bloodlust stacking change is not right !!!
No. Having the effects of three sigils in place of two sigils is wrong and an unintended design.
losing your stacks puts you in a disadvantageous position against a group that has full stacks.
You already have the effects of two sigils. If an enemy has a stack then he loses out the other sigil effect that you have.
I lose my Bloodlust stacks every time when I waypoint from one place to another inside one region. I understand loseing the stack if I leave the zone I’m in but I’m not leaving the zone.
I asked a question about this but my question was removed for a reason I don’t understand.
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger
By the way, what happens if you (legitimately) use the same stacking sigil on one of the weapons in each set, the underwater set and the surface one? Are the stacks preserved?
I lose my Bloodlust stacks every time when I waypoint from one place to another inside one region. I understand loseing the stack if I leave the zone I’m in but I’m not leaving the zone.
I asked a question about this but my question was removed for a reason I don’t understand.
Oh that is odd then. I’m not sure the reason why it would be removed either.
By the way, what happens if you (legitimately) use the same stacking sigil on one of the weapons in each set, the underwater set and the surface one? Are the stacks preserved?
Not sure because each underwater has two sigils slot making total of 4 sigils if stacking is allowed?
No. Having the effects of three sigils in place of two sigils is wrong and an unintended design.
losing your stacks puts you in a disadvantageous position against a group that has full stacks.
You already have the effects of two sigils. If an enemy has a stack then he loses out the other sigil effect that you have.
You do not understand what is being discussed here mate.
I’m talking about this:
you have 2 weapon sets as a warrior,
1st set: hammer with say fire and celerity.
2nd set: warhorn/sword with bloodlust and fire.
now normally I can stack my bloodlust using my 2nd wpn set then use my hammer to get the effects of fire and celerity on top of my bloodlust, this works as intended because I have not replaced any weapons.
Normally if you travel through the water in dreaming bay and go on land your stacks are intact, the problem now is even while using the intended method the system punishes the user.
- I didn’t replace any of my weapons.
- Even if I did travel through water it should not remove my stacks.
- It should detect who is replacing weapons and who is simply using the intended weapon swap.
Adding my voice to this in case it was intended and isn’t a bug. It really punishes anyone for doing any underwater combat or even to cross through water. The game should not punish people for playing as intended.
Normally if you travel through the water in dreaming bay and go on land your stacks are intact, the problem now is even while using the intended method the system punishes the user.
A character (except engi and ele) are only allowed sigils effect (four total) from two weapon sets. You go underwater so you did change your weapon sets from land to underwater sets. No you didn’t swap it, you changed it (not manually through the hero screen) but by going into water or out of water.
Merely by having it equipped on your hero screen doesn’t mean you don’t change them by changing mode. You do change them. It is just that ANET makes it convenient for you to NOT having to manually click and change to a new weapon every time you enter or exit water mode. But nevertheless you do change your weapons.
I lose my Bloodlust stacks every time when I waypoint from one place to another inside one region. I understand loseing the stack if I leave the zone I’m in but I’m not leaving the zone.
I asked a question about this but my question was removed for a reason I don’t understand.
Your thread is still there, it just dropped to page 4 of the General GW2 Discussion sub-forum.
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- I didn’t replace any of my weapons.
- Even if I did travel through water it should not remove my stacks.
- It should detect who is replacing weapons and who is simply using the intended weapon swap.
The reason why you lose the stacks is simple: It allowed you to have an extra sigil effect in battle. If your land weapon had a sigil, that means that you’re getting Bloodlust stacks while underwater, without having a Bloodlust sigil on your underwater weapons. Similarly and more relevantly, the opposite case of people using a Bloodlust sigil on their underwater weapons to get stacks for their land weapons is also something that needs preventing.
“Fixing” this would be a very messy effort, as you would end up having to add some kind of memory to the stacks: You would have to lose your stacks when you change terrain from land to underwater or vice versa and get them back when you return.
Staff Ele fights on land and gets 25 stacks. Jumps in water to swim across to an island and losses those stacks. This is fair how? Please explain.
Example: Kessex hills fighting the Alch. Battle is brutal and you can stack pretty fast. Then you jump into water to get the spider queen and loss those stacks. Sure do miss 25 stacks stayed till you were downed or moved to another map, which made perfect sense!
They should eliminate stacks entirely. If they have trouble stacking conditions then why do they allow stacking boons. It’s especially problematic for some classes when they are balanced around what people generally do to try to bust the system, by stacking all vuln all might all the time.
- It reminds me of when defiance was introduced, it was a fast response band aid system and we got stuck with it.
Wasn’t Defiance in the game since release?
