[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: FrownyClown.8402


Didn’t read comments its more of a problem that people don’t build glassy because thieves hard hitting attacks only require stealth which is spammable.

Bad Elementalist

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

Now by “Damage Dealers”…
Do you mean…
Damage Dealers that do damage to the game via QQ’ing?
Damage Dealers that do damage in game?

Thief Nerf/Change Wish List. Advice List
Join the TEEFs!

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: nickcosta.8256


Just leaving this here…

Yes I had a really fun and squishy build but seriously!? Why is the system allowing me to get one-shot into oblivion!? Whatever build one uses this shouldn’t happen..


Gandara (TAC)

(edited by nickcosta.8256)

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

Just leaving this here…

Yes I had a really fun and squishy build but seriously!? Why is the system allowing me to get one-shot into oblivion!? Whatever build one uses this shouldn’t happen..

Lowest base armor, lowest base health, running a “really fun and squishy build” (full zerker?). One shotted…

Shoo damage dealer, shooo

IF you have nothing decent to contribute to the thread except to insult other forum posters because they want to nerf the class you play, then don’t post. thief will eventually get a nerf and when it does all of the thieves that do play this game will either adapt, reroll, or quit. contributing nothing constructive in threads designed to bring problems with the class as a whole to attention to the devs (though unlikely they will pay attention as it isn’t about elementalists) is just proving that you are infact what you have been called, a toxic element within this games community.

I’m sorry… He’s playing some sort of a squishy build on an already squishy class and then wonders why he’s being one shotted by another squishy/glass cannon build (more than likely)… And he insists that he shouldn’t be one shotted. You can’t have your cake and eat it too.
I’m insulting him because of this, not because of the class I play… if you truly think its because of that, well… congrats, i don’t know what to say.

So… Shoo damage dealer, shooo

Thief Nerf/Change Wish List. Advice List
Join the TEEFs!

(edited by Zero Day.2594)

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Tetsuyja.7805


now it becomes dirty… closing thread or stay constructive pls…

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: ens.9854


Just leaving this here…

Yes I had a really fun and squishy build but seriously!? Why is the system allowing me to get one-shot into oblivion!? Whatever build one uses this shouldn’t happen..

Lowest base armor, lowest base health, running a “really fun and squishy build” (full zerker?). One shotted…

Shoo damage dealer, shooo

IF you have nothing decent to contribute to the thread except to insult other forum posters because they want to nerf the class you play, then don’t post. thief will eventually get a nerf and when it does all of the thieves that do play this game will either adapt, reroll, or quit. contributing nothing constructive in threads designed to bring problems with the class as a whole to attention to the devs (though unlikely they will pay attention as it isn’t about elementalists) is just proving that you are infact what you have been called, a toxic element within this games community.

I’m sorry… He’s playing some sort of a squishy build on an already squishy class and then wonders why he’s being one shotted by another squishy/glass cannon build (more than likely)… And he insists that he shouldn’t be one shotted. You can’t have your cake and eat it too.
I’m insulting him because of this, not because of the class I play… if you truly think its because of that, well… congrats, i don’t know what to say.

So… Shoo damage dealer, shooo

Point is that the matchup is horribly lopsided. It would be okay if the ele maybe had a 1/4 chance of winning vs thief but even if he spots him first and is surrounded by teammates he still dies 9/10 times.

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

oh my.

now thieves are single handedly forcing everyone into a new meta.

the thief hatred has reached a new level.

This is incorrect. Thieves have always defined the meta.

(edited by Ross Biddle.2367)

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: BobbyT.7192


Just leaving this here…

Yes I had a really fun and squishy build but seriously!? Why is the system allowing me to get one-shot into oblivion!? Whatever build one uses this shouldn’t happen..

Lowest base armor, lowest base health, running a “really fun and squishy build” (full zerker?). One shotted…

Shoo damage dealer, shooo

IF you have nothing decent to contribute to the thread except to insult other forum posters because they want to nerf the class you play, then don’t post. thief will eventually get a nerf and when it does all of the thieves that do play this game will either adapt, reroll, or quit. contributing nothing constructive in threads designed to bring problems with the class as a whole to attention to the devs (though unlikely they will pay attention as it isn’t about elementalists) is just proving that you are infact what you have been called, a toxic element within this games community.

