It is fine them having High health, High Armor or High Regen, Having them ALL on a class that has so many skills that can make them immune to damage as well as STILL being able to deal damage is what is wrong.
Then you get into the insane broken mobility they have, the insane CC ability that the Hammer has. there is a reason why there are Warrior only dungeon speed runs and everything They are best in PvE, Best in WvW both Solo and in Zergs they are just to strong at every aspect.
No it’s not.
First, unless Arenanet does a 180 and gives Warriors protection, high health and high regen need to go together, otherwise you’re denying the class of any sustain. Before the Warrior heals were buffed warriors had a lot of burst resistance thanks to their high health but had a lot of trouble regenerating any health lost, and as a consequence they had no regen and had no way to tank or to bunker. For a warrior class design, having no sustain was pathetic.
Second, the “high armor” of soldier classes is something like +400 more armor at level 80 which is nothing. Warriors with high armor have invested into toughness gear and the Defense trait line, which means that their power and/or crit are kitten.
Third, the Warriors’ damage immunes come in an amazing number of three, of which one uses the healing slot and is thus uncompatible with the supposedly overpowered warrior heals. Shield Stance is admittedly the best block in the game but you can’t do anything else while blocking and it forces you to keep a shield on one of your sets so it has its drawbacks. Endure Pain (and its traited version) is vulnerable to conditions and everyone knows that, so I wouldn’t exactly call that a damage immune, especially not in a game stuck on a permanent condi meta… Don’t get me wrong Endure Pain is amazing, but comparing that to invuls, blocks or evades to make a point would be dishonest.
Sounds like you have a problem with Warriors being naturally tanky but seriously since when are fighters/warriors/knights squishy in RPGs? The trinity may be gone but that doesn’t mean that all classes should have the same strengths and weaknesses before traits, and if there’s any strength you’d expect a design for a Warrior class to have, it’s natural survivability. Besides, before Healing Signet was buffed, one post out of 10 in the Warrior forums was something like “How do I make a tanky warrior?”, (and you’d invariably get a “Reroll guard” answer within the first 3 posts) so don’t think I’m the only one who think warriors should be naturally a bit tanky. A lot of players want their Warriors to be that way.
Now, whether Warriors do too much damage while having so much health, or whether they have too much survival when they are in Berserker gear is a completely different matter. Personally, I think that Healing Signet’s base healing should be reduced by 15% or 20% instead of 8%, but the scaling on Healing Power should be doubled. So the regen of glass-cannon Warriors would be less outrageous, and full defense/support warriors with Cleric or Shaman gear would get to keep a very good Healing Signet. My only problem with that is that PVT would get screwed on that deal…
As for CC… the thing is that a damage-focused Warrior can CC a squishy and one-shot it without you being able to do anything about it, but on the other hand a defense Warrior has pathetic damage, and CC and conditions are the only thing you can do to avoid the opponents and force them to care about you. Seriously, my Warrior did 800 with her Earthshaker when she was full-defense, and that was before the nerf… (I don’t even want to think how laughably weak this thing would be now.) If it didn’t have CC I would be literally ignored by other player… And as a defense Warrior I was already getting ignored by PvE players because I wasn’t full-zerk…