I lose my Bloodlust stacks every time when I waypoint from one place to another inside one region. I understand loseing the stack if I leave the zone I’m in but I’m not leaving the zone.
I asked a question about this but my question was removed for a reason I don’t understand.Your thread is still there, it just dropped to page 4 of the General GW2 Discussion sub-forum.
Ahhh, got buryied. -LOL {:-þ
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger
ANET: Better nerf something that we missed out on that to find a solution to our inadequacies.
If your land weapon had a sigil, that means that you’re getting Bloodlust stacks while underwater, without having a Bloodlust sigil on your underwater weapons.
That sounds fine to me, no need to prevent it. The important thing is that you did the work to kill X enemies with a bloodlust-equipped weapon to get the buff. I don’t think of water combat as something completely separate and different, the water weapons are merely weapon sets 3 and 4.
The reason why you lose the stacks is simple: It allowed you to have an extra sigil effect in battle.
I don’t agree with that design, if it’s intended (it’s not ‘simple’ to guess at developer intentions). Bringing stacks acquired on land into the water seems natural to me, and it worked before. Few if any complained, this is not some obvious fix for an obvious error.
Conceptually, I think of the sigil effect, “gain buff on kill”, as a property of the weapon, but the buff applied is a property of the character. The buff stacks should remain on the character until the character is downed, regardless of weapon changes (as it was pre-patch).
If the applied stacks were property of the weapon itself, then conceptually the stacks should only be present when the weapon that generated them is active (e.g., I get 5 bloodlust on an axe, I switch to hammer and the stacks disappear, I switch back to axe and I have 5 stacks again)
“Fixing” this would be a very messy effort, as you would end up having to add some kind of memory to the stacks: You would have to lose your stacks when you change terrain from land to underwater or vice versa and get them back when you return.
Or you just slightly change the code so that all 4 weapon slots are considered “equipped” regardless of land/water status so there is no “unequip” event to remove the bloodlust stacks on the land/water transitions.
(edited by voidwater.2064)
Or you just slightly change the code so that all 4 weapon slots are considered “equipped” regardless of land/water status so there is no “unequip” event to remove the bloodlust stacks on the land/water transitions.
This is exactly what they wanted to remove in this latest patch.
They should just replace the stacking Sigils with something else. They aren’t fun mechanics or interact with anything in an interesting way.
Procss and effects are cool, passive bonuses are not.
Just add a sigil of bloodlust to one of your underwater weps and then you will not lose your stacks underwater, really its no big deal.
As a staff ele I have 2 weaps, staff and trident. There is NO option to swap at all. Fine, I removed the trident, killed a few things and jumped into the water. Lost the stack….huh????
So unless I spend 10 gold on a sigil for the trident, this is hopeless. Please someone explain the logic in this. Now I’m avoiding the water as much as I can. Sad!
I have 8 level 80s, a couple have the sigil on their underwater weapons now since this came up but the rest don’t. But what’s 80 gold, right? Right.
Out I go to farm money for this. Except…..they’ve nerfed farming too.
Usually the saying is one step forward and one step back. ANet’s specialty is, one step back and then another step back.
Or you just slightly change the code so that all 4 weapon slots are considered “equipped” regardless of land/water status so there is no “unequip” event to remove the bloodlust stacks on the land/water transitions.
This is exactly what they wanted to remove in this latest patch.
Then they should revert it.
If one insists that the stacks should be tied to weapon (I don’t agree with that premise), then this is how I would implement sigil stacks:
- Track kill counts per weapon with a stacking sigil, for both land and water.
- Your total stack count is the sum of the sigil-kill counts across the weapons you have equipped
- Removing or changing out a weapon in your inventory will reset its kill counter.
- Kill counters for the sigil weapons stop increasing once you hit the stack cap.
- I have an axe, hammer, and spear, each with bloodlust.
- I get 5 kills with axe. My count is 5.
- I get 8 kills with hammer, my count is 13.
- I go into the water, my count is still 13.
- I get 2 kills with spear, my count is 15.
- I go onto land, my count is 15.
- I open my inventory and switch my hammer with GS, my count is 7
- I unequip my spear, my count is 5.
(edited by voidwater.2064)
FYI you can stack bloodlust underwater and come onto land while retaining stacks even if your land weapon doesn’t have the sigil. Nerf pls.
One of the fun things I really enjoyed about GW2 was, jumping off high cliffs into the water. What a rush! With this sigil nerf, that has been taken away.
Diving goggles: No thanks, I will loss my stacks
Underwater combat: No thanks, I will loss my stacks
Please look into this Anet, or explain your logic to us so we can understand why this type of fun was taken from us.
Please someone explain the logic in this. Now I’m avoiding the water as much as I can. Sad!
