[Warrior] Brawler’s Recovery

[Warrior] Brawler’s Recovery

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

from here:

(0) Brawler’s Recovery
“Remove Blindness when you swap weapons.”
Removes Blinded

at the moment this so called “grandmaster” trait is worthless, useless, and needs a buff, or changed completely, perhaps the name as well.

especially when swapping weapons inside a blind field.

my few proposals:
(1) Brawler’s Recovery
“Remove a condition for every bar of adrenaline you have when you swap weapons.”

this will be similar to cleansing ire, except that 0 – 3 conditions are removed when swapping weapons. this will certainly drive warrior haters even more furious!

might be too powerful cleanse though.
but hey, it is a grandmaster trait after all!
all right, next!

(2) Brawler’s Recovery
“Heal yourself when you swap weapons. Heal amount is based on your current adrenaline level.
Adrenaline level 1 healing: 208 (0.08)
Adrenaline level 2 healing: 400 (0.17)
Adrenaline level 3 healing: 600 (0.25)

i took the numbers from adrenal health, divided them by 3 and the multiplied it by 5 to get the current numbers. this would be a beefed up version of adrenal health i guess. also, this will certainly make many warrior haters extremely unhappy!

well, who told anet to name this brawler’s recovery right? recovering health is also a form of recovery so this might be a good replacement too.

all right i will just leave these 2 here for now.

so what do you all think?

come at me, you warrior haters!

some community feedback! thanks!

(3) Brawler’s Instinct (glaphen)
“Unaffected by Blindness for 3 seconds when you swap weapons..”

warrior can still be blinded, but still can hit normally, will not miss.

(4) Brawler’s Recovery (perko)
“Remove Blindness and gain Stability when you swap weapons.”
Removes Blinded
Stability: 1 s
Breaks stun

hmmm you just made this into a stun breaker with 5 seconds recharge time ehehehheheeh.

(5) Brawler’s Recovery (killahmayne)
“Gain 25% of your endurance when you swap weapons while in combat. "

i took at look at sigil of energy and figured 25% would be fair.

(6) Brawler’s Recovery (killahmayne, Drarnor Kunoram)
“Break stun when you swap weapons while in combat. "
Breaks stun
Recharge time: 20 seconds

to be fair, the recharge time would only kick in if the warrior really did break a stun.

revised the recharge time to 20 seconds as suggested by Drarnor.

(7) Brawler’s Recovery
“Gain adrenaline on weapon swap.”
Adrenaline: 15

okay the latest addition is by myself, i took a look at versatile rage and tripled the numbers.

source: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Versatile_Rage
versatile rage is tier adept tier and minor type trait so i think 15 adrenaline would be fair for a grandmaster trait.

when combined with versatile rage this means the warrior gains 20 adrenaline or 2 full bars of adrenaline on a weapon swap.

(8) Brawler’s Recovery (runeblade)
“Remove Blindness and gain adrenaline when you swap weapons. Next burst skill is unaffected by blindness.”
Removes Blinded
Adrenaline: 15

based on runeblade’s idea. i shoved “when swap weapon” in since this trait line is about swapping weapons. not sure how they gonna code “unaffected by blindness” though. for example, blind may be reapplied via black powder blind field, but the burst skill still can land a hit. also added adrenaline gain so the warrior gains 2 bars of adrenaline.

for me, i feel like this has limited application for a grandmaster trait though.

(edited by Deimos Tel Arin.7391)

[Warrior] Brawler’s Recovery

in Profession Balance

Posted by: glaphen.5230


The first one would be super overpowered and the 2nd makes no sense for a damage line, making it complete blind immunity would make more sense and be a balanced grandmaster competing with Burst Mastery.

[Warrior] Brawler’s Recovery

in Profession Balance

Posted by: perko.8309


Yup, Brawler’s Recovery is way underpowered. Blind clear/immunity for a short duration would certainly be better, but probably still not be better than Burst Mastery for most builds.
But agree that your 1st suggestion is probably too much. Theme-wise, I’d avoid healing as the recovery. Think of a somewhat drunk bar fighter. A recovery is most likely getting back on his feet. So perhaps a clear blind + 1 sec stability as the effect.