I’m sorry… He’s playing some sort of a squishy build on an already squishy class and then wonders why he’s being one shotted by another squishy/glass cannon build (more than likely)… And he insists that he shouldn’t be one shotted. You can’t have your cake and eat it too.
I’m insulting him because of this, not because of the class I play… if you truly think its because of that, well… congrats, i don’t know what to say.

So… Shoo damage dealer, shooo

Point is that the matchup is horribly lopsided. It would be okay if the ele maybe had a 1/4 chance of winning vs thief but even if he spots him first and is surrounded by teammates he still dies 9/10 times.

Isn,t that a problem with the ele? I’m pretty sure lots of things can kill a glassy ele. Like the common cold for example.

Instead of asking for nerfs, ask for buffs, and leave the thief alone, the thief is already the most nerfed class in the game.

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Swagg.9236


30/30/30/30/30 build is so OP

Ah yes, the supreme D/S thief builds, how I despise them. And D/P? My god man, how can you possibly capture a point while your opponent is stealthed?

One guy makes a snide remark instead of an actual argument; the other guy brings up capture contribution in a discussion about damage dealers.

Thieves, everyone.

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: BlackBeard.2873


Point is that the matchup is horribly lopsided. It would be okay if the ele maybe had a 1/4 chance of winning vs thief but even if he spots him first and is surrounded by teammates he still dies 9/10 times.

Isn,t that a problem with the ele? I’m pretty sure lots of things can kill a glassy ele. Like the common cold for example.

Instead of asking for nerfs, ask for buffs, and leave the thief alone, the thief is already the most nerfed class in the game.

Power creep is a very dangerous thing. Also, the assertion that thief is the “most nerfed class in the game” is hilarious, considering they are still on top. This means that either: 1. you are ignoring the magnitude of nerfs and every buff given when weighing their values or 2. theif was so massively OP previously that it is still near the top after receiving “so many nerfs.” From my knowledge, of the class, I can tell you its #1. Sure there might be a large number of small reductions to various things, but these are completely countered by insane increases elsewhere combined with a large number of small buffs that appeared immaterial at the time.

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: dylan.5409


It is also #2 Blackbeard. At 1 point in this game, shortly after release, if you didn’t see a thief coming, you were dead. Then again, they were close to untargetable, so if you did see it coming and somehow avoided the insta-gib, they had endless resets.

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

Just leaving this here…

Yes I had a really fun and squishy build but seriously!? Why is the system allowing me to get one-shot into oblivion!? Whatever build one uses this shouldn’t happen..

Lowest base armor, lowest base health, running a “really fun and squishy build” (full zerker?). One shotted…

Shoo damage dealer, shooo

IF you have nothing decent to contribute to the thread except to insult other forum posters because they want to nerf the class you play, then don’t post. thief will eventually get a nerf and when it does all of the thieves that do play this game will either adapt, reroll, or quit. contributing nothing constructive in threads designed to bring problems with the class as a whole to attention to the devs (though unlikely they will pay attention as it isn’t about elementalists) is just proving that you are infact what you have been called, a toxic element within this games community.

I’m sorry… He’s playing some sort of a squishy build on an already squishy class and then wonders why he’s being one shotted by another squishy/glass cannon build (more than likely)… And he insists that he shouldn’t be one shotted. You can’t have your cake and eat it too.
I’m insulting him because of this, not because of the class I play… if you truly think its because of that, well… congrats, i don’t know what to say.

So… Shoo damage dealer, shooo

Point is that the matchup is horribly lopsided. It would be okay if the ele maybe had a 1/4 chance of winning vs thief but even if he spots him first and is surrounded by teammates he still dies 9/10 times.

Isn,t that a problem with the ele? I’m pretty sure lots of things can kill a glassy ele.