This is why its an ANet fail, it was a positive step to make player kills 5 stacks because it reduced the whole ‘PvE before you PvP’ that was in the game.
The current state means where back doing something similar to that again.
I think you guys are missing something. I went to Sparkfly with my Warrior and tried to see if I could get my Bloodlust stacks taken away by switching weapons in water and on land, while moving in and out of water. I was unable to have my bloodlust stacks reduce or removed.
dual axes – bloodlust and battle
longbow – force and strength
GS – bloodlust and force
harpoon gun – bloodlust & strength
spear – force and strength
There has to be a problem that is causing your removal of bloodlust stacks, but I am not having this problem AT ALL.
I think you guys are missing something. I went to Sparkfly with my Warrior and tried to see if I could get my Bloodlust stacks taken away by switching weapons in water and on land, while moving in and out of water. I was unable to have my bloodlust stacks reduce or removed.
dual axes – bloodlust and battle
longbow – force and strength
GS – bloodlust and force
harpoon gun – bloodlust & strength
spear – force and strength
There has to be a problem that is causing your removal of bloodlust stacks, but I am not having this problem AT ALL.
This is because you have bloodlust on both land and water weapons. Me…..
staff – bloodlust
trident- no bloodlust losses stack
Without spending 10g for this sigil to put on my trident, jumping in the water is bad.
If your land weapon had a sigil, that means that you’re getting Bloodlust stacks while underwater, without having a Bloodlust sigil on your underwater weapons. Similarly and more relevantly, the opposite case of people using a Bloodlust sigil on their underwater weapons to get stacks for their land weapons is also something that needs preventing.
Ironically, that second option is still possible (stacks disappear when entering water, but not when leaving it).
If it is really a problem, then the game should track undrwater and surface stacks separately. It is idiotic that you lose them if you need to cross a small stream on your way.
Additionally, it does have now unintended negative effects on gameplay. Like most of the people doing Dwayna refusing now to start Malchor escort in order not to lose their stacks.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
(stacks disappear when entering water, but not when leaving it).
YES! I can confirm that. So if you get you stacks in the water first and then exit you can keep your sigil on your water weapon only!
ROFL its even worse than ‘PvE before you PvP’ it ‘swim PvE before you PvP’.
Well I see this was moved from general to here so it will die, or, hopefully they will review and fix this.
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger
As a staff ele I have 2 weaps, staff and trident. There is NO option to swap at all. Fine, I removed the trident, killed a few things and jumped into the water. Lost the stack….huh????
So unless I spend 10 gold on a sigil for the trident, this is hopeless. Please someone explain the logic in this. Now I’m avoiding the water as much as I can. Sad!
Well, that’s better than my situation where I cannot maintain my stacks at all, since I run S/D and only switch to staff when I come across a zerg. I lose my stack every time regardless.
Whoever thought fixing this was a priority is clueless. There was absolutely nothing wrong with how stack and switch functioned before. If you think certain skills are too much with stacking and 2x proc sigils, you should nerf those instead and not nerf the stacking sigil. It’s just plain clueless and/or lazy to nerf stats across the board. But hey, it’s the same group of Devs that gave us ferocity, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.
As a staff ele I have 2 weaps, staff and trident. There is NO option to swap at all. Fine, I removed the trident, killed a few things and jumped into the water. Lost the stack….huh????
So unless I spend 10 gold on a sigil for the trident, this is hopeless. Please someone explain the logic in this. Now I’m avoiding the water as much as I can. Sad!
Well, that’s better than my situation where I cannot maintain my stacks at all, since I run S/D and only switch to staff when I come across a zerg. I lose my stack every time regardless.
Whoever thought fixing this was a priority is clueless. There was absolutely nothing wrong with how stack and switch functioned before. If you think certain skills are too much with stacking and 2x proc sigils, you should nerf those instead and not nerf the stacking sigil. It’s just plain clueless and/or lazy to nerf stats across the board. But hey, it’s the same group of Devs that gave us ferocity, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.
How about, just plain cluelessly lazy.
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger
Im not sure why they even felt the need to change stacking sigils in the first place. The exploit was a workaround to their poor decision. The latest fix is a bandaid which causes more problems than it solves and renders the sigils even more useless than they were with the underwater exploit. It wasnt as if the sigils were totally op and needed to be changed. They should revert them back to pre feature patch (exclude double stacking) or just completely remove them from the game.
Master’s Bond is also cleared if you enter the water.
It has been like that forever and it’s been pointed out many times, but never fixed or even confirmed.
If you have the same pet underwater as you had above water, it’ll still get cleared.
At least the sigil has a workaround by putting another sigil on your underwater weapon.
Buy another sigil…./thread