[Warrior] Brawler’s Recovery

in Profession Balance

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


Maybe something like gain endurance on weapon swap, or a stunbreak (with a 10 second cooldown). I think a stunbreak on swap would open up some interesting possibilities.

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)


[Warrior] Brawler’s Recovery

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

thanks everyone for your feedback!

i have incorporated them into the first post!

further feedback?

[Warrior] Brawler’s Recovery

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

hmmm 3 days and no new feedback? i haz a sad. : (

anyway besides inside blind fields, normal blinds applied through non blind fields are easily removed by a normal attack.

ranged auto attack would have an easier time removing blind though.

otherwise, wait a few seconds since blind normally has a short duration.
blind fields are a different story however.

by the way, this grandmaster trait is still useless against blind field i.e. black powder since the blind is reapplied immediately.

[Warrior] Brawler’s Recovery

in Profession Balance

Posted by: shadowpass.4236


Most of these are very OP lol…

1. practically immune to conditions when combined with cleansing ire.

2. they just nerfed healing signet because it was healing for too much per second, so now you want to give them even more passive healing every time they swap weapons?

3. weapon swap is 5 second cd. u want to make blind immunity last 3 seconds? looooool. thief QQ inc.

4. OP with new defense trait, literally, this makes wars have “perma stability” where they can break stun and gain stability, as well as up to 1000 toughness every 5 seconds?

5. anet just nerfed 15 point minor trait in strength to give only 15% endurance instead of 15 endurance to lower the amount of dodges people have access to, i mean, it sounds ok, but its basically reverting the nerf. this would enable wars to have an extra dodge every 10 seconds as long as they swapped weapons

6. OP. even on 10 second cd, read #4

I was a power ranger before it was cool.
Guild Leader of Favorable Winds [Wind]

[Warrior] Brawler’s Recovery

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

hey! thanks for the feedback and thanks for dropping by!

hmmm yeah, i think ideas are meant to be overpowered or else people will not be bothered to post a reply at all.

Most of these are very OP lol…

1. practically immune to conditions when combined with cleansing ire.

2. they just nerfed healing signet because it was healing for too much per second, so now you want to give them even more passive healing every time they swap weapons?

3. weapon swap is 5 second cd. u want to make blind immunity last 3 seconds? looooool. thief QQ inc.

4. OP with new defense trait, literally, this makes wars have “perma stability” where they can break stun and gain stability, as well as up to 1000 toughness every 5 seconds?

5. anet just nerfed 15 point minor trait in strength to give only 15% endurance instead of 15 endurance to lower the amount of dodges people have access to, i mean, it sounds ok, but its basically reverting the nerf. this would enable wars to have an extra dodge every 10 seconds as long as they swapped weapons

6. OP. even on 10 second cd, read #4

1. well more condition cleanse would be nice since it is still condition heavy meta at the moment.

2. heheheh yeah i am not very pleased with the healing signet nerf but life goes on.

3. well, at the moment, there is no real counter to black powder spam, except moving out of the black powder area of effect. perhaps black powder is meant to not have a counter, with the only counter being moving out of the area of effect.

4. indeed, it would be too powerful. even i do not feel good with it.

5. well, this is a grandmaster trait after all, grandmaster traits are supposed to be powerful and useful.

6. yup. stun breakers need 25 seconds recharge time at least, or 20 seconds with traits (for example shake it off 25 / 20 seconds recharge time)

well, since i am mainly a warrior power, yes, of course, i want warriors to be good. but not too overpowered since that would draw the attention of warrior haters, and their combined forum whine would eventually bring various uncalled, unjust nerfs to the warrior in due time, that is not something i wish to happen.

however, at the moment, this grandmaster trait – brawler’s recovery is … really … useless …

what do you suggest to be a good replacement?

by the way, 3 seconds blind immunity is not really that over powered, since there is a 2 seconds window before the warrior can swap weapons again.

anyway, i added a 7th proposal. basically gain adrenaline on weapon swap, a tripled boosted version of versatile rage.

(edited by Deimos Tel Arin.7391)

[Warrior] Brawler’s Recovery

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Neko.9021


I think adding a 1-second immunity to Blindness on top would be good.

I’m fairly certain the point of this skill is to let you swap to your big bursty weapon (probably has an Intelligence Sigil on it) and unleash and attack, with no fear of Blindess. But because it can just get reapplied, it’s actually completely and utterly useless for that.