No one seems to view it this way, ever, for anything.

It’s not his fault or problem that he went all squishy and got destoryed by a thief with low odds of coming out alive (because he was running a squishy build).
Instead it’s the thief’s fault for being OP (STEALTH!!!!!!!!!) and giving the low odds of survival to the ele.

GG forums. (my last post in this thread.)

Thief Nerf/Change Wish List. Advice List
Join the TEEFs!

(edited by Zero Day.2594)

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Morderger.6298


Just leaving this here…

Yes I had a really fun and squishy build but seriously!? Why is the system allowing me to get one-shot into oblivion!? Whatever build one uses this shouldn’t happen..

Lowest base armor, lowest base health, running a “really fun and squishy build” (full zerker?). One shotted…

Shoo damage dealer, shooo

IF you have nothing decent to contribute to the thread except to insult other forum posters because they want to nerf the class you play, then don’t post. thief will eventually get a nerf and when it does all of the thieves that do play this game will either adapt, reroll, or quit. contributing nothing constructive in threads designed to bring problems with the class as a whole to attention to the devs (though unlikely they will pay attention as it isn’t about elementalists) is just proving that you are infact what you have been called, a toxic element within this games community.

I’m sorry… He’s playing some sort of a squishy build on an already squishy class and then wonders why he’s being one shotted by another squishy/glass cannon build (more than likely)… And he insists that he shouldn’t be one shotted. You can’t have your cake and eat it too.
I’m insulting him because of this, not because of the class I play… if you truly think its because of that, well… congrats, i don’t know what to say.

So… Shoo damage dealer, shooo

Point is that the matchup is horribly lopsided. It would be okay if the ele maybe had a 1/4 chance of winning vs thief but even if he spots him first and is surrounded by teammates he still dies 9/10 times.

Isn,t that a problem with the ele? I’m pretty sure lots of things can kill a glassy ele.

No one seems to view it this way, ever, for anything.

It’s not his fault or problem that he went all squishy and got destoryed by a thief with low odds of coming out alive (because he was running a squishy build).
Instead it’s the thief’s fault for being OP (STEALTH!!!!!!!!!) and giving the low odds of survival to the ele.

GG forums. (my last post in this thread.)

Except the thief presses 3? buttons to do his burst. Assuming you needed to get into stealth then steal, and back stab for 14k? While the ele has to press his whole keyboard plus 2 utility skills to “one shot” someone. and guess what…. if there is some random dodge between that time, the ele loses that one shot while also not being able to do it for 30ish seconds for cooldown recharge, while the thief can keep spamming back stab until it lands for somewhere between 6-14k damage.

I personally am fine with thief damage. I only ask for mobility nerf, they have too many teleports and also a PW nerf. It does way to much for 1 skill. It is so sad people still fight to prove the thief isn’t compeletly op compared to other zerker builds, knocking them out of the meta.

GG Anet

Morderger – Elementalist / Zarnik – Warrior /Zerlurd – Ranger/ Slurd -Necro

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: phaeris.7604


I agree on mobility, unless you blow fgs, it;s impossible to escape a thief on an ele, and the damage is just a constant stream. An ele just doesnt have any defences to speak of, yet the lowest hp/armour in the game.

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

A point I’d like to add here is that Guardians have been displacing all other bunkers since launch too.

But we’ve gotten so used to it that everyone has stopped complaining.

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: dylan.5409


@Dee Jay

True, but then, who wants to play bunker lol.
Eh, the only good generalist is the warrior, only good roamer is the thief, only good bunker is guardian. All others have niche roles/comps in which they can do ok.
Part of the problem is the 6 mth wait for balance changes = Stale meta/static roles

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Black Teagan.9215

Black Teagan.9215

I love this/these “Thief is OP” thread(s), always if the thief can something better than other classes, he is OP in this particular field.

At first (single-)dmg, then initiative (=CD’s), then stealth, then dodges and now mobility and shadowsteps.
What is your plan? Do you want to nerf everything on this class, until it has the lowest/weakest thing of all?

