[PvP] Automated Response
If I remember correctly, the “-100% duration” was what it and Berserker’s Stance were supposed to be to begin with, but ANet never bothered changing them to that when it was clear (day 1 of their respecitve current functions) that they instead gave total immunity.
Not saying if their current function is fine or not, just saying that they weren’t originally intended to be total immunity, at least as far as what ANet announced at the time.
25% hp isn’t that much. But I see how it can be a little problematic for condi-spammers…
25% hp isn’t that much. But I see how it can be a little problematic for condi-spammers…
The biggest issue isn’t in team fights, it’s that engis are often far point assaulters fighting lots of 1v1s. If they come across any condi-spec in 1v1 it’s pretty much a guaranteed win for the engi (or at worst a stalemate)