Having it remove blindness and then adding 1 second of immunity would let you get that hit in without allowing the Warrior to run around with 60% blindness immunity uptime (thanks to 5 second weapon swapping).

[Warrior] Brawler’s Recovery

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Ghotistyx.6942


Gain adrenaline, get blinded. Swap weapon and use burst with 100% crit trait, or swap and land that immobilize/sun, or swap and use burst to remove 3 other conditions besides blind, or swap and…
It’s a blind cleanse every 5s at the cost of swapping weapons, which will also proc any on swap sigils. It’s not useless, it just made for high skilled play. There are plenty of ways to alleviate the cost of swapping weapons, which isn’t even that expensive at 5s. Is it the easiest trait to use? Probably not, but it has plenty of uses as is.


[Warrior] Brawler’s Recovery

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Roe.3679


I think it should be 5 secs of invulnerability on weapon swap. This way warriors can stay in the fight and can open up build diversity in that they can use any heal now.

[Warrior] Brawler’s Recovery

in Profession Balance

Posted by: runeblade.7514


Brawler’s recovery:

Burst skill is immune to blindness.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

[Warrior] Brawler’s Recovery

in Profession Balance

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


My main issue with the trait is that while there are many builds that use blindness and it’s good that ANet considered giving Wars a way to deal with it, it is totally worthless against more builds than it’s strong against. It’s not bad to have more specific traits at lower levels but a GM trait should be giving you a more consistent benefit.

I would prefer some sort of benefit that helps you in a lot of situations in addition to the anti-blind. What that would be I’m not sure, I do like the idea of it being a stun breaker, it would syergize really well with Rousing Resilience.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

[Warrior] Brawler’s Recovery

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Killface.1896


Idea on weapon swap you get immune to blind for 5sec,I sure Anet was trying to give warrior a fighting change against endless blind spam.

[Warrior] Brawler’s Recovery

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Olba.5376


Idea on weapon swap you get immune to blind for 5sec,I sure Anet was trying to give warrior a fighting change against endless blind spam.

That would literally give you permanent immunity to Blindness via Fast Hands. Not going to happen.

[Warrior] Brawler’s Recovery

in Profession Balance

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


Idea on weapon swap you get immune to blind for 5sec,I sure Anet was trying to give warrior a fighting change against endless blind spam.

That would literally give you permanent immunity to Blindness via Fast Hands. Not going to happen.

Only if you swap the instant you can, and it would still be a GM trait that is totally worthless against many builds.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

[Warrior] Brawler’s Recovery

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Inexor.7804


In the current state I wouldn’t even consider to use it as an Adept-Trait, it’s just worthless. :/

[Warrior] Brawler’s Recovery

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

thanks everyone for the feedback!
seems like we have mixed reactions here.
do we have some warrior haters among us? O_O

perhaps the idea of stun break when swap weapons can be explored further.
the most obvious thing to balance would be the recharge time.

lets look at existing stun breakers, the fastest recharge would be
shake it off, 25 seconds recharge.
or 20 seconds recharge with lung capacity, a major adept trait. tactics ii

since brawlers recovery is a grandmaster trait, takes up a grandmaster trait slot, we can argue that more than -20% recharge time is justified.

now if major adept trait already gives -20%
major master trait level would give -40% making it 15 seconds
major grandmaster trait level would give -60% making it 10 seconds

but! with lung capacity, the utility shout skill “shake it off!” stills need to be equipped in an utility skill slot, while the grandmaster trait “brawler’s recovery” activates when swapping weapons, does not take up a slot, so if we take that in account …

perhaps a recharge time of 13 seconds may suffice?
(6) Brawler’s Recovery (killahmayne)
“Break stun when you swap weapons while in combat. "
Breaks stun
Recharge time: 13 seconds

lets revise the recharge time to 13 seconds.

how does it sound now? it would be the stun breaker with shortest recharge time.

[Warrior] Brawler’s Recovery

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

I’d say 20 seconds ICD may be better. For one, that makes it comparatively easy to predict (every 4th weapon swap, if done on the dot), two, it keeps in line with the usual 5 second intervals of cooldowns over 10 seconds. Three, a 13 second cooldown on a stunbreak just seems too fast to me. All other stunbreaks from traits have a 90 second cooldown except for a Guardian’s Shielded Mind (which has a 63 second cooldown). Even at once every 20 seconds, it’s exceedingly fast and is extremely competitive with stunbreaks you need to make a bigger sacrifice for (utility slots).