What comes next!? Poison spreading? Steal? Armor? To pick in one’s nose?

You want nerf dodges and stealth? Fine do it, but then remove also every deffskill of the other classes.

If you don’t like it, that the thief is faster than your class, than learn to accept that every class has his own special advantages and dont cry that the thief is faster, while your class can another things better.
And when you know that you cant run away, then dont do it and fight and try to survive, instead of let them kill you easily.
(Btw: Dont write that thieves are runner and reset every fight, if they cant win, if you try always the same.)

Don’t get me wrong, I can and would like it, if we can discuss about problems in this game and how the can get fixed for a fairer game, but I see almost entirely QQ Threads about thieves, about everything, without any suggestions.
And this mainly, because your weak class is weaker then another weak class.

Maybe you should first learn this class and scrutinize it, before you try to tell us or ANet we are OP.
But yes, the thiefclass have many problems, but they will never be fixed, if you just cry for nerfs and send this class into the hell, without to understand why we are, how we are.

PS: Everybody cry about the dmg of thieves and that they can destroy every squishy deffless(!) fullzerkerbuild, but I have never seen any threads about the classes, who can deff herself, a lifetime, against groups, while they kill one after another.

Caleb Ferendir
-Charr Thief-
It’s good to be bad!

(edited by Black Teagan.9215)

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sanduskel.1850


that’s because they can see and avoid other classes, lol

thieves have very good defense if specced properly. the issue is that I can go full beserker and never pay the price, unlike other classes. play a full beserker on any other class and try to escape every single fight. If you are dying as a thief, you need to l2p, sorry.

Anet refuses to balance our class. Other games will force their hand.

OP’d thief, lol

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Cero.5132


If I had to directly compare thief with other glassy high damage roamer builds 1o1…
I´d say the main reasons that thief comes out on top is the class´s ability to burst with no big tell and by its elusive nature it´s hard to setup a burst on a thief.

Just like mesmer thief is practically build for berserker builds with its many in-build mitigation skills. With their elusiveness they´re pros at staying alive by repositoning and evading. The problem is that those strengths are most other berserker build´s weaknesses because
dem builds need a good setup to land their burst, which the thief can easily negate by porting or simply pressing 3 or 5(yes, simplifying and talking s/p here :P).
And when the thief charges to attack? Other builds can reckon of a combo with a port and s/p 3. And that´s for most players really kitten hard to evade.
And don´t forget the awesome damage!

As a matter of fact most other berserker builds simply fall prey to that combination (elusiveness, little to no setup, high damage). It doesn´t matter that other builds have far more damage or can even kill the hated decap engi in record time. Fact is they can’t prevail as soon as a thief is in play.

I´d also like to talk about how to bring thief in line so other awesome damage builds have a chance to shine, but I honestly have no idea how to accomplish that

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: caveman.5840


y is it a surprise that other classes zerk builds do not hold up against a zerk thief.

the thief is meant to have the highest dps . they will win

u don’t build full zerk when u play other classes .
unless u r willing to take the chance of running in to a zerk thief .

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: The V.8759

The V.8759

First I’dd like to kitten this: They are also a true plague in WvW.

But why are they exactly in these large numbers? Let me explain.

Low skill level required.
The thief is a class which is really easy to play. Most builds can be found on the internet. You set these builds, and go for it. Nothing hard about it. Just make sure to go into stealth when you are out of spammable buttons.
Being a low-skill-class people like to play thief in WvW just because they actually feel powerful and good then.

Are thiefs really “OP”?
My answer is definetly no. I’dd prefer to call it extremely unbalanced. For me it is okay that thiefs can do very very high bursting (mainly with backstab), and seek my heart. Again the problem here is that it is way too easy to play it.
Next to to that it is unbalanced because it is concidered to be a very minor class in PvE (Because of lack of actual Teamplay skills), and to be effective in PvP/WvW there are just several specs available. Going into conditions is wayyyy less effective than the even easier to play p/d hack ’n slash build.

One of the Firstborn Channel of Fvux

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: caveman.5840


pu mesmer is the essence of easy to play .
just let your clones do the work .

war is easy now. u just smash buttons and smash face . while watching your hp regen

i don’t think thief is the easiest class to play . but the number of top notch builds on the internet make it easy to get started playing.

(edited by caveman.5840)

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Rezzet.3614


the key issues are:

Extremely easy Constant stealth access and blind on a pure dps build

Massive damage and No cooldowns whatsoever because of initiative system

skills on all other classes that have 1.2+ Power scaling usually have 20s+ cooldowns (except for 100b) but hey thieves use initiative so spam kill shots per second

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Arlette.9684


Quite honestly, I’ve never had much problem with thieves on any of my toons (Guardian, Ranger, Mezz). Usually if I lose to a thief it’s because I don’t have Guard Leech, Applied Fortitude buffs and they do. At that point I just tell myself (he played longer, has more wvw ranks so he has those and I don’t, I’ll play some more and get the above mentioned buffs and go wreck face). I find that Thieves are easiest for me with my DPS Medi Guardian.

If there’s one thing that I’m unhappy with is the whole stealth mechanic which is just a case of bad design by our buddies JP & Co. Or more like the combination of Stealth spams and endless evades that blows things out of proportion a bit. One of the two needs to go, but they need to introduce something else instead.

I’d like to just point out the obvious WoW reference where Thief can re-stealth only if they drop combat or pop Vanish (on a fairly long cooldown). And even with those serious limitations, stealth is still extremely powerful. Now why is it that ANet fails to realize it if Blizzard figured it out back in 2004? It’s like we’re trying to rediscover fire here.

my 2 cents.

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: caveman.5840


lol i think the D/P stealth combo is clunky and slow to stealth .
useful for on demand stealth in a tight situation

and u need to keep in mind stealth is the only way for a thief to remove conditions .
so they r kinda forced to use stealth as much as possible.

damage is tied to initiative so if they spam they rapidly lose damage and make them self defenseless.

a thief with 0 stealth. lol that is a dead thief.
they can not stand to fight toe to toe for long .

D/P stealth combo can be easy to counter if u use pulls pushes stuns daze to stop them from using there black powder combo before they stealth up.
specially if u time it when they have shadow refuge on cool down and they r a lil low on initiative

a thief is running for there life when they r doing the D/P stealth combo .
break that combo and the thief will break

(edited by caveman.5840)

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Ezeriel.9574


Seven or eight months ago I took a break for GW2. It was easy to do, there are other games out there, and I was tired of playing a game where the answer to the question, “who can kill a thief?” was “another thief”

…and all this time later, the answer is the same.

Is everyone ok with this? Is it acceptable that one thief can kill four or five people without any risk of dying? If anything goes bad they just stealth, run away, come back and kill anyone who’s left standing…

…and don’t tell me there’s no such thing as permanent stealth. They attack walls.. whatever… just poof gone. I’ve fought mesmers that do this too. Poof, gone, and minutes later they’re right back where you saw them last.

Are they hacking? great… then there’s that too….

How has this game held on so long? Why are people still playing it?

It it just ‘cause it’s free? ‘cause that’s about the only reason I’m here.

The only way to play the engineer is to exploit it.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Turamarth.3248


I would say that engineers are the easiest class to kill a thief with.
Depending on player skill every class can beat a thief.

Brandar – Kodash [DE]

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Tim.6450


I guess I have accepted that against a good thief I have little chance of killing him since they can always reset the fight but I don’t care. If I come to did to wvwvw then my intention is not killing players, I came there to capture objectives and score some war points. So if a thief escapes then I think that I have won.


[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Hayashi.3416


Phantasm sword-mesmers can kill thieves. Phantasms target-lock, and the swordsmen jump away after each hit so the stealth AoE blind is useless.

Every time they destealth they take an instant 8000-14000 damage without the mesmer actually doing anything else. Stealth also does not break the phantasm interrupt-cast.

The one-hit wonder elementalist build can kill anything if you don’t avoid its attack. It’s pretty much a guaranteed 24,000+ damage on zerk thieves. Elementalists with any survivability stat however, have no chance. But those die to everything else in a 1v1 of equal skill anyway so it’s more an issue of Elementalists being weak in 1v1 pvp content.

Condition rangers can kill thieves; the backstab does negligible damage against full Dire. Power rangers are just asking to die. To pretty much anything.

Necros can Fear thieves out of stealth and condition-blast it to death before its Revealed status can fade.

Bomb engineers kill them very easily because approaching a bomb engineer to melee it is asking for death in 3 seconds.

Warriors can kill thieves if they spot them first, and then use Kill Shot for a guaranteed one shot kill if the thief doesn’t evade. If the Kill Shot fails, the warrior dies unless the thief is really, really bad.

Of course, thieves can kill other thieves.

In short: Only guardians can’t. There are guardians the thieves can’t kill but those can’t kill the thieves either; it’s a permanent stalemate.

The thing about thieves is not that they’re necessarily that strong in 1v1, but that using stealth they can force a 1v1 even when outnumbered all the time. Against players who don’t know how to counter stealth, it’s a death sentence. If a group has 4 warriors then without a doubt all 4 will die one by one unless the thief fails.

There are hackers of course. And yes, you can’t kill them, of course. That has nothing to do with the class though…

(edited by Hayashi.3416)

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Lalangamena.3694


well power necros kill thieves. unless thieves run away. ( necro will never catch a running thief though)
there is no way power necro will lose to a thief 1 on 1 on equal skill.
invisibility is not invulnerability and torment stacks tick in stealth.

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Fanta.8049


1 year ago i reroll my ele as a thief counter …
And now im thief breakfast .
Actually i still have some chance to kill a thief as a solo roam situation .Strike frist .burst hard ,they gonna steath/tele and strike back ,try to pop A.shield right on time ,burst hard again.
Dueling clearly no chance.

(edited by Fanta.8049)

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Hayashi.3416


If I had a gold for everyone I see in WvW who stops attacking the moment a thief goes into stealth…

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: SoulSin.5682


In short: Only guardians can’t. There are guardians the thieves can’t kill but those can’t kill the thieves either; it’s a permanent stalemate.

As a Guardian and Thief main, I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
Thiefs are free kills, since 90% of the time they are using berserkers and are squish enough to be killed in full bunkers.

In fact, being killing thiefs with Guardian since before revelead was added.

If I had a gold for everyone I see in WvW who stops attacking the moment a thief goes into stealth…

Oh lord, I can’t +1 that enough.

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Kraljevo.2801


In short: Only guardians can’t. There are guardians the thieves can’t kill but those can’t kill the thieves either; it’s a permanent stalemate.

I lol’d right there. What did you smoke?

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

I don’t even bother fighting thieves anymore. Most of them run some cheesy troll build and all they really do is make you waste your time. The same goes for PU mesmers. Some days I’ll even go as far as a /sleep (and die) and even Alt F4 cause it is faster to just reload the game than to fight one of these kittenes. I don’t believe these builds deserve to get good encounters and I will not give them the honor of a decent fight.

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: awge.3852


I can and I intentionally go solo in WvW just to lure them out. With the benefits a conditions-signet ranger gets, it’s a fair fight no matter what type of thief you find, with the skill I’ve obtained I can almost always beat the ones I find. The only problem I have (and I am sure I am not alone here) is when the thief comes into the fight with 25 stacks of bloodlust, full guard stacks on them, food and oils… and good little me jumping into the fight not having any of that… that’s damage that is hard to mitigate by all means, especially if you’re getting critted+critical damage by the enemy. So while they will have an easier time trying to get me down and staying alive, I just have to work harder for it.

Mon Fils — Favorable Winds [Wind] — Blackgate
Ranger’s guide to PvP/WvW: http://tinyurl.com/oht3e9z

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


I play engi, necro, war, and thief. You don’t need a thief to beat a thief, you need experience with a thief (or against one) to beat a thief. It’s just like engineer, they used to give me such a pita in pvp and after playing one (not thoroughly but enough to understand) I am finding means to deal with them.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Bombsaway.7198


I play all the medium armor classes. Thieves hate fighting engineers because it is so unforgiving if you make a mistake or miss a backstab. The engineer, played well, can get into stealth himself and really throw off your timing. Plus the AE could care less about your blinds. And thieves hate to get immobilized.

The ranger can do well against a thief. . . depending on the build of the ranger, where the engineer generally will have the tools to beat a thief.

The hardest issue is, of course, actually killing a thief 1 v 1 who wants to get away. But that makes sense for a class designed to scout.

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Volrath.1473


Any competent player can take a thief down. if 4 ppl couldn’t take down a single thief, that tells alot about the “competence” of those 4 players….

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Mad Pig.2890

Mad Pig.2890

Ranger can’t kill a thief. Ever.
That skill that disrupts stealth? Doesn’t work. No point having it.

It’s easy with a Mesmer or Necro however. That low health pool melts like butter under a condi Necro.

You think your life is hard? You don’t even main a Ranger.

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Ranger can’t kill a thief. Ever.
That skill that disrupts stealth? Doesn’t work. No point having it.

It’s easy with a Mesmer or Necro however. That low health pool melts like butter under a condi Necro.

Good rangers can.

http://strawpoll.me/3648686/r Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: babazhook.6805


Personally it my opinion a the thief really shines in smaller group fights such as such as five on fives. They have more players to stealth off and they can pick and chose the target as the others distracted from fighting those still visible. Someone just healed ? Someone just dodged a warriors attack? That is who that thief can focus on.

If it a 1 v 1 and you know the thief there it easier to focus on the thief and know when the BS will happen.

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Mad Pig.2890

Mad Pig.2890

Ranger can’t kill a thief. Ever.
That skill that disrupts stealth? Doesn’t work. No point having it.

It’s easy with a Mesmer or Necro however. That low health pool melts like butter under a condi Necro.

Good rangers can.

Good rangers can not kill a good thief.

You think your life is hard? You don’t even main a Ranger.

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Coarr.3286


Power rangers are just asking to die. To pretty much anything.

i can handle everything with my power ranger spec if we are equally skilled as players. thief is one of the easier enemies. full bersi warrior the hardest coz i cannot maintain the distance i need.

[care] Coarr Ix – Ranger
Stomp some Piken!

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

What thief?

i mean .. a second ago i was alive , now i’m downed blinded and have no clue what killed me! wait let me cast something randomly without a target .. there.. random field at a random place.. that ’ll teach em.. XD

54 infractions and counting because a moderator doesn’t understand a joke when he/she sees it.

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Cufufalating.8479


On my trap ranger I have no trouble with any sort of dagger thief. Sword thieves can be more challenging, but even then I expect to win unless they are very very good. Dont need to interupt stealth because sooner or later they will have to approach me, and traps give you plenty defence and warning to a thief coming at you.

Cufufalating – Ranger / Part-Time Mesmer
Gunnar’s Hold

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: urdriel.8496


Ranger can’t kill a thief. Ever.
That skill that disrupts stealth? Doesn’t work. No point having it.

It’s easy with a Mesmer or Necro however. That low health pool melts like butter under a condi Necro.

Good rangers can.

Good rangers can not kill a good thief.


[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: BlackBeard.2873


Guardians and condi engies eat thieves for breakfast.

My ele can’t wait until “Stone heart” is a thing, and will likewise enjoy the snack.

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: SoulSin.5682


My ele can’t wait until “Stone heart” is a thing, and will likewise enjoy the snack.

I shuddered when I saw that.
That was the smartest counter to backstab ArenaNet ever added in the game.

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: MercilessLemurs.7459


Thieves are consistently kill able on all classes (maybe not ranger unless condi). You just need to know how to fight one. As people have said, use your cleave and aoe when they stealth. If you die to a thief, it’s usually because of your own incompetence .