I live-blogged the stream notes on reddit, figured I’d cross-post here so everyone can see.
Critical Damage
- Crit Damage as a percentage stat will go away
- Replaced by a numeric stat called Ferocity
- Balanced to be about 10% less damage overall
- PVP crit damage won’t change – they feel it’s in a good place already
- Numeric amount same as “secondary stat” on gear (e.g. 90 power/60 prec/60 fero for berserker)
- Opens up potential for Ferocity to be a primary stat on new stat combo
- Two sigil slots for two-handed weapons!
- No more shared cooldowns!!
- RNG reduced – percent chance on crit will probably just become 100% on-crit
- Still only one stacking sigil type (bloodlust, perception etc.)
- Dual swap sigils WILL both proc. (e.g. Battle + Geomancy or Air + Fire)
- Adding strong bonuses further towards rune #4/5/6 to give more benefit of having full sets
- Added more condi duration on early bonuses so 2/2/2 is still possible
- Examples: Strength:
1) +25 power,
2) 10% might duration,
3) 50 power,
4) 15% might duration and 25% might proc on hit,
5) 100 power,
6) 20% might duration, +5% damage under might. - Fixing Rune #6 bonuses and other rune bugs (e.g. Ranger runes etc.)
- They’ve done a balance pass over runes and sigils to try to improve diversity.
- Adding new unlockable stat combos for PVP (similar to how new heal skills are being added)
- This is more speculative / for future, probably not in next build
Balance Preview – There will be balance updates in the next build:
- Signet of Restoration is restored to full power (no more pve/pvp split)
- Armor of Earth cooldown goes from 90s to 75s (pre-cantrip mastery)
- 3 seconds of Regen added to Water Trident (for up to 5 allies) – support+condi removal for scepter
- Burning Speed now evades during cast! (more melee survival for d/d)
- Frozen Burst is now a blast finisher! (can combo with Burning Speed)
- Net Turret immobilize reduced by 1 second
- Poison grenades – poison applied per tick reduced from 5 to 3 seconds
- Toolkit – Box of Nails/Piranhas cast time reduced from 1 sec to 3/4 sec
- AED cast time reduced from 1 sec to 3/4 sec (may go to 1/2sec later)
- Litany of Wrath cast time reduced from 1 sec to 3/4 sec (may go to 1/2sec later)
- Vigorous Precision cooldown increased to 10 sec (so only 50% vigor uptime)
- Healing Breeze rescaled so 50% self-applies on cast, then 10% per tick for 5 seconds on allies
- Critical Infusion cooldown increased to 10 sec (so only 50% vigor uptime)
- Deceptive Evasion will no longer create a new clone if you already have full images (no overwrites)
(yeesh, that’s huge. RIP clone-death builds.) :’(
- Putrid Explosion is no longer unblockable
- Training of the Master damage bonus reduced from 30% to 25%
- Dhuumfire changed to make only Life Blast apply 3 sec burning with 10 sec cd – no longer split pve/pvp
- Less passive — controllable application, and makes for active counter-play possibilities
- Vampiric Master changed (didn’t catch the specifics)
- Spirit of Nature healing was bugged – changing to 320hp / sec
- Considering adding combo field to all trap skills (Viper’s Nest => poison field, etc.)
- Empathetic Bond will no longer remove conditions when pet is dead
- Making steps towards allowing dodge during sword auto chain (server-side fixes involved)
- Positive things coming that won’t be discussed yet (same for ranger)
- Pistol Whip possibly split into two-part skill with separate ini cost (stun and then slashes separated)
- Healing Signet passive reduced by about 8% (~30hps), active may be improved / altered
- Pin Down has new animation / tell, cast time increased from 1/4 to 3/4 sec
~This is a non-exhaustive list, full set will be in patch notes.~
FINAL: Welp, looks like that’s it for balance folks.
Let me know if I missed anything in the comments and I’ll include it!