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

[Warrior] Brawler’s Recovery

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


Brawler’s recovery:

Burst skill is immune to blindness.

+1. This is what I’d go with; it seems like it’d make a few bursts in particular much more reliable, like Eviscerate and Kill Shot.

Nalhadia – Kaineng

[Warrior] Brawler’s Recovery

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Cygnus.6903


I think this topic definitely adds to warrior hate due to the ridiculously OP suggestions in here.

I only state my opinion unless stated otherwise.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.

[Warrior] Brawler’s Recovery

in Profession Balance

Posted by: dancingmonkey.4902


Personally, my issue with this, is that the devs posted balancing philosophy specifically state that hampering conditions are intended to be the warriors weakness.

[Warrior] Brawler’s Recovery

in Profession Balance

Posted by: sinzer.4018


Brawler’s recovery:

Burst skill is immune to blindness.

I’d agree with this. It wouldn’t render blind useless against warriors with the trait as blind spam would result in a massive reduction in adrenaline generation thus reducing the availability of the blind-immune burst yet it would still be better than the current trait.

Btw, if BR was the minor trait i’d be fine with how it is now.

[Warrior] Brawler’s Recovery

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

21 days bump.

i am sure there are many other fellow warrior lovers who would like to see this become more powerful.

[Warrior] Brawler’s Recovery

in Profession Balance

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


Personally, my issue with this, is that the devs posted balancing philosophy specifically state that hampering conditions are intended to be the warriors weakness.

How many times do you have to be told that it’s that after that design philosophy was posted they obviously changed their mind. If they hadn’t they wouldn’t have made Cleansing Ire, Dogged March, and changed Berserker Stance. The came to a conclusion that it isn’t fair to have a class be made totally worthless vs a specific playstyle. To top is off, Warrior still wasn’t viable until HS was buffed. The description seemed more like a “State of the class” more than anything.

Idk how anyone can complain about Warriors these days when I can jump on my Engi and feel like a force of nature…a force of nature that does nothing but do a fixed rotation regardless of what the enemy is doing most of the time. I used to enjoy the class but now I just feel dirty using it.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

[Warrior] Brawler’s Recovery

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Prysin.8542


The only thing i think “Brawlers recovery” should possibly grant if/when not granting its current bonus, is to provide a stunbreaker with a 10 second ICD.
It would be strong, without a doubt the strongest stunbreaker in game, but at the cost of swapping to another weaponset, which may or may not be optimal for the current fight.

So to balance it out;
ICD: 10
Self weakness 2.5 seconds (to prevent a simple swap to instant 100b/eviscerate/flurry in your face i win system)

Lv 80 Guard, Ranger, Ele, Thief, warr, engi
Currently @ some T1 server in EU

[Warrior] Brawler’s Recovery

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Orion.1678


Brawler’s recovery:

Burst skill is immune to blindness.

I like this idea. That or

Brawler’s Recovery: Clears blind on weapon swap and become immune to blind for 2-3 seconds.

2 Seconds may be enough; 1 might not be enough and anything 5 or more is too powerful.

[Warrior] Brawler’s Recovery

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Grok Krog.9581

Grok Krog.9581

Brawler’s Recovery: Heal (700?) and remove blindness when using a burst skill (removes blind before the hit)

Grok Walking Amongst Mere Mortals

[Warrior] Brawler’s Recovery

in Profession Balance

Posted by: runeblade.7514


(8) Brawler’s Recovery (runeblade)
“Remove Blindness and gain adrenaline when you swap weapons. Next burst skill is unaffected by blindness.”

based on runeblade’s idea. i shoved “when swap weapon” in since this trait line is about swapping weapons. not sure how they gonna code “unaffected by blindness” though. for example, blind may be reapplied via black powder blind field, but the burst skill still can land a hit. also added adrenaline gain so the warrior gains 2 bars of adrenaline.

Discipline trait line is not about swapping weapons. It is about burst skills.

I prefer my version because it is simple to understand, and feels very balanced to the other Grandmaster traits like Heightened Focus and Burst Mastery.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant