest complaint about running support builds is the lack of reward for all the effort.
- Loot for Support Players - I don’t know the technical side of this, so forgive my ignorance, but there’s got to be some way to reward players who focus more on heals and boons for allies than trying to tag enemies.
- Healing allies for a certain amount of HP through a battle should earn bags/gold.
- Number of boons cast on allies should earn bags/gold.
- Peripheral damage done (Example: Granting someone Retaliation/Might) should earn bags/gold
- Rezzing downed allies should earn greater rewards.
If we could figure out a possible way to implement this into the reward system, there would be many happy healers.
- Should Have a Visual Indicator (Tag of sorts) - You can see a Commander anywhere on your map, which is hella important for WvW. Having an icon or glow or .. something that allows you to see the healers in a skirmish would save a lot of time and headache and help a lot with team coordination.
- Should earn achievements. - I wanted to make a thread about earning rewards in dungeons for different achievements. (Clearing a dungeon within a certain time / Clearing all the mobs / Never wiping / Healing a certain amount / Inflicting X amount of damage to a single boss in 5 seconds ) Achievements would make people WANT to explore a supportive role.
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(edited by Chaos Archangel